𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒆𝒏

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Lo'ak was with Payakan again so Lei'lani, Neteyam, Tsireya, Ao'nung and Rotxo went to spy on him.

Lo'ak shrugged before Payakan opened his wide mouth, Lo'ak swam inside without any hesitation.

When Payakan close his mouth, Lei'lani and Neteyam tried to swim towards the Tulkun to of course help their brother but Lei'lani felt Ao'nung's hand on her arm which was stopping her as Tsireya and Rotxo stopped Neteyam.

The group carried on watching from a distance, hiding beneath the sea plants as they waited for Lo'ak.

They watched as Lo'ak came back into the water, he rested his head on Payakan and comforted it him.


Lei'lani, Neteyam, Ao'nung, Rotxo and Tsireya took Lo'ak to Tonowari. "You allowed this?" Ronal snapped at the children.

"You allowed him to bond with the outcast" Ronal spoke, now looking at her daughter, Tsireya.

"Tsireya. You disappoint me, daughter" Tonowari told her harshly as the tears in her eyes were visible.

"and you" Tonowari turned to look at Lo'ak as Lei'lani took ahold of his hand. "Son of a great warrior who has been taught better"

Jake and Neytiri had now entered to find out what their son was being lectured for this time.

"Payakan saved my life sir. You don't know him" Lo'ak insisted. "Lo'ak.." Lei'lani whispered, not wanting him to get into anymore trouble.

"Sit" Tonowari demanded at Lo'ak, pointing to the floor. Lo'ak let go of Lei'lani's hand as he sat down.

Tonowari lowered down onto Lo'ak's level as the rest stood around him. "Sit down!" He yelled, causing both the girls to jump. Lei'lani felt a hand on hers but it wasn't Lo'ak's, it was Ao'nung's.

All of the children sat down, Ao'nung and Lei'lani still hand-in-hand.

"Hear my words boy. In the days of the first songs, the tulkuns fought amongst themselves, for territory and revenge. But they came to believe that killing, no matter how justified, only brings more killing. So, all killing was forbidden, this is the tulkun way. Payakan is a killer and so he is outcast" Tonowari explained, looking face to face with Lo'ak.

"I'm sorry sir, but you are wrong" Lo'ak insisted as Lei'lani only held Ao'nung's hand tighter, her brother was being so stupid.

"Lo'ak; You are speaking to the Olo'eyktan" Neytiri growled.

"I know what I know" Lo'ak shrugged, not listening to what anybody had to say.

"That's enough" Jake harshly whispered into Lo'ak's ear. "I'll deal with this one" He added, looking at Toniwari.

Jake grabbed hold of Lo'ak's arm and dragged him away from everybody else. Neteyam turned his head and looked at both Lei'lani and Ao'nung as a smirk appeared on his face.


It was now later in the day, Ao'nung and Lei'lani were walking across the sand, figuring out that it was time she forgave the boy for what he had done with Lo'ak.

"I'm sorry, for giving you such a hard time" Lei'lani said as they walked beside each other.

"I get why you were upset, I would be too if it had happened with Tsireya" Ao'nung admitted.

"But I know what I didn't was wrong. I wouldn't do it again" He added.

"I know you wouldn't, surprisingly you're slightly tolerable now" Lei'lani joked with a giggle as Ao'nung gave her a playful shove.

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