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"Are you kidding me Ry!" I laughed as I watched Rya hold the pair of jeans I've been looking for, These were the jeans that were just my go to jeans and Rya wore them once and I haven't seen them since

"Gimme these" I walked up to Rya snatching them out her hand she laughed "Atleast I replaced them so now you have two pairs"

"Not the point" I shook my head Rya continued to laugh, It was the next morning and I was able to get atleast two hours of sleep before I had another dream about Shawn

Now it was early in the morning and Rya and I were packing "Have you told your mom yet"

I shook my head as I threw all of our living room decorations in a box "I will call her in a hour or so she not even up yet" I looked down at my watch seeing the time

"Okay, Bryson is on his way to help us" I nodded as I heard Rya footsteps get faint as she walked back to her room I sighed looking around the living room

So many memories in this apartment though the memories were still very much engraved in my brain it was like leaving something behind, I was leaving something behind my first home

Moving out of this apartment wasn't going to be easy me and Rya practically grown into adults in this apartment from fresh college graduates to actual adults

I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket I pulled my phone out my pocket looking at the screen

Reem🤞🏾: Yall good?
Me: Yes sir
Reem🤞🏾: Coo, Y'all hungry?

"Ry you hungry?!" I yelled I waited a couple seconds waiting for Rya to answer "No!" She yelled back I looked back down at my phone typing

Me: Nah we good

Kareem left me on read I turned off my phone sliding it back into my back pocket I continued packing

As I packed so many thoughts were running through my mind but I was heavily thinking about my brother I haven't seen him in four months

That's the longest we ever went not seeing or talking to eachother and it honestly hurt, Though I seen Sabrina often and she always kept me update about what was going on with my brother I still wanted to hear all these updates from him

Sabrina was now five months pregnant she was finna hit six and her stomach was getting bigger each day she looked so cute, she made pregnancy look so easy.

My phone rung interrupting me from my thoughts I quickly grabbed it looking at the contact "That's wild" I mumbled to myself chuckling I slid my thumb across my screen answer the facetime call

"I was just thinking about you girl" I chuckled Sabrina laughed "I miss you sis" I looked at my phone seeing Sabrina bottom lip out I laughed rolling my eyes

"I miss you too"

"What you doin?" Sabrina asked as she ate some gummy bears "Uh" I quickly thought if I wanted to tell her what was going on

"Packing" I answered Sabrina frowned "For what?" I sighed "You cannot tell Kingston Sabrina" I spoke softly "Okay I won't"

"Sabrina I'm serious"

"Okay Kari just tell me what's going on!" Sabrina semi yelled I sighed sitting on the couch "So yesterday on my way to work Shawn popped up"

"What?!" I nodded "Talkin about he missed me all this other bullshit then nigga had the nerve to pull a gun out on me and damn near rape me"

"Wait" Sabrina gasped "What!" She yelled I nodded "Kari! Did you call the police or something, the fuck you mean he damn near raped you?"

"No, Kareem pulled up before Shawn could even go any further"

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