𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒐

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Lei'lani followed her brothers on her Ikran, her name was Shea, she looked down and she could see planes exploding, she wondered how it felt to be useful in the war, like actually useful. Not just her shitty patrol job her Father had also given to Lo'ak and Neteyam to make them feel included in the war, without actually including them.

They were ordered not to go to the battlefield and to watch from afar, they were only to contact their Father if there was any sign of danger nearby.

"Bro, we have got to get down there" Lo'ak said to Neteyam, he didn't want Lei'lani to follow because of how protective he was. It's a twin and older brother thing you could say, Lei'lani is like the other half of Lo'ak and he would kill himself if anything ever happened to her and vice versa.

"No way, Dad will skin us" Neteyam insisted, knowing how much trouble they could and would get into.

"Lo'ak, you're not going down without me" Lei'lani demanded to which Lo'ak simply ignored.

"Come on, don't be a wuss" Lo'ak teased to Neteyam before soaring down onto the battlefield.

"Lo'ak, get back here you!" Neteyam screamed over the gunshots and explosions.

Lei'lani quickly followed her brother, even before Neteyam could. "Lei'lani!," Neteyam shouted again, before groaning out of annoyance and following his younger siblings.

"Let's go, come on" Lo'ak said to Neteyam as held his sisters hand, who he had insisted wasn't to follow, but of course she did.

"Lo'ak, Lei'lani!" Neteyam shouted once again, but both of his siblings ignored.

Lo'ak passed Lei'lani a gun, along with grabbing one for himself.

"None of you even know how to use it!" Neteyam insisted, pulling his siblings aside.

Both the twins cocked their guns, "Dad taught us" Lei'lani retorted, desperately wanting some action in the war.

Lo'ak aimed his gun as Neteyam put his hand on his shoulder, hoping to stop him. Little did they know, their Father had now seen them from a distance.

"Come on!" Lo'ak shouted, as they jumped over multiple broken ships.

An explosion went off behind them, causing them to go flying into the air. Lei'lani screamed in pain as she hit the floor.

"Lo'ak, Lei'lani, where are you? Neteyam!" Jake shouted, trying to see over the smoke which was covering his kids.

Jake found Neteyam and Lo'ak, who had a few minor injury's on their backs and face. "Are you okay?" Jake asked, putting his hands on Lo'ak's shoulder's in a comforting manor.

"Where's your sister, where is she?" Jake asked now looking at Neteyam and checking his was also okay.

"Over there" Neteyam answered worriedly.

"Get outta here" Jake demanded, but Lo'ak couldn't just sit back and wait patiently for Lei'lani, he had to see with his own eyes that she was okay before he went anywhere.

"Lei'lani!" Jake shouted, climbing up a broken ship as he looked for his daughter. "Oh no" He whispered, finally finding her collapsed body on the gravel.

Jake rolled his daughter over to get a good look at her face, her eyes were closed but slowly opened as she felt her Father's presence. "Dad.." Lei'lani muttered weakly.

Jake checked his daughter for any serious injuries, before holding her head up to look at her. "What are you doing here, girl what the heck were you thinking?" Jake asked harshly, furious in all three of his kids, especially Neteyam.

"I'm sorry" She muttered again, as Jake picked her up and threw his daughter over his left shoulder.

Lo'ak quickly ran from his hiding place once he knew his sister was okay, in fear of his Father finding him and being even more annoyed since he didn't follow orders.


"They're coming! Kiri, Spider! The war party is coming back, come on, come on!" Tuk shouted, grabbing onto Kiri's arm as she saw Ikran's flying above them.

Jake had Lei'lani in his arms as he returned back on his Ikran.

"Mom!" Tuk shouted, running towards Neytiri lovingly.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk" Neytiri repeated, embracing her youngest daughter's hug.

Jake put Lei'lani down as he realised she was well enough to stand on her own. Lo'ak quickly put his arm around his sister.

"You're supposed to be spotters. You spot bogeys and you call them in. From a distance! Does any of that sound familiar? Get here!" Jake lectured, forcing all three of his children to stand closer to him.

"I let you three geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders" Jake carried on with his lecture, as the three looked down at the ground in shame.

Kiri joined them, putting her arms onto her little sister who was visibly hurting.

"Kiri, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded, please?" Jake begged in a calmer manner, not wanting Kiri to be involved in the lecture.

"My sister is wounded" Kiri snapped back, not letting go of Lei'lani.

"Please, Tuk go with her, Go!" Jake demanded, beginning to loose his patience.

"Father, Sir, I take full responsibility" Neteyam said, taking the blame as he looked at his Father.

Lei'lani opened her mouth to speak, to take the blame herself but Lo'ak stopped her. He knew that Neteyam got in less trouble than he and Lei'lani did.

"Yeah you do, that's right because you're the older brother you gotta act like it" Jake said harshly, as Neteyam lowered his head again.

"MaJake, your daughter is actually bleeding" Neytiri interfered, worried for her daughter. Neytiri had a soft spot for Lei'lani, mainly because she was first daughter she got to experience birth with. Lei'lani also looked almost exactly like her Mother but was also just as much as a skxawng as her Father once was.

"Mother, it's fine I-," Lei'lani insisted, not wanting to interrupt her Father.

"Go and get patched up. Go on, dismissed" Jake said, allowing the three to leave.

Lei'lani hated when he used terms like those, they were his children, not his followers.

Neteyam took Lei'lani's hand and followed their Mother, leaving Lo'ak with his Father which they both felt awful for.

"You do understand that you almost got your sister killed?" Jake asked, furious with Lo'ak for his choices.

"Yes sir" Lo'ak answered formally, hurt by his Father's words. His sister meant more to him than anything and he would never intentionally put her into any danger, heck he didn't even want her to follow them.

"You're grounded. No flying for a month"

Lo'ak didn't argue, he would have punished himself in a lot more harsher ways if he got his sister killed.

"Now see to the Ikran's, all of them. And get that crap off your face" Jake ordered, walking away to check on his daughter.

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