𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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It was now late at night, Lei'lani's usual curfew of eclipse has passed hours ago.

She had completely lost track of anything after spending time with Ao'nung and doing something she knew she would regret.


Ao'nung had fallen asleep on the beach so Lei'lani took that as her opportunity to sneak off back home.

The whole walk home her heart was racing, overthinking everything that had happened.

"Lei'lani how could you be so stupid? You're fourteen! What the fuck were you thinking?" She lectured to herself.

As she reached her hut she let out a sigh of relief when she noticed nobody was waiting outside for her.

Her nerves calmed down slightly as she stepped inside and began to tip-toe to her hammock.

A torch then lit up the hut and Lei'lani turned around.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Jake cursed as Neytiri stood behind him and Lo'ak lay awake, listening from his hammock.

"I'm sorry Sir, I was just at the beach" She mumbled with her head down.

Jake had been even more worried than usual after loosing his eldest Son, he couldn't loose anymore of his children.

"Just at the beach? Do you know how worried we were?" Neytiri hissed as she stepped towards her daughter.

"I'm sorry, Ma. I lost track of time and fell asleep" She mumbled, still refusing to look at her parents.

"Get to bed, we'll deal with this tomorrow" Jake insisted.

Lei'lani quickly nodded, not wanting to deal with her parents lecture any longer and went to her hammock which was beside's Lo'ak.

"Where were you?" Lo'ak whispered, still with his eyes closed.

Lei'lani jumped slightly, assuming he was asleep.

"At the beach" She answered coldly and turned away from her brother.

Lei'lani's silently cried herself to sleep, she missed Neteyam.

If Neteyam was here, he would have stuck up for her no matter what she did. She hated him taking the blame for his siblings but that was just how big his heart was.


Ao'nung woke up to the blinding light and opened his eyes, he quickly realised he was still on the beach.

He looked around and noticed Lei'lani had left and then the reminder of what happened flooded through his mind.

"Fuck" He mumbled.

He quickly dusted the sand off of his body and made his way to his family's hut.

"Where were you, boy?" Tonowari shouted as Ao'nung entered.

Tonowari and Ronal had been up all night waiting for their eldest Son, Tsireya attempted to wait up for her brother but ended up falling asleep.

"I was at the beach, Sir" Ao'nung answered, still not completely awake.

"Do you understand how worried we were?" Ronal said with a hiss.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry!" Ao'nung shouted back with a groan out annoyance before storming off.

"You're grounded, boy!" Tonowari quickly shouted over to him, which Ao'nung ignored.


Lei'lani woke up and yawned. She glanced over to Lo'ak who was barely awake.

"You gonna tell me what happened yet?" He whispered over to her.

Lei'lani sighed and sat up, "come on." She mumbled as Lo'ak quickly got out of his hammock and followed his sister out of the hut.

Lei'lani began explaining everything as they walked, "We just went for a walk on the beach. Eventually we sat down" She began as her and Lo'ak took a seat on the floor.

"And he kissed me" She admitted as Lo'ak's eyes widened.

"Shit" He said in shock, not really knowing how to answer.

"And then we did something stupid" Lei'lani said quietly as Lo'ak looked down at her.

"Lei'lani, what do you mean?" He asked, praying to Ewya it wasn't what he thought it was.

Lei'lani stayed quiet and looked down, completely ashamed with herself.

"You mated, didn't you?" Lo'ak asked placing his head in his hands with a sigh as Lei'lani nodded.

"Lei'lani why? You're fourteen, what were you thinking?" Lo'ak asked as he stood up.

"Lo'ak I don't know, I'm sorry" She said, also standing up.

"I cant keep this from our parents" Lo'ak admitted as he turned around.

Lei'lani grabbed onto her brother's hand. "Lo'ak please. I trusted you, you can't tell them" She begged as she pulled his arm back.

"I can't keep this from them!" Lo'ak shouted back.

He hated to break his sister's trust like this, but this wasn't something he could just hide from Jake and Neytiri.


Ao'nung stepped out of his hut and noticed Lei'lani tugging at Lo'ak's arm, as if she was trying to stop him from going somewhere.

"Everything alright?" He asked walking over to them.

Lo'ak turned around to see Ao'nung. "Get the fuck out of here" He insisted, as if it was a warning so he didn't punch him.

Ao'nung's eyes widened and he looked at Lei'lani, "You told him?" He asked with his mouth open in shock.

Lei'lani didn't speak and kept her head down.

Ao'nung began to walk over to her, "Lei'lani, why would you-," He began but cut off when he felt a fist hit his face.

Ao'nung groaned in pain as Lo'ak looked at him.

"You stay the fuck away from my sister" He insisted, grabbing hold of Lei'lani's hand.

"I can't just stay away from her, man" Ao'nung admitted.

Lo'ak scoffed before dragging Lei'lani back to their family hut.

Everybody was awake now, besides for Tuk.

"Tell them what you did!" Lo'ak shouted as Jake and Neytiri looked over to their children.

Lei'lani stood beside Lo'ak, not daring to say a word as her eyes began to fill with tears.

"Lei'lani?" Jake asked as she didn't answer.

"You guys are scaring her!" Kiri insisted as she walked over to everybody surrounding her sister.

"Both of you, go on" Jake ordered as both Kiri and Lo'ak walked out of the hut.

Neytiri left the two of them alone too and grabbed Tuk on her way out.

"Baby girl, tell me. What's happened?" Jake asked as he sat down with his daughter and placed his arm around her.

"I did something stupid" She cried out, wiping the tears off her cheek with her hand.

"Tell me, Lei" Jake whispered calmly.

"Ao'nung and I, we mated" She whispered back before even more tears escaped from her eyes.

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