𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆

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"MaJake, what is happening?" Neytiri asked as she flew above the people on her Ikran.

"You hit him now they'll attack. Wait till he's on board" The children heard Quaritch say to one of his men who was aiming his gun at Jake.

Lo'ak groaned loudly as he heard Quaritch's words. All of them felt hopeless, they were tied up and their Father was now going to die because of them.

All of a sudden, Payakan jumped above the ship, causing water to be thrown everywhere. "Payakan!" Tuk exclaimed as she looked above her head.

Payakan landed on the ship, squashing multiple people to death. Armed men began shooting Payakan as he managed to pushed a few away from him with his fin.

"Brother!" Lo'ak shouted in fear as he watched people fire their bullets at Payakan.

A fight broke out on the ship with Payakan being the main cause. The villagers and Jake couldn't hang back any longer and quickly all charged towards the ship.

Payakan quickly dived back into the water as villagers cheered. "Open fire! Open fire!" A man shouted now turning his attention to the villagers, who simply dived underwater as the shots were fired at them.

Neytiri shot one of the men who was trying to shoot the villagers down with her arrow before going back up into the sky and out of eyesight to avoid being shot.

Tonowari charged at one of the men, his weapon going straight through his human body.

Jake shot his gun multiple times, killing multiple different men. The villagers threw their arrows at anybody in their way.

Jake quickly dived left as a ship began aiming for him, which he managed to shoot the glass of, blinding its driver which caused him to crash into a rock and his ship going up into flames.

Neytiri gasped as she went from left to right, trying to dodge Quaritch's bullets. Jake soon came over and distracted him, giving Neytiri enough time to get away.

Jake's gun ran out of bullets as Quaritch was on his case, he quickly dived back underwater to get to safety.


Kiri, Ao'nung and Rotxo had been spotted and now we're being followed by a ship. Kiri connected her queue to a plant, giving her full control over it.

When the ship came near, Kiri trapped it in the plants squid like body and forced it to crash against a rock.

The men managed to escape, but Kiri trapped them in the plants tentacles too, which suffocated them both to their death.

Ao'nung and Rotxo shared the same look of amazement and confusion as they witnessed Kiri's abilities.


Spider saw what was happening from outside of the ship and he couldn't just sit back and watch for much longer.

He scanned the room for anything that he could attack the men with, his eyes quickly landed on the heavy fire extinguisher.

He rushed over to it and grabbed it, whacking the first man over the head and then some of the controls. Multiple men grabbed ahold of him as he tried to fight back.

The lady controlling the ship tried to stop it from going random ways, which only made it crash against the rocks.

The men restraining Spider fell to the ground, giving him time to try and get away.

Lei'lani, Lo'ak, Tuk and Tsireya were still tied to the rails, their bodies went flying into the air as the ship crashed against the rocks and Tuk let out a scream.

The ship crashed back onto the water and both Lei'lani and Lo'ak groaned in pain as their bodies smashed back onto the flooring.

"You okay?" Lo'ak asked all three of the girls as Tuk cried. Tsireya nodded as Lei'lani stood up and began trying to yank on her cuffs with unfortunately no luck.


Jake spotted Quaritch and quickly jumped above the water, his Ilu chomped onto Quaritch's Ikran's neck, causing them both to yelp in pain and send Quaritch flying into the sea.

Some men spotted Payakan and attempted at trapping him. They managed to tie Payakan with a thick wire and all they had to do now was pull him towards them, but Payakan was too strong. He pulled the ship into a rock causing the men to barely have the strength to not go flying out.

They turned their heads, looking for Payakan who had managed to get away. "Where are you? Cheeky bugger. Think you're pretty clever don't you?" The man said to himself.

A wave was thrown onto the men, who quickly looked up in confusion. They saw the large tulkun jumping over them with the wire attached to him. Payakan wrapped the wire around the ship, applying so much pressure that the windows because to break.

The man's arm got trapped in the thick wiring too and he groaned in pain as Payakan continued to pull it tighter.

The mana arm snapped off in half due to the pressure and he went flying into the air, falling into the water where his body would stay forever.


"Abandon ship! Get him to a boat!" One of the men controlling the boat insisted as Spider was quickly restrained again.

Lei'lani, Lo'ak, Tuk and Tsireya were all pulling at their cuffs, praying to Eywa that they would some how break.

Neteyam jumped up onto the ship, leaving his Ilu in the sea. "Neteyam!" Tuk exclaimed with a hopeful smile.

"Hey baby brother, need some help?" Neteyam asked sarcastically with a smile as he began cutting Tsireya's cuffs off.

"Shut up, come on, get us loose" Lo'ak replied at his silly remark, as Lei'lani had to stop herself from laughing at her brothers.

Neteyam cut Tuk's cuffs off, "Get Tuk out of here" He ordered to Tsireya who quickly obeyed and took Tuk's hand.

"Hurry up!" Lo'ak insisted, as he and Lei'lani we're still tied.

Neteyam grabbed Lei'lani's cuffs and cut them loose as she gave him a grateful smile. He then began cutting Lo'ak's and looked up at him, "Who's the mighty warrior?" He asked with a playful smirk.

Lei'lani giggled at her oldest brothers stupid joke and hit him round the back of the head playfully. "Come on, say it" Neteyam insisted to Lo'ak as his hands were released free. "No!" Lo'ak replied with a smile.

"Come on, let's go" Neteyam insisted to his younger siblings, holding onto Lei'lani's hand in a protective manner. Lo'ak ran over to one of the men that Payakan had killed and grabbed his gun. "Lo'ak!" Neteyam said impatiently.

"They have Spider, we've gotta get him" Lo'ak insisted as Neteyam shook his head, as did Lei'lani, she really didn't want to risk their lives for somebody like Spider.

"Come on. Come on guys; we can't leave him!" Lo'ak insisted as he stood up, ready to go inside the ship to save Spider.

Neteyam groaned and grabbed hold of Lei'lani's hand as tightly as he could without hurting her before hesitantly following Lo'ak into the ship.


Kiri, Ao'nung and Rotxo came up from under water, finally catching their breathes.

Kiri gasped as she felt an Ikran latching onto her shoulders and pulling her up onto the ship, "Let me go!" She shouted as she felt herself being dragged through the air.

"Look!" Tuk shouted as she saw her sister being yanked by her shoulders above her.

Kiri was thrown onto the floor before she felt a man dragging her.

"We have to go back for her!" Tuk insisted as Tsireya tried to stop her. "Tuk wait!" She insisted. "Sully's stick together!" Tuk explained, leading Tsireya back towards the ship.

Kiri was now tied up at the moon pool, where the amidships were. The man walked away from her, leaving her alone.

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