𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Lei'lani sat on the floor trying her best to hold back her tears while the rest of her family were outside the hut.

She held Neteyam's necklace in her hand's not ready to face his funeral.

"Lei, come on. The funeral is starting" Lo'ak sighed as he helped his sister stand up onto her feet.

Lei'lani nodded and attached Neteyam's necklace around her neck before taking Lo'ak's hand and following him out of the hut.


"Every song chord must have a last bead"

Jake slowly rode his Ilu in front of his family who stayed closely behind.

Kiri rode on her Ilu with Spider holding onto her body tightly.

Neytiri, Lo'ak, Lei'lani and Tuk all held onto Neteyam's leaf-like casket as Jake's Ilu gently pulled it through the water.

The Metkayina clan all stood respectfully with their fire torches in their hands watching the Sully family go to give their eldest to Eywa.

Ao'nung stood beside his parents and Tsireya, who had tears streaming down her face.

Ao'nung wanted to cry to and he tried his best not to let his tears escape his eyelids, but he had no luck.

His heart broke, he barely knew Neteyam but he knew how close him and Lei'lani were which is what broke his heart the most.

"A Father protects. It's what gives him meaning"

Jake got off of his Ilu and the Sully's slowly took ahold of Neteyam's body into their hands.

Lei'lani placed her hand on his face and let out a gasp which broke into a small sniffle as tears rushed down her cheeks.

Each of the Sully's took a deep breath in before going under the water, Spider following them.

Jake and Neytiri slowly went deeper into the sea holding onto Neteyam as the other Sully siblings and Spider watched from the top.

"The people say that all energy is borrowed, one day you have to give it back"

Spider held onto Kiri's hand comfortingly as Lo'ak had his arm around Lei'lani while also letting his cry escape.

Jake and Neteytiri slowly let go of their son and placed him down to be with Eywa.

Lei'lani began to cry even more onto her twin brother when she noticed that Neteyam had Lo'ak's hair band wrapped around his hair.

"Eywa holds all her children in her heart. Nothing is ever lost"

The Sully's watched as Neteyam's body slowly disappeared to be Eywa.


Lei'lani sat in the hut beside Lo'ak. Both of them sat silently as she played with her fingers.

Ao'nung and Tsireya entered their hut quietly and sat beside either one of the twins.

Ao'nung pulled Lei'lani into his arms and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Lei'lani" He muttered.

Lei'lani wrapped her arms around Ao'nung's body and sobbed into his chest.

Tsireya held onto Lo'ak's hand as she looked into his eyes. "I'm alright, Tsireya" He insisted with a small smile.


My family and I, we'll move on tomorrow. Far away from here" Jake told Tonowari and Ronal as he walked towards their hut.

"Your son, lies with our ancestors. You, are metkayina now" Tonowari told Jake as he put his hand out in front of him for him to shake.

Jake looked up at Tonowari before shaking his hand.

"And there it was. We are sea people now. This, is our home."


Jake and Neytiri stood hand-in-hand at the spirit tree before connecting their queue's.

Neteyam shot his arrow at a fish in the river, in their home forest.

Jake walked over to him as he watched.

"Dad, look what I caught!" Younger Neteyam exclaimed as he held up his arrow which had a fish flapping about attached to it.

"Wow. Wow that's a big one" Jake praised with a smile as he looked at his little boy.

"There's more over there, by the rocks" Neteyam said as he grunted and used all of his strength to pull the lifeless fish off his arrow.

"Right where you said" He added with a smile as Jake began to tear up.

"What's the matter, Dad? Why are you crying?" Older Neteyam asked as he looked at his Father.

"I'm just happy to see you" Jake sighed out and placed his hand on Neteyam's face.

"I'm happy to see you to" Neteyam smiled with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Here, you try" Younger Neteyam insisted, putting the bow and arrow in front of Jake for him to grab.

"Okay" Jake smiled and took hold of the arrow.

"You left anything for me?" Jake asked.

"Uh, maybe" Neteyam said with a shrug as Jake let out a chuckle before shooting the arrow into the water.

"Yeah, check that out!" Jake announced as his arrow hit a fish.

Neytiri watched the two of them from behind a tree with a huge smile on her face.

"I see now, I can't save my family by running. This is our home, this is our fortress, this is where we make our stand"


Lei'lani and Ao'nung walked across the beach together, holding onto each other's hand until they found a peaceful place to sit.

"My Father told me you're family are staying" Ao'nung said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah we are, we planned on leaving tomorrow but your Dad insisted that we stay" Lei'lani admitted as Ao'nung looked down at her and listened to every word she said.

Lei'lani looked up at him and caught him already staring into her eyes, which caused her to get completely lost in his.

She could feel his breath against her face as hers was slightly shaky.

Ao'nung took her face in the palm of his hand before looking down at her and kissing her lips softly.

There it was, her first kiss that made her realise this was now her home and the cheif's son was her whole world.


A/N: This is not going to be the last chapter there will be more coming.

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