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"Oh come on Kingston don't be so paranoid" I chuckled as I finished cooking our eggs

"Babe I'm telling you something ain't right about those two, He was eyeing her the whole party" I rolled my eyes as I had my back facing Kingston, one thing about my man he was extremely observant even when you thought he wasn't looking he was

It was like he had eyes in the back and on the sides of his head "Maybe he was making sure she was good King, You know he sees her as a sister" I turned around plating the eggs

Kingston typed away in his phone "Hmm maybe your right"

"Nigga talking about he went on a date yesterday" Kingston scoffed grabbing his plate and eating his breakfast I smirked

My girl Kari better had got her freak on, oh wait he's waiting.

"Oh yeah?" I grabbed my plate sitting next to him "Yeah wonder if it's the same girl he was talkin about the other day" Kingston turned off his phone putting it to the side

"Imma be at the club all day today, you goin be good here?"

I sighed playing with my eggs "King I'm tired of this being at home not doing shit, let me go to the club with you"

Kingston looked over at me "Ma I don't even let my sister come up there I'm for sure not letting you come there especially with you pregnant"

I rolled my eyes getting up "Now you eating breakfast in the living room?" Kingston asked as I grabbed my plate walking away "If it's away from you gladly"

Kingston groaned as I walked away sitting on the couch in the living room and continued my eating and few seconds later Kingston walked in with his plate sitting next to me

"Common baby"

"King I'm not your little house wife" I looked at him Kingston gave me his full attention "Yes baby I love cooking for you and manage our home but being in this house all the time drives me insane" I waved my hands around

"Especially now" I looked down at my stomach "I need to get out do something with my free time" I expressed

"Be with my sister"

"Your sister works Kingston something you don't want me doing" I huffed rolling my eyes Kingston sighed rubbing his temple "It's too early for this shit Sabrina"

"Okay then leave Kingston, go be a man and make money for your family"

"Sabrina watch yo mouth cuh"

I scoffed "Or what King"

"You gon say I can't cook and clean now?!" I yelled he chuckled "Yeah you trippin right now"

"No you are, you are not hearing me Kingston!"

"How can I Sabrina when you tellin me to be a man and make money to pay these bills" Kingston looked at me crazy I sighed shaking my head

"I'll see you later" Kingston stood up pecking my lips then my forehead "I love you ma aight" I took a deep breath nodding

Kingston kissed my stomach "And I love you little man be good for mommy aight" Kingston spoke to my stomach I smiled small he stood up straight looking at me

"I'll call you after the last few auditions I have today" I nodded Kingston took his plate walking back into the kitchen trashing it and then walking to the front door

"Lock the door baby" Kingston opened then closed the door I sighed rubbing my stomach "What are we gonna do about your daddy"


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