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"So how many times did you fail until you finally got it right?" I asked tilting my head as I held my gun in my hand pointing it at the target trying to perfect my headshots and chest shots specifically the heart

"Shit maybe a thousand" Kareem shrugged cleaning his gun, I asked Kareem to help me with my shot to perfect it he agreed and we met at our shooting range that our facility provided

I sighed placing the gun down "I'm done for today" I shook my head giving up Kareem smirked shaking his head before trapping me inside the booth and turning me back around and picking up my gun and placing it in my hands

"First you point your gun just a little higher than we're you want to target" Kareem adjusted my hands with his hands over mine I took a deep breathe of his cologne as he stood close behind me

"Once you lined everything up take a deep breath" I took a deep breath inhaling more of his scent "Then pull the trigger" he put his finger over mine pulling the trigger the bullet hitting the head of the dummy Kareem let go of me backing up I stood there with my mouth open

"No way" I scoffed setting my gun down "Hey maybe just leave it to the pros shorty" Kareem smirked tending back to his gun again as he leaned on the wall "Shut up" I rolled my eyes Kareem eyes shifted up to me we held eye contact before Kareem nodded shifting his eyes back down to his gun

"What do you have planned for today tough guy" I walked over to my gun taking the mag out and cocking it back allowing the bullet in the chamber to fall "My sister's birthday is today so a family dinner"

"What about you" Kareem looked up at Kari as her back was turned to him he took the time to eye her body getting a good look at her ass "Family dinner also my brother is finally telling my mom Sabrina is pregnant" Kari chuckled turning around catching Kareem staring

Kari smirked putting her weight all on one leg "Like what you see?" She asked mocking Kareem's words Kareem smirked "Don't get me started Ms. Davis"

"Aww no fun Mr. Carter" After the little Sunday breakfast they had last Sunday before church the two flirted back and fourth they tried toning it down during work but whenever the two were together it was bound to happen

"I can make shit fun" Kareem stood up off the wall going to his station putting his gun back together "So why don't you?" Kari placed her gun down again facing Kareem as he kept his attention on his gun

They always went back and fourth until one finally backed down allowing the other one to win the little flirting competition they had going on between each other

Kareem looked towards Kari seeing she held an eyebrow up he glanced down at her moisturized lips that were covered in lipgloss a turn on for Kareem

"Not very professional of you Ms. Davis" Kareem finally spoke lifting his eyes back to her Kari hummed clearly winning this time "I guess not" Kari shrugged grabbing her gun and placing it in her holster

"I'll see you around Mr. Carter" I smirked looking at Kareem playfully he chuckled shaking his head "Don't text me on some bullshit Kari!" Kareem yelled as I got to the door "No promises!" I yelled back before I walked out the range making my way back to the gear room to put my gun away

I walked in seeing Ballard grabbing his gun I shifted my eyes to my locker avoiding eye contact with him, after the White House assignment I avoided my Boss at all cost unless he wanted to talk about my assignments

After making it clear to him I was not interested Ballard seemed to be a little butthurt that I wasn't as easy as he thought I was, I told him I saw right through him and if he wanted to fuck he should've been straight up about it

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