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"Ooo" I smiled as my mother sat a plate in front of me, After the whole thing with Gianna my mother got dinner started

Natalie cooked smothered chicken, mashed potatoes, greens, and cornbread

a true nigga dinner.

Once the whole table had their plates Kingston led prayer and we dug in, silence filled the dinner table as we all ate

The silence was very telling "Well the food must be good" Natalie laughed at her children and daughter in law even though Kingston and Sabrina weren't married yet she knew those two were endgame

"Very good mama" Kingston took another bite of his chicken I decide to stay quite and continue eating my mind drifting to Kareem he never answered my messages and that had me feeling some type of way

Why did I even care?

Maybe I just missed talking to him, he was annoying but fun to talk to at the same time

"What you thinkin about" Kingston pulled me out my thoughts I continued chewing my food shifting my eyes to him "Nothin" I smiled small Kingston looked at me knowingly "Don't lie Bk"

"I'm not King I promise" I took another bite of my food looking at King he eyed me before nodding and eating his own food "So Sabrina how's your mom and dad" My mom asked Sabrina smiled "Their good, my dad's cancer is getting better"

Sabrina's father had lung cancer he was a heavy smoker and after he was diagnosed with cancer two years ago that set him straight, he never touched another cigarette

His chemo helped a lot resulting in him getting better and of course Sabrina was struggling with helping her mom pay those bills but when Kingston came into the picture he took almost everything off her plate

Only making her fall deeper in love with him he was a true provider and nurturer everything she wanted in a man.

"That's great, I'm going to keep him in my prayers"

"Thank you" Sabrina's smile was still on her face the table fell quite again as everybody continued eating I chewed the last of my chicken as I zoned out again thinking about Kareem this was getting concerning

I began to think about last Sunday when me and Kareem were at his Auntie's restaurant the energy between us definitely shifted since that day


"Thank you my kind brother" I dramatically thanked Kareem as he held the door open for as we exited the restaurant "Anytime my beautiful sister"
Kareem played along I laughed

"What was your Navy experience like" I randomly asked I remember he was in the Navy and him having such experience prior to FBI

"Damn that's one way to bring down the mood shorty" Kareem chuckled as we approached his car "I wasn't trying to I just want to know more about you" Kareem opened the door for me as I stood there looking up at him as he looked down at me

"You want to know more about me" Kareem tilted his head holding a amused expression on his face "You feelin a nigga already" He smirked teasing me I rolled my eyes smiling

"No Reem" I pushed his shoulder he laughed I laughed from his laugh "I just want to get to know you better as my friend" I clarified he nodded not believing a word I said

"Whatever" He shook his head I stood still as he waited for me to enter his car I crossed my arms "Right now?!" Kareem eyebrows rose as his eyes widen slightly "Yes cause I know you you'll try to change the topic like you just did right now" I pointed at him he smirked eyeing me with a different look in his eyes

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