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It's been a couple weeks since Thanksgiving and Christmas was approaching quickly, I pushed the whole drama with Faven and Gianna to the back of my mind because those bitches were not getting anymore of my energy

I was never one to fight over a nigga or even about a nigga and I wasn't finna start now, I love Kareem but I wasn't finna be one of those girls where everytime they talked about me or him I went and beat they ass

I'm too grown for that...

"Kari can you help me take out my hair?" Kiya walked into the living room where me and Kareem's family were watching a movie, This Christmas to be exact

I nodded moving the bowl of popcorn from my lap standing up, Kiya smiled turning around happily I followed behind her

We walked to her room and she closed the door behind us she sat in her vanity as I picked a braid and began taking it out

"I kinda need your advice on something" Kiya looked at me through her mirror I looked at her frowning "Wassup" I nodded my head up looking down at the braid

"Is it a red flag if a guy avoids meeting your family?" Kiya furrowed her eyes as she looked at me in the mirror my mouth gaped open "Now you know better Ki" I shook my head looking at her she sighed slouching her shoulders

"I know I was just hoping I would get a different response"

I laughed at Kiya she smiled small looked down on to her vanity "Well why he avoiding to meet the fam?" I asked

"I don't know it's everytime we bring up families he avoids the topic entirely" I shook my head "Kiya you deserve better than that girl, besides if he doin that then you know your family wouldn't like him anyways" I shrugged

"Your're right but I like him so muchhh" Kiya pouted "There is too many niggas out in this world that would die to be in his place, Tighten up girl" I shook my head Kiya laughed pushing me back from her

"Whatchu you trynna say I'm weak in the knees?" She looked at me through her mirror "Very" I nodded she smacked her lips

"I know you not talkin ms. my man my man my man" Kiya sassed "Atleast he's my man, where yours?" I tilted my head Kiya gasped "Get out" She pointed to the door I laughed


"Twirl fa me" Kareem grabbed my hand twirling me as he held a smirk on his face, his eyes on my ass "Fuck you look so good in this dress" Kareem pulled me to him to kiss me as the kiss was about to deepen I stopped him "Babe no, we're in public"

"And?" Kareem frowned at me I rolled my eyes, one thing about my man he ain't care where we was and when he was gon show me affection regardless

"Anyways what you rate the date mama" Kareem asked me as we walked to his car "Hmmm" I sat there thinking

"9.5 out of 10"

"What can I do to get that .5?"

"Eat me out" I looked over to him smirking his eyes went wide before he smirked at me we stopped as we made it to his car "Shit let me know" Kareem pressed against me

"No nigga you let me know, Mr. I'm waiting till marriage" Kareem laughed "If you don't like it, the door is still open"

"Boy please" I waved him off chuckling "But forreal tho ma" Kareem quickly got serious I frowned looking up at him

"What you think about marriage?" Kareem looked at me "Um- I mean I want to get married"

"There any time period?" Kareem asked me I tilted my head "No whenever it happens it happens"

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