𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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"Momma, I'm scared" Tuk admitted as the ship had now gone completely dark.

"It is alright. Stay close to me. Stay close to Momma. It's okay.." Neytiri sighed out, having absolutely no hope that they would survive. They were alone and in pitch black, there was no way out of this.


Kiri was completely fascinated by the tiny, glowing fish that swam around her as her freckles also glowed.

She put her hand out gracefully, leading the hundreds of small fish towards the ship.


"You just need to slow your heart down, be real calm. Breathe from here" Lo'ak insisted to Jake, in hope that he could help his Father survive.

Lei'lani lay with her head on Ao'nung's chest and her arms wrapped around him tightly, trying her best not to let her sobs escape. She had for stay strong for her Father right now.

Lo'ak breathed in peacefully as his Father copied him, just like Tsireya had taught the Sully children.

"The way of water has no beginning and no end, the sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home before your birth and after your death" Lo'ak said calmly as Jake carried on breathing in and out deeply.

Ao'nung held onto Lei'lani, not that he needed to though by how tight she was gripping her arms around him, he also had one hand in her hair trying his best to calm her down.


Kiri followed the fish through the ship, searching for her Mother and Tuk.

Eventually, this fish lit up the sea below Neytiri and Tuk, along with their freckles planted across their face.

"Hi" Kiri said calmly as she took ahold of Tuk's hand.

"Kiri!" Tuk exclaimed as Neytiri got all emotional as she smiled.

"Everything's going to be alright, little sister" Kiri reassured Tuk before turning to Neytiri, "Mom, I'm gonna give this to you" Kiri informed her Mother as she disconnected her Queue from the gill mantle and passed it to Neytiri.

"It will help you" She added, placing the butterfly-like gill mantle on her Mother's back.

"Trust me, calm your heart. Deep breathes" Kiri said to the two of them and demonstrated her breathing technique.


"Dad, you can do this" Lo'ak insisted to Jake, who was still practicing his breathing

"Last breath" Lo'ak insisted as he and his Father took a deep breath in. Ao'nung gave Lei'lani a nod before she wiped her eyes dry and also took a deep breath in before Ao'nung went under the water.


"Follow me" Kiri insisted calmly as she went underneath the water, the fish and Neytiri and Tuk following not far behind her as she led them out of the ship.


Lo'ak led Jake and Ao'nung out of the ship, waving his hand a few times to indicate them to follow him.

Lo'ak took ahold of Jake's hand when he saw the fish and swam with him towards the surface as Payakan swam beside them.

Jake, Lo'ak and Ao'nung grabbed onto Payakan's fin. Ao'nung still held onto Lei'lani tightly with his free arm.

Each of them took a deep breath as their heads reached above the water and finally got a taste of air into their lungs.

"Hold on. Just breathe, just breath" Lo'ak told his Father who was gasping desperately for air.

"You good?" Ao'nung asked Lei'lani, not really expecting an answer. Lei'lani nodded here head against his chest as she hugged him tighter, desperately wanting to feel some comfort.

"I see you; son" Jake said as he placed his hand on Lo'ak's face in a thankful way, neither him or Lei'lani would be alive right now if it wasn't for Lo'ak.

"MaJake!" Neytiri shouted as the three girls reached their heads above the water.

"Dad! Dad!" Tuk cried out as she swam even faster.

"Mom!" Lo'ak shouted over to his Mother as he also gave Ao'nung a nod.

Ao'nung gently placed Lei'lani to hold onto Payakan on her own, knowing that the family would need their time right now.

He gave Lei'lani's hand a comforting squeeze before calling his Ilu and swimming off.

"Come here!" Lo'ak insisted, putting his hands out for both Tuk and Lei'lani who took his hand.

The Sully's all held hands, Neytiri crying in Jake's arms and hugging him tightly. Kiri kissed Tuk's forehead and Lo'ak pulled Lei'lani close, "I'm so sorry" He muttered to her.

"Sully's stick together. That was our greatest weakness and our great strength"

"Thank you, great Mother" Kiri sighed out as the family hugged.


The Sully's went back to where Neteyam's body lay, as soon as they got close enough Lei'lani jumped off her Ilu and ran towards his lifeless body.

"No, no. No, you're not dead. Please, Neteyam.." She muttered as she held his face in  the palm of her hands. "Neteyam, please" She muttered again, he voice now breaking as she cried.

Neteyam of course didn't respond, instead he lay completely lifeless in front of her. "Please.." She muttered again as she felt the tears now rolling down her face. "Great Mother, please not my Nety" She sobbed as she referred to her eldest brother by the nickname she would use as a child when struggling to pronounce his name.

The rest of the family had managed to catch up to Lei'lani and Jake quickly rushed over to her and pulled her into his arms, "It's alright, baby girl. You're alright" He reassured his daughter who loudly sobbed against him.

Lo'ak cut Kiri's cuffs which were still on her wrists off her as Tuk cried beside Neytiri who was looking down at Neteyam's body.

Spider soon swam up to the rock, completely out of breathe as he sat himself down.

"Monkey boy!" Kiri exclaimed with a smile, happy to finally see her friend properly.

"Are you alright?" Jake asked the human boy as Kiri placed her hand on his small chest.

"Yeah" He replied before being pulled into Jake's hug.

"Come here" He added, pulling Lo'ak into his arms too. Lei'lani was in the middle of the two boy, which right now she didn't mind as she had more things to worry about besides Spider.

"A son for a son"

I see you || Aonung x OC [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now