𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆

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After what felt like years of flying, they finally reached a Metkayina village.

A loud trumpet was blown as their Ikran's were noticed. The Ikran's landed onto the sand as each Sully jumped down, Lei'lani stood close to her older brothers as they approached the water Na'vi's.

"Behave nicely" Jake insisted, leading his children across the sand.

Multiple Na'vi's surrounded them, curious as to why they had come to their home.

A boy with his hair in a bun approached the family, scanning them all, especially Lei'lani.

Lei'lani got caught staring at the boy by her brothers, Lo'ak gave his sister a nudge which soon stopped her from staring and looked at the sand embarrassed.

"Look, what is that" A smaller both who stood beside the boy with the bun commented, looking at he the Sully's tails.

"Is that supposed to be a tail?" He added, as the others laughed.

A girl came out of the water, her hair dripping wet as she same over to see what was going on. Lo'ak couldn't take his eyes off the girl and Lei'lani returned the nudge.

"It's too small, how are they supposed to swim with that" The same boy commented with a laugh. The girl who came out of the water slapped the immature boys hand away, "Do not, Rotxo and Aonung" She demanded.

"Hey" Lo'ak said to the girl causing both Lei'lani and Neteyam trying to hold back their laughs.

The girl just smiled and looked down awkwardly.

"Tonowari was the chief of the metkayina, the reef people"

"I see you, Tonowari" Jake said in a respectful way as he approached with his mate, Ronal.

"JakeSully" Tonowari replied, in the same respectful way.

"I see you, Ronal, Tsahik of the Metkayinas" Jake said as Ronal appeared from behind her Husband.

"I see you Ronal" Neytiri added onto Jake's greeting.

"Why do you come to us, Jakesully?" Tonowari asked, not separating his first and last names.

"We seek Uturu" Jake announced, with his arms wide.

"Uturu?" Ronal questioned.

"A sanctuary for my family" Jake explained desperately.

Lei'lani held both of her older brother's hands tightly. They could sense she was clearly worried about them being refused a place in their home.

"We are reef people, you are forest people. Your skills will be nothing here" Tonowari told the Sully's truthfully

"So we will learn your ways, right?" Jake asked, turning around to face his children who nodded.

Ronal walked over to the children, observing everything about them. She felt Neytiri's tail in her hands, noticing how small it was compared to hers.

She picked up Tuk's arm, "Their arms are thin" Ronal stated. "Their tails are weak" She added, tugging at Kiri's tail as she whined.

"You will be slow in the water" Ronal picked up Kiri's hands, "These children aren't even true Na'vi" Ronal announced, holding Kiri's hands in the air to show their people.

Lei'lani couldn't express the anger that this insult made her feel, she wanted to pluck the woman's eyes out for insulting her family.

"Yes we are" Kiri demanded, pulling her hands away from Ronal.

Ronal walked over to where Neteyam, Lo'ak and Lei'lani were stood. She now grabbed the twins hands, holding them in the air. "They have demon blood!" People gasped as Lo'ak and Lei'lani sighed with their heads down, completely embarrassed.

"Look" Jake said, putting up his hand to show the crowd. "Look. Look I was born of the sky people and now I am Na'vi, alright? You can adapt. We will adapt. Okay?" Jake pleaded, all he wanted was for his kids to be safe.

"My husband was Toruk Makto" Neytiri added as Jake cringed at the nickname. "He led the clans to victory against the sky people" She added.

Tonowari sighed as his wife continued, "This you call victory? Hiding, amongst strangers?" Ronal argued back as as Neytiri looked at the sand in shame.

"It seems Eywa has turned her back on you, chosen one" Ronal added, which was enough to cause Neytiri to hiss at the woman. Neytiri of course, received the same hateful hiss back.

"I apologise for my mate" Jake begun, getting in the middle of the two women.

"Do not apologise for me" Neytiri demanded.

"She has flown along way and is exhausted" Jake carried on, ignoring her as for right now all he cared about was having a safe place for his family.

"Jake" Neytiri said. Jake's eyes widened as her and she soon got the hint, sighing in defeat.

"Toruk Makto is a great war leader. All Na'vi people know his story but we Metkayina are not at war" Tonowari said to the crowd, as Jake picked up Tuk into his arms, who was exhausted.

"We can not let you bring your war here" Tonowari told Jake. "I'm done with war, okay?" Jake insisted. "I just wanna keep my family safe" He added, hugging Tuk in a comforting way.

Neteyam, Lo'ak and Lei'lani all sighed, having no hope that they would be allowed to stay. Neteyam put his arm over his younger sister as Lo'ak gave her a reassuring look, which he didn't believe himself.

Kiri stood close beside Neytiri, also not having any hope of them staying. Tuk of course had no idea what was happening, since she was too tired to care but she could sense her Father's worry as she tried to sleep with her head the crook of his neck.

"Uturu has been asked" Neytiri said as Tonowari sighed before looking at Ronal and turning around. They looked at each other's eyes without having to say a word, because they knew exactly what one another was saying.

"Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us" Tonowari announced, as each of the Sully's heads looked up in shock.

Lei'lani's looked at either one of her brothers with a smile, which they happily returned. She couldn't deny the fact of how badly she wanted to go home but she would much rather be here than spend hours looking for a new place to stay, so she was grateful.

"Treat them as our brothers and sisters, they do not know the sea. So, they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so that they do not suffer the shame of being useless" Tonowari added, as he turned his head back to look at the Sully's. Ronal still looked unsure about the whole idea but she had already allowed it now.

"What do we say?," Jake asked, putting Tuk back onto the floor as she now seemed to be full of energy, probably because she could see that her family were now happy instead of disappointed which made her happy too.

"Thank you!" Tuk exclaimed with a smile. "Thank you" Kiri mumbled, as she didn't want to be here just as much as Lei'lani but she was still grateful.

"My son Ao'nung, our daughter Tsireya, will show your children what to do" Tonowari told them, as his son rolled his eyes.

"Father, why?" The boy argued, but his Father did not care for what he had to say.

"It has been decided" Tonowari said harshly, pointing his finger at his Son's face.

"Come, I will show you our village" Tsireya said with a smile as Lo'ak's face lit up.

The Sully's followed behind the teenage girl, ready for the tour of their new home.

I see you || Aonung x OC [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now