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"It's only going to be an hour Bk" Rya huffed before stepping out the car I sighed as I looked ahead of me looking at the building infront of me

Rya's church, I sighed opening the car door stepping out "Never again Rya" I pointed at her she waved me off grabbing my hand we walked inside as the choir sung

Just exactly how I remember choirs were, Rya led us to the third bench sitting next to Bryson he looked at me with surprised eyes nodding his head up at me

I dapped him up sitting down Rya hugged him as he began to whisper in her ear I grabbed my phone seeing I had two new messages

Shawn🥰: Link?
Boss: I have another big case for you on your desk tomorrow.

I smiled at both messages replying to my boss first then Shawn

Me: Can't at church with Rya
Shawn🥰: Church? When did you start going to church?
Me: Rya begged me
Shawn🥰: fs slide after yo little church service

I silently chuckled at Shawn's text, me and Shawn were on the same page when it came to church we weren't against Jesus but we weren't exactly for him either

Me: okay

"Good evening brothers and sisters" A young man spoke into the mic flipping through his bible

"Evening" the church said back in unison "Today we will be starting in book of  Job"

I pulled out my bible that I haven't touched in years flipping to the table of contexts to find what page Job was on

Rya flipped to Job immediately already knowing where it was I side eyed her she laughed helping me flip to Job on my bible and handing me a highlighter

I sighed I couldn't believe Rya really got me out here

"Just breathe Kari church isn't going to kill you" She smiled softly at me I took a deep breath smiling back and we both listen to the guy that began to preach


"So, Job had this rich life, had a family, his wife, and was in good health"

"Then tragedy hits because who is here to kill steal and destroy?"

"Satan" he answered his own question I listened closely to everything he was saying "Satan and God talked about Job, Job was a faithful servant to God so God blessed him with the wealth and riches he had for how faithful he was"

"So Satan went into God's presence saying I bet you if you were to take away Job's wealth he will curse your name"

"Obviously don't quote me word for word" he chuckled into the mic the crowd chuckled

"God knew Job and knew Job's heart so he gave Satan the authority to take away his wealth"

"So notice nothing can prevail in our lives unless God allows it to"

"The reason can be he wants us to learn a lesson or he wants us remember who blessed us with our blessings can also take them away"

"But can't we also think just because we have faith in Jesus Christ doesn't mean we are invisible to our enemies in fact we stick out more to them because we have faith in him" I rose an eyebrow

"Now Job had done nothing wrong for him to receive this type of punishment but this wasn't about Job it was about the spiritual warfare that was between the Lord and Satan for Job"

I sat there listening as the pastor continued to talk about Job's I couldn't help but to relate it to my past situations

Thinking I learned a lesson from each situation I've been through and the amount of depression I went through and hurt I felt

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