𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒙

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Tsireya lead the Sully's to where they would be staying, it was above water and their use of 'floor' was bouncy and seemed unstable.

It wasn't anything like their home, there wasn't even any dirt. Both Kiri and Lei'lani already had a burning hatred for the place.

"Tuk, let's go" Neytiri said, as Tuk got distracted by what they later found out was called an Ilu.

"Just up here" Tsireya stated before entering their new home. "This is for you, your new home"

"Yeah, this will work" Jake said, walking inside. Neytiri walked in, dropping her belongings on the floor in shock.

"This is great" Jake reassured. "It's nice right?" He asked as Neytiri let out a long sigh.


"Okay Sully's, fall in" Jake said as Neteyam dragged Lo'ak and Lei'lani into their new home. "Remember? Family meeting" He told the twins and dragged them down onto the floor, either one of the besides him.

"Kiri" Neytiri said as a demand, dragging Kiri to sit besides her. "What?" Kiri scoffed.

"Okay. I need you kids on your best behaviour" Jake begun, as his five children surrounded him. "I mean it" He added, now looking at the twins who rolled their eyes.

"Learn fast, pull your weight. Don't cause trouble, got it?"

Lei'lani nodded. "Yes, sir" Lo'ak replied as Neteyam hit the back of Lo'ak's neck in a playful manner.

"I want to go home" Tuk cried, sniffling as she wiped her tears into her small hands.

"Oh, Tuk.." Neytiri said, feeling awful for her daughters homesick.

"Tuk, this is our home now" Jake said calmly, holding Tuk's hand. "We're gonna get through this. We're gonna get through this is we have each other's backs, right?" Jake said, reassuring all of his family, including Neytiri.

"What does your Father always say?" Neytiri butted in, looking at her children.

"Sully's stick together" The five of them mumbled.

"That's right, Sully's stick together. This time with some feeling" Jake said, as Kiri rolled her eyes.

"Sully's stick together" They repeated, this time louder and with a little more life.


Neteyam and Kiri jumped into the sea, cheering as the jumped in. Lei'lani was hesitant to trust Tonowari's children, she had just met them.

Lo'ak groaned at his sister who was stood on the edge, not wanting to jump. He let out a snicker before pushing Lei'lani into the sea and jumping in after her.

Lei'lani swam up to get some air and pushed Lo'ak when she saw him. "You skxawng!" She shouted, splashing the water on him.

Lo'ak laughed at her and splashed the water back, rolling his eyes at his sister. "Well you were acting like a wuss!,"

Tuk jumped into the sea and the twins went back under, where Neteyam and Kiri were. Lei'lani admired the fish swimming around her and the overall prettiness of the small plants in the water, maybe staying here wouldn't be so bad after all?

Tsireya looked back at the Sully's with a smile as she saw their curiosity for their creatures.

Neteyam, Lo'ak, Lei'lani and Tuk quickly swam back up, gasping for air as their faces were out of the salty water.

They put their heads back into the water and looked down at Tsireya, her brother and Rotxo. Tsireya began signing something with her fingers, which none of them could understand.

Lo'ak shrugged at her, telling her that they couldn't understand her finger talk.

Lei'lani took a deep breath before going back under and following her brothers, but they soon had to go back up again to breathe.

"What's wrong with them?" Ao'nung asked his friend, communicating with his fingers.

"They're bad divers" Rotxo replied, looking at Ao'nung.

"Stop. They're learning" Tsireya insisted, rolling her eyes at her brother and his friend's immatureness.

The three swam up to where the Sully's were gasping for air desperately.

"Are you alright?" Tsireya asked, her head coming out from underneath the water.

"You're too fast, wait for us!" Tuk whined at them.

"Just breathe" Tsireya stated, which was much easier said than done.

"You are not good divers. You may be good at swinging through trees but-," Ao'nung laughed as Tsireya hit him around the head, as if telling him to shut up.

"Come on bro, we don't speak this finger talk" Lo'ak said, tapping his fingers around. "We don't know what you're saying"

"I will teach you" Tsireya reassured them.

"Where is Kiri?" Rotxo asked, not wanting his best friend to get into trouble for if she had gotten lost on the first day.

"Did you see her?" Tsireya asked as the Sully's turned their heads in worry.

Kiri was swimming in the sea, she had been under there for ages. She was visibly a lot better at all this than her siblings were, she was like a natural.


Ao'nung called for the Ilu before turning around to face the Sully's. Tuk was in Neteyam's arms as Lei'lani stood close to Lo'ak, secretly loosing herself in Ao'nung's eyes, he seemed like a skxawng but there was no denying he was gorgeous.

"These are Ilu. If you want to live here, you have to ride" Ao'nung informed them as the ilu's swam around him.

Lei'lani sat on an Ilu, taking her queue in her hands. "Make the bond gently" Ao'nung told insisted, holding onto her Ilu.

"Feel his breath, his strength" Ao'nung said as Lei'lani bonded with the Ilu.

"Hold here" He insisted, as Rotxo laughed with no hope for Lei'lani. Ao'nung had none either, he was preparing himself to laugh at her.

Lei'lani's nodded as she held on tightly to where Ao'nung had told her to.

The Ilu quickly swam under the water and Lei'lani would be lying if she said she wasn't close to falling off, but she somehow managed to stay on, keeping her grip tight unlike her brother, Lo'ak, who she could see falling off his Ilu in the corner of her eye.

Ao'nung rose his eyebrows in shock as Lei'lani rode the Ilu back to them. Then quickly laughed with his friends at Lo'ak. Tsireya also laughed, trying to hide it behind her hand.

"Everything alright, forest boy?" Ao'nung taunted as Lei'lani scoffed debating wether or not she should say anything, she chose to keep her mouth shut, for she knew there would be better times to get into trouble for arguing with the skxawang.

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