𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆

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"The forest of Pandora hold many dangers, but the most dangerous thing about Pandora, is that you may grow to love her too much"

Neytiri sang the song chords as she felt the beads on her fingertips.

"We sang the song chords to remember. Each bead, a story in our life"

Jake held up his newborn son, Neteyam in the air, as Neytiri's eyes watered with happiness.

"A bead for the birth of our son"

"Neteyam!" Jake announced, holding the small boy in his arms to show their people.

"Neteyam!" The people retorted, holding onto one another.

"A bead when we adopted our daughter, Kiri, born of Grace's avatar, a daughter who's conception is a total mystery"

Jake and Neytiri sat eating their food, each with one of their babies in their arms. Jake placed his hand on Kiri's, causing her to latch onto his large finger with her chubby fingers as a smile appeared on his face.

"A bead for the first communion with Eywa. The people say, we live in Eywa and Eywa lives in us"

"The great Mother holds all her children in her heart"

Jake swung Neteyam in the air, as if like an aeroplane as Kiri, Lo'ak and Lei'lani followed after them, trying to attack their Fathers tail.

"Happiness is simple, but who would've thought a jarhead like me could crack the code?"

Neytiri ran around, imitating a bird as she flapped her arms in the air. Kiri and Neteyam chased after their mother as Lo'ak and Lei'lani sat in their Father's arms.

Jake was playing in the lake with his kids. He roared playfully as his arm splashed water everywhere. The children screaming excitedly as Neytiri picked up Lo'ak and Lei'lani into her arms.


"When I met your Father.." Neytiri began holding their newest daughter, Tuk in her arms. Lo'ak and Lei'lani sat on their Father's chest, Kiri sat across both her parents laps and Neteyam leaned on his Father's shoulders.

"..I tried to kill him" Neytiri admitted, causing her children to laugh. "It was love at first sight" Jake joked back in return.

"Before I knew it, we had five"


"When we sent the sky people back to Earth, a few of them stayed. Science guys loyal to the Na'vi, and then there was Spider. He was just stuck here, too young for a cryocapsule. Orphaned by the war, he was raised by the lab guys. He wasn't part of our family. He was like a stray cat, just always around. Inseparable from our kids, besides Lei'lani that was"

Spider growled in a playful way as he grabbed Lo'ak's tail.

"To Neytiri he would always be an alien, one of them, which Lei'lani caught onto"

"He belongs with his own kind" Neytiri told Jake, hugging her daughter, Lei'lani in her arms who tried her best to avoid the human boy.


"It's mine! I had it first!" Lo'ak shouted as he tried to snatch a toy off Lei'lani. Neteyam sat with a bow as Jake was supposed to be supervising, Kiri was in his arms as he watched over at the twins arguing.

"Why do I have to give it to you?" Lei'lani snapped, trying to yank the toy out of her brothers hands.

"Took a few years to get the language through my thick skull"

"It's mine!" Lo'ak shouted again, continuing his fight for the toy.

"Lo'ak, you liar, give it to me!" Lei'lani shouted, trying to kick her brothers legs in attempt he would loose balance and drop the toy in her hands.

"But now when I hear it, might as well be English"

"I hate you!" Little Lo'ak snapped at his twin, obviously not meaning it.

"Well I hate you times Infinity Lo'ak, Penis face!" Lei'lani retorted back, causing Jake to have to stop himself from laughing at his daughter's insult and get involved.

Lo'ak screamed at his sisters insult but it was more of a squeal, as Jake looked at the pair harshly. "Hey, hey. That's enough" Jake started as both children looked at their Father. "Don't make me come over there" He warned, turning his attention back to Neteyam.


Neteyam was stood against some bamboo as the other Sully children surrounded them curiously. "How tall is he?" Lo'ak asked, intrigued in his Father measuring his older brother.

"He's that tall" Jake replied, marking the bamboo with his knife. "Woah, you're so tall Nety!" Lei'lani gasped, comparing her height to her older brother's.

"Goes by too fast, like a dream"


"Kiri" Neytiri said, as more of a demand as she pulled Kiri by the arm into the camera frame.

Lei'lani also put up a fight about being in the photograph, but both Neteyam and Lo'ak pulled her beside them.

"Smile, skxawng" Neteyam said, just before the camera clicked.

"Happiness is simple. Like date night, time away from the kids"

Jake and Neytiri flew through the air on their Ikran's, laughing at one another playfully. "Woohoo!" Jake cheered.

Neytiri and Jake sat looking at the sky, her head on her husbands shoulder as she closed her eyes.

"But the thing about happiness. It can vanish in a heartbeat"

Jake sat up, causing Neytiri to wake up after just barely drifting off to sleep. He looked up at the sky, noticing the star.

"A new star in the night. That could only mean one thing, ships decelerating. Sky people returning"

Neytiri sobbed in Jakes arms as the trees from her home were lit on fire, once again.

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