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Freshman Year of College...

"Aye ma" I heard somebody call out I kept walking assuming it was some nigga trying to holla at a female which happened a lot on this campus

"Yo" I heard the voice call again I turned around seeing a lightskin nigga walking up to me he was about 6 feet or 6'1

he smiled showing off his white pearly teeth I looked at him frowning "Yes" I asked "Where you goin walkin by yoself" he asked

"To class"

"Oh my fault ma" he held his hands up "But I'm Shawn" he held his hand out I looked at it he chuckled "I don't bite"

I smiled rolling my eyes shaking it "Kari" I said my name her smirked

"That's a beautiful name Kari" I laughed "Thank you" he was pretty attractive guy he had a tattoo on his forearm with a chain dangling from his neck he wore a wife beater with black sweats and panda dunks

"Nice meeting you Shawn" I turned to walk away "Uh, lemme get yo number ma" Shawn semi yelled catching up to me I smirked

I handed him my phone as he handed me his as we continued to walk once we exchanged numbers he smiled

"I'll see you around ma" he winked I nodding smiling


Four years later...

I walked into my two bedroom apartment taking my bun out I walked into the kitchen rubbing my scalp my eyes rolling from the sensation

I opened my fridge grabbing leftovers from yesterday I cooked salmon and rice something simple

"Hey Bk" Rya my bestfriend and roommate came into the kitchen with her tote bag grabbing a water from the fridge

"Hey Ry" I warmed up my food "How was work" she asked I shrugged "Work"

"Where you goin" I asked "Bible study" she grabbed snacks from our snack cabinet "Want to come" she asked me I shook my head grabbing my food

Church and bible study wasn't really my thing, God in general wasn't my thing

"Why not" she pouted I rolled my eyes "Girl, I don't wanna hear them conservative ass christian's talk about God I already know him" I waved Rya off

"No you don't Kari" Rya chuckled I rolled my eyes "Yeah whatever I know enough to know he wasn't there when I needed him" I grabbed my food from the microwave sitting at island eating

"Well imma always keep asking"

"And imma keep saying no" I countered back she smacked her lip "Whatever" she grabbed her bag putting it on her shoulder

"Bye love you" I yelled as she walked to the door "Love you too" She yelled back the door closed behind her

"Bible study" I scoffed chuckling shaking my head I finished my food after I washed my dish I went to take a shower to wash work off of me

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