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"Hey Chandler" I greeted Joshua as I walked into the gear room "Wassup Boss" I laughed shaking my head unlocking my locker "I'm not your Boss Chandler"

"For this case you are" He chuckled I rolled my eyes "Where is Garcia?"

"She's running a bit late, Carter and Anderson are in the conference room" I nodded Joshua grabbed the rest of his things leaving the gear room I grabbed the rest of my stuff leaving my gun in my locker

I closed my locker leaving the gear room "Excuse me" I heard a soft voice I looked to my left seeing a rather short girl "Yes"

"I'm here to be an spectator are you" she looked at her clipboard "Kari Davis?"

I smiled nodding "Yes ma'am"

"Okay I'll just be on the sideline watching you and your team for research purposes"

"Okay thank you for letting me know" I nodded she smiled I smiled then turned around immediately dropping my smile

"Ballard you are not slick" I mumbled rolling my eyes I walked into the conference room with the woman behind me "Okay everyone this is" I trailed off looking behind me as I continued to walk to the front of the room

"Kareem?" The woman disregarded my introduction putting all her attention on Kareem I frowned as everybody else stared at the two

"Brooke?" Kareem questioned standing up chuckling I rolled my eyes, great a reunion. "How have you been?" The woman smiled wide looking up at Kareem he smirked "I've been chillin just been focusin on myself"

"You and Faven?"

"I'll fill you in later" He chuckled I cleared my throat the two looked at me I lifted my eyebrow "Our case" I said plainly Kareem chuckled but not from any amusement more like a chuckle of irritation

"As I was saying, you are?" I directed my attention to the woman "Oh! sorry, Hi my name is Brooke I'm just spectating you guys for the day"

"Brooke this is Joshua and Spencer were missing one she's running late and Kareem who you already seem to know"

Brooke smiled at him he returned a half smile back, cute.

"Alright, Spencer what you got"

"The crime scene in Bakersfield was pretty much clean he's starting to clean up his tracks"


"Me and Carter came to the conclusion the unsub is a male"

"Carter any reason why?" I asked as I began writing our white board "He's able to take both the male and female that's unusual strength for a female"

I nodded writing "Okay so the unsub is a male" I turned around "Joshua what you got"

"The crime scene in Modesto was quite the opposite it was messier, his dna was everywhere"

"We already ran his dna through the system nothing came up" I nodded

"And to confirm Kareem and Spence theory it is a male" I nodded

"But one thing I noticed at the crime scene all the bathrooms in the house were ransacked"

I frowned "Interesting"

"It was the same way for the crime scene in Bakersfield" Spencer spoke up I nodded

"But wouldn't that be normal if the homocides turns to a burglary?" Spencer asked I nodded "Possibly but he could also be looking for drugs or anything that could give him the effect of a drug" Kareem spoke up

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