𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Quaritch laughed to himself again, completely amused by the sight of Jake and his daughter slowly dying beneath him.

Suddenly, the ship came to a crash as it hid the ocean's surface, causing Quaritch to fall back and release his grip on the two Sully's

Jake gave his daughter a quick glance to make sure she was alright before grabbing ahold of Quaritch and bringing him into a head lock, trying his best to strangle him to his death.

Lei'lani watched the two fight, rubbing her fingers against the burning sensation across her throat from where Quaritch had tightened his grip on her.

Jake continued to strangle Quaritch as he tried to fight Jake away but had no luck.

Quaritch's eyes slowly closed and his body went floppy as Jake released him and pushed his head down deeper into the water.

Jake quickly took Lei'lani into his arms as they both watched Quaritch's lifeless body float into the dark depths of the sea.

Jake grabbed ahold of his daughters hand and began swimming deeper into the ship, looking for a way out of there.

He found a vent and banging his fists on it, desperately hoping it would open.

Lei'lani sighed to herself as her Father had no luck in opening the vent.

They began swimming again, looking at every single thing around them incase it was a way out.


Kiri and Spider had their heads under the water, looking for their parents and siblings when Lo'ak approached them on his Ilu.

"Bro" He said, grabbing both of their attention.

"Mom and dad are down there, in the ship" Kiri explained as she caught her breath.

"Tuk and Lei'lani too" Spider adde onto what Kiri had said to Lo'ak, who now looked even more concerned.

"Grab on!" Lo'ak insisted as both Kiri and Spider held onto Lo'ak's Ilu.

"Bro; I'm good, go" Spider said as he took another deep breath in before Lo'ak's Ilu swam through the sea and back towards the ship.


Jake held his daughter, Lei'lani, in his arms closely as they hadn't found any way out. Both of them didn't have much air left to hold under water.

Lei'lani rested her head on her Father's chest, completely exhausted and just wanting to breathe.

If she was going to die, she wanted it to be calmly and in the comfort of her Father's arms.

Lei'lani passed out in Jake's arms. Jake looked down at her in worry but couldn't do much before he also passed out.

Jake's body floated down to the bottom of the ship's floor with Lei'lani's body still in his arms.


Lo'ak swam into the ship on his Ilu and Kiri split up from him and Spider to help look.

She connected her Queue to a butterfly-like gill mantle which lit up as she placed it on her shoulders.


Spider also split up from Lo'ak to help look, as he knew his way around the ship.

Lo'ak held onto parts of the ship for support as he swam through, looking for any of his family members, especially Lei'lani.


Spider's eyes widened as he swam passed multiple dead bodies before looking to his left, "Jake?!" He said to himself through his mask as he saw a Na'vi body.

As Spider approached the Na'vi body, he realised that it wasn't Jake, it was his Father.


Lo'ak found Jake with Lei'lani lying hopelessly in his arms. Both of them passed out due to not having air for such a long amount of time.

Lo'ak grabbed ahold on his sister and carried her in one arm while using the other arm to drag Jake up above the water.

"Dad? Lei'lani?" Lo'ak sighed out as he pulled them both above the water.

Both Jake and Lei'lani sighed out desperately as the air reached their lungs, still with their eyes closed.


"Fuck" Spider mumbled before hesitantly going back for his Father.

Spider picked him up by his bag and dragged his body through the water.

"Come on, you son of a bitch!" He said to himself as he tried to pull Quaritch's body.


Ao'nung ignored the screams coming from his parents as he made his way towards the ship, desperate to find Lei'lani.

He begun searching around the ship, searching every inch possible before he found Lo'ak.

Ao'nung grabbed hold of Lei'lani who was gasping for air, "Dad, just breathe" Lo'ak insisted as he saw that Lei'lani would be alright with Ao'nung.

"Neteyam?" Jake asked as he finally opened his eyes, thinking that he had died and was finally with Neteyam again.

"No dad, it's Lo'ak" Lo'ak told his Father.

"Oh, Lo'ak.."

"Sorry, sir. I'm sorry about Neteyam, it's all my fault" Lo'ak admitted as Lei'lani lay in Ao'nung arms, barely opening her eyes.

"You're okay, you're okay. Just breathe, like I shown you" Ao'nung told Lei'lani in a calming voice, who did as he asked and began to breathe calmly.

"Neteyam.." Lei'lani muttered weakly as she had just managed to catch her breath.

Lei'lani still had no clue of her eldest brother's death. The last thing she saw was he was that he was alright and going to their Father to get help.

Ao'nung looked away from her slightly. He couldn't break the news to her and Lo'ak knew that, he also didn't completely want it to come from Ao'nung, Eywa knows how she will react.

"Just focus, focus on getting out" Jake reassured Lo'ak who looked around for the way he came in.

"We're loosing air pockets, come on we gotta move. Come on dad" Lo'ak said desperately to Jake, who was struggling and visibly in pain.

Lei'lani was also in pain but she however was light enough to be held in Ao'nung's arms.

"You know your way out" Jake sighed out weakly.

"Maybe so, but dad it's gonna be a long breath hold" Lo'ak admitted to their Father.

"I cant make it. You can, you can and so can your sister. Go, right now" Jake ordered.

"No. I cant loose you too, Dad. Please!" Lo'ak begged his Father as Lei'lani's head looked up.

"What?" She mumbled as she heard her twin brothers words. Lo'ak looked at Lei'lani in shock, completely forgetting that she had no idea about Neteyam's death.

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