𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓

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"You stay with the Ikran's" Jake ordered to Neteyam as they finally arrived.

"Dad, I'm a warrior like you, I'm supposed to fight" Neteyam insisted, desperate to help his siblings.

"Neteyam" Neytiri warned.

"I'm not gonna say it again" Jake replied as Neteyam let out a sigh of defeat. "Yes, sir"

It was raining and the Sully's plus Spider were still being held tightly close to each man. Jake and Neytiri soon arrived and hid behind a tree, Neytiri did her secret calling so the kids knew it was them.

Each of them turned around at the calling, knowing that it was their Mother. Lo'ak and Lei'lani shared a nod as Kiri prayed to Eywa.

Neytiri positioned her arrow, making sure not to miss and accidentally shoot Kiri, sweat dripped off her head as she fired it. The arrow went straight through the man's head, releasing Kiri and Spider.

"Contact made!" A man shouted as the Colonel fired his gun in the direction that the arrow was fired from.

"Lo'ak!" Neytiri shouted from behind the tree as Lo'ak got the hint and bit the arm of whoever was restraining him.

Tuk and Lei'lani quickly caught on and copied their brother. "Get back Tuk!" Kiri insisted as Spider pulled them both away. Lo'ak went back and grabbed hold of Lei'lani.

"That you Mrs Sully? I recognise your calling card. Why don't you come on out Mrs Sully?" The Colonel said, getting ready with his gun. He recognised Neytiri's signature arrows, the same ones she killed him with.

"The two of us we have some unfinished business"

"Demon! I will kill you as many times as I have to" Neytiri yelled out, still behind the tree.

"You and the corporal have been pretty busy, haven't you? Got yourself a whole litter of half-breeds" The colonel said, trying to be amusing about how many kids they had.

Little did Neytiri know, one of the colonels men was getting ready to shoot Neytiri in the head from behind. Neteyam, who had been forbidden for coming here, shot the man through the skull with his arrow.

The colonel fired his gun at Neteyam as Jake pushed his Son out of the way. "You okay boy? Follow me. Ready?! Ready?!" Jake shouted over the gunshots, not giving Neteyam much time to answer.

"Yes, sir" He mumbled, the fear in his voice was obvious but it wasn't himself he was worried for, it was his family.

Neytiri, Jake and Neteyam had all came out of their hiding places. Running like their lives depended on it, because right now they did.

"Spider!" Kiri shouted in fear and Spider fell from the branch. Neytiri reached up to her and was terrified that she was wasting time, "Kiri, come!" Neytiri insisted, dragging her daughter away. "Spider, he's down there" Kiri pleaded but Neytiri ignored her, only caring for her daughters safety right now.

"Go, go come on let's go. Run!" Lo'ak insisted to both of his younger sisters, Lei'lani and Tuk, as they ran through the forest.

Jake and Neteyam jumped down from a tree above them, causing Tuk and Lei'lani to scream as Lo'ak put his arm out in front of them in a protective way. Each of them sighed when they realised who was standing in front of them.

"Are you hurt?" Jake asked both the twins "No we're fine" Lo'ak answered, his arm around Lei'lani. Jake then kneeled down onto Tuk's level, who was crying her eyes out in fear.

"Tuk, are you hurt?" Tuk didn't answer, Jake pulled his youngest daughter into his arms and comforted her lovingly.

Neteyam hugged both Lo'ak and Lei'lani as they all watched the Sky people take Spider up to their ship. "There, we're clear. Is everyone okay?" Jake checked again, just to be sure.

Tuk saw her Mother and Kiri and quickly ran to their arms. Jake pulled the twins and Neteyam into his arms and hugged them, "it's okay, It's okay" He reassured them as Lei'lani sobbed into her Father's chest. "Thank you, Great Mother, Thank you" Neytiri thanked Eywa gratefully in between sobs.


Lo'ak, Neteyam and Lei'ani walked over to Kiri and Tuk, who were listening in on their parents arguing. Kiri put her finger to her lips, informing them to be quiet as they walked over.

"I can not. You can not ask this!" Neytiri said, as Lei'lani lowered her head to listen in beside her siblings.

"I cannot leave my people" Lei'lani and Lo'ak shared the same look, realising that they were discussing leaving.

"He's hunting us. He's targeting our family" Jake told her, trying to remain calm.

"You can not ask this. The children, everything they've ever known, the forest. This is our home!" Neytiri argued back, unable to stop herself from yelling.

"He had our children. He had them under his knife!" Jake told her sternly, but still he didn't yell.

Neytiri sighed, thinking about her Father who she last saw in this very forest. She walked over to her Father's bow and picked it up, "My Father gave me this bow as he lay dying. He said protect the people. You are Toruk Makto!" Neytiri's voice was now cracking as she tried to hold back the tears.

"This will protect the people. Quaritch has Spider and that kid knows everything. He knows our whole operation, he can lead them right here" Jake stated. The twins and Neteyam knew deep down that their Father was right. The people were not protected while they were still living here.

"If the people harbour us, they will die. Do you understand?" Jake continued as Neytiri sighed, realising her Husband may be right.

"Look I got nothing, I got no plan. But I can protect this family, that I can do" Jake said harshly as Neytiri put her hand on her head, sobbing as she did so.

"But I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress" Jake reassured Neytiri, who hugged Husband, hesitantly agreeing to leaving the forest.


Lei'lani was in complete disbelief when her Father's title of olo'eyktan was passed onto somebody else. She never imagined there would be a day when her Father wasn't the leader of Omaticaya.

They were leaving after the ceremony. Lei'lani took everything in one last time, the tree of souls, the smells, the sounds, the branches she loved to climb, the dirt underneath her feet. Would they even have trees where they were going?

Jake walked ahead, leading his family through the crowd of Na'vi's. Lei'lani and Lo'ak stood side by side, Neteyam close behind them. The three could hear their Mother sobbing from in front of them with Tuk holding her hand.

The Sully's each got on their Ikran's, besides Tuk who sat with her Mother. Each of them followed Jake, having no clue where they were heading.

"A Father protects, it's what gives him meaning"

Lei'lani looked at her home one last time as it got further and further away.

"One life ends, Another begins"

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