Um hey again!

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I... Don't have a good reason why I was gone for two weeks 😅

Lemme list off a series of events that made up my life for that time

1. I started playing Persona 3! Assuming you've played Three Houses, if you also play P3 you'll hear a very familiar voice playing a pretty similar character (If you know who I'm talking about 🤫 don't spoil it for those who haven't played). Oh yeah I beat the game too

2. I started playing Persona 4! I got two of the endings and lemme tell you, if you think about it, the twist is pretty obvious. I beat Persona 4 two days ago. Maybe look out for a Persona 3/4 book and 5 if I ever get around to buying it? 

3. I moved rooms! I cleaned my old room, got rid of a lot of clothes and books, and was able to move my stuff from my old room into my recording studio/office. Willow, my guinea pig who I am allergic to, is having a grand old time with the new scenery. 

4. I started taking a college level Oceanography course through Coursera and the University of Barcelona. I passed my first exam last night with flying colors! 

5. I got very, very sick. I... may or may not have stayed up for 31 hours straight (Don't do that) and my throat is sore, it hurts to breathe, I'm constantly coughing, my nose is running, and my lungs, ribs, and shoulder hurt. I can't talk or sing very well which has made me very frustrated with myself. 

But that's it! I can't promise new chapters every day, more so whenever I get around to it. There may be a new chapter out today but I'm not exactly sure yet. 

Alright that's it! Go take care of yourselves! 

And comment bait if you've read it thus far: 

-What Fire Emblem class would you want to master? 

For me, probably Faith/Reason/Dark Magic! 


Interviewing Garreg Mach (Fire Emblem: Three Houses one shots)Where stories live. Discover now