𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚

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All of Lei'lani's family, beside's for Tuk of course, knew about what her and Ao'nung had done.

Jake tried his hardest to not get mad at his daughter whereas Neytiri didn't take the news well at all.

Kiri didn't like what her sister had done but was a fair lot more understanding than the rest of her family.

She had been grounded for the whole week and hadn't seen Ao'nung once, yet she couldn't get him off her mind.

"Hey" Lo'ak said quietly as he sat down beside her.

The twins had barely spoken since Lei'lani told Lo'ak. She hated how mad he had gotten and how he told her parents, but she also understood why he did it.

"I'm sorry, Lei'lani" He told her and put his arms out to offer her a hug.

Lei'lani's sighed before wrapping her arms around her brother. "I miss Neteyam" She admitted with a small sob.

"I know Lei, but we're all gonna get through this" Lo'ak comforted her, trying his hardest to also stay strong.


Ao'nung was also finally ungrounded, his parents however were still beyond mad at him.

He just wanted Lei'lani, he wanted it feel her comfort again but his parents had forbid him from seeing her.

Ao'nung left his hut and noticed Jake and Neytiri were riding an Ilu, Kiri and Tuk were going down to the Spirit tree, most likely for Neteyam.

He couldn't see Lei'lani anywhere, which meant she must have been at hut so that's exactly where he went.

"Lei'lani?" He said as he looked around before noticing she was hugging her brother, Lo'ak.

"I told you to stay away from her" Lo'ak said harshly, not even needing to turn around to see who was looking for his sister.

Lei'lani quickly sat up and turned around, "It's alright, Lo'ak" She insisted.

"I cant stay away from her" Ao'nung admitted as he looked down at her.

"I love her" He said quietly as her mouth opened slightly in shock.

Lo'ak sighed and glanced over to Lei'lani, who was completely speechless.

Jake and Neytiri walked into the hut and quickly broke the silence.

"What does he want?" Neytiri hissed as she looked over at Ao'nung and Lei'lani who was still sat down, still completely in shock.

"He was just leaving" Lo'ak answered for him as Ao'nung took the hint and sighed before leaving the hut.

Jake and Neytiri sat down in front of the twins, who looked at each other after sensing something was up.

"Quaritch isn't dead" Jake admitted, getting straight to the point.

"We over heard Spider talking to himself, he saved him" Neytiri added, looking up at Jake full of worry.

Lo'ak sighed shakily as Lei'lani had only one thing on her mind, Spider saved her brother's killer.

She quickly stood up and rushed out, Lo'ak followed behind her.

"Lei'lani, wait up!" He shouted as he tried to catch up to her.

She quickly stopped and turned around her face her brother. "He is the reason Neteyam is dead, we went back to save him and it cost Neteyam his life then he goes and saves the man who is the cause for all of this?"

Lo'ak furrowed his anger, feeling nothing but hate for Spider right now and followed his sister.


They soon found Spider sat at the beach with Kiri and Tuk, Lei'lani stormed over to him and he quickly stood up.

"Hey Lei'lani, what's up?" He asked, completely clueless of Jake and Neytiri hearing him.

Lei'lani let out a sarcastic chuckle before punching his face. "You, you are the reason Neteyam is dead!" She shouted as he fell to the ground.

Tsireya, Ao'nung and Rotxo rushed over as they heard Tuk crying and Kiri begging her to stop hurting Spider, since she had no idea what had happened yet.

"You fucking traitor, you saved Quaritch!" Lei'lani added as her fist hit his face again as Spider desperately tried to fight back with no hope.

Spider yanked at Lei'lani's tail in attempt to defend himself and Lo'ak hissed at him from the side.

As much as Lo'ak desperately wanted to get involved, two vs one wouldn't ever be fair, especially against a human.

Lei'lani hissed at him as she turned around due to feeling him tugging at her tail, which gave Spider the opportunity to throw a punch to her face.

Kiri looked around desperately and held onto Tuk, as if she was waiting for somebody.

Ao'nung stood beside Tsireya as he tried to hold himself back from jumping in the fight to help Lei'lani, but he had the same idea as Lo'ak.

Lei'lani turned around from the punch she received and hissed again before throwing another punch to his chest, causing him to groan and gasp desperately for breath.

"You traitor!" She shouted again and moved her hand to his mask, ready to pull it off as he shook his head desperately.

"Don't!" Kiri shouted as she desperately looked around again as Tuk cried into her shoulder in fear, she had never seen Lei'lani this upset.

"Lei'lani, stop it" A voice shouted over and Lei'lani froze in her place before shakily turning around.


She let out a gasp before running over to her eldest brother and wrapping her arms around him.

Lo'ak furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, assuming he was imagining things until he looked over to Kiri.

Neteyam let out a small chuckle as he wrapped his arms around his little sister. Lei'lani cried at the sight of him, she had no idea how he was alive but right now that didn't matter.

Neteyam gently kissed the side of her head, "Lei, it's alright. I'm alright" He reassured her as she continued to sob into his shoulder.

Ao'nung looked at Rotxo completely confused as Lo'ak walked over to his brother and sister.

Neteyam put hit free arm out for Lo'ak who now had small tears rolling down his face as he hugged his eldest brother.

Spider stood up and dusted any sand off of himself, full of hatred for Lei'lani but glad to be alive.

Kiri had no words for him, not if what Lei'lani was accusing him off was true.

She turned away from him harshly and walked over to Neteyam who just about managed to reach his arm over Kiri and Tuk.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" He asked with a small chuckle as his siblings gave him some space.

"In the hut, come on!" Tuk squealed excitedly as she took her eldest brother's hand and dragged him to their hut.


"Ma!" Lei'lani shouted as both Jake and Neytiri turned around.

Neytiri gasped in shock and almost lost her balance. "Oh my Eywa" She mumbled before running over to her eldest Son.

Jake looked at his eldest Son hugging his wife before looking at his other children. "But, how?" He questioned walking over to him and hugging him tightly.

"I connected to Eywa. She agreed to bring his body back to me and I healed him" Kiri admitted as her other siblings now also turned to her.

One thing they were now sure of, Kiri's connection with Eywa was extremely strong.


A/N: I'd be so grateful if you followed my tiktok! it's, @ wattpad..writez

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