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After two hours of crying I finally got up and took a long hot shower a well needed shower washing everything from my hair all the way down to my toes

I wasn't even in the mood to blast any music not even summer walker which would be fitting for right now but I just couldn't

I'm so drained not even physically but emotionally and mentally

Shawn's was sucking every ounce of energy I had and I didn't notice until now for some reason

I blocked his number and blocked every other form of communication with him

I still couldn't shake the feeling of his hand around my neck

I couldn't believe I love him, love really makes you blind

I laid down in my bed with my robe on feeling sleep about to take over when I heard yelling

"No nigga you need to leave, bitch made for real!" I heard Rya scream "Move bitch!" I heard Shawn yell back his voice carrying throughout the whole apartment

"Trynna see my girl and shit and you fuckin around in my face"

"She yo girl yet you hittin her?" Rya questioned I sighed sitting up "Bitch mind yo business and we'll mind ours"

"Need to take yo holy ass on somewhere and get some dick" Shawn spat I opened my door walking down the hallway

Shawn and Rya came into my view as they continued to yell at each other "Okay!" I yelled shutting them both up

"Finally ma can you tell yo friend to move her cock blockin ass" he pushed her head "Nigga touch me again and I will kill you"

"Shit that ain't very Christian of you" he smirked "Nigga I ain't Christ I will still fuck you up" Rya glared at him her fist balling up

"Shawn leave" I said quietly I didn't have the energy for any of this shit "Common baby you know better than to dismiss me" Shawn chuckled Rya scoffed

"You really ain't shit" Rya laughed to herself "And I really tried hearing Kari out" Rya shook her head

"Common Kari let's go, tired of this bitch nagging in my ear"

"Stop calling her a bitch!" I yelled Shawn frowned at me "That's my best friend Shawn please stop disrespecting her" I spoke low

"Whatever ma just common" Shawn waved his hand "No Shawn I told you I was done" I shook my head Shawn glared at me "And the fuck I tell you, huh!" he yelled causing me to jump

"Go nigga before I call her brother" Rya pushed him "Touch me again shorty yo ass gonna be six feet under"

"I would love to see you try" Rya glared at him he smirked shaking his head "Yeah come get yo friend Bk before I handle her"

"Okay Rya just back up please I don't want him hurting you" I pleaded my body was slowly giving out I was feelin so weak

"Don't worry about me Kari" she waved me off I walked closer to them "You stay there Kari forreal" Rya looked at me sternly

"Bitch move" Shawn pushed Rya sending her to the ground he walked up to me "Go get yo shit shorty" Shawn looked down at me sternly

"Better hurry up too ma" I looked at Rya as she touched her lip blood on her finger I gasped "Rya-" I tried running over to her Shawn quickly caught me picking me up and placing me back in front of him

"Yo fuck her aight go get yo shit so we can go!" Shawn yelled I closed my eyes holding back tears that wanted to fall right now

He was a different man right now this was not the Shawn I knew at all

"Shawn you hurt her!" I yelled he chuckled shrugging "So I ain't worried about her I'm worried about you go get yo shit Kari deadass, all of it"

Shawn roughly let me go I slowly walked to my room as I looked at Rya "I'm sorry" I mouthed

After packing a bag I walked back to the front room seeing Shawn on top of Rya choking her with both his hands my eyes went wide I dropped my bag and everything seemed to move in slow motion

Rya clawed at Shawn arms as he stayed on top of her


Two years ago...

I laughed as Shawn picked me up throwing me over his shoulder

"Babe stop!" I yelled laughing he chuckled "Nah you think you tough" he threw me on his bed I laughed as he crawled ontop of me holding my wrists down

"Now what was you sayin?" he smirked I rolled my eyes Shawn bent down kissing me passionately

I hummed breaking the kiss "Babe that coach from the Steelers is looking at you" I forgot to tell Shawn about this, his coach told me to tell him since he missed his last practice after running into each other today

"Yeah?" he groaned as he kissed on my neck "Yeah I think you should reach out you know practice with the team or something" Shawn made his way back to my lips

"I will mama" he kissed me I smiled against his lips I wrapped my legs around his waist as we continue to kiss each other passionately

I moaned softly Shawn pulled away staring at me I looked away from his gaze "Look at me" he spoke softly tugging on my chin I shifted my eyes back to him as his eyes continued to dance all over my face his hand rubbing my thigh

"I wanna marry you one day" he smirked I smiled hard he chuckled "Really?" I asked he nodded as he played with top of my pants I sat there in deep thought before I built the courage to say what I've been wanting to say for weeks "I think I'm ready Shawn"

"You sure?" he looked at me with a unsure look I nodded smiling "Hold up lemme get a condom" he jumped off me I sat up smiling mentally preparing for my first time of having sex


Present Time...

I blinked a few times trying to see if I was dreaming or not looking at Rya seeing her eyes start to roll back into her head and her eyes slowly closing I panicked running up to Shawn "Shawn stop!" I screamed he pushed me hard sending me flying

I regained my balance looking at Rya, I cried as I watched my best friend life hanging on to a thread "Baby why the-" Bryson walked into the apartment dropping the flowers he had in his hand, Bryson had left after me and Rya went back fourth to give us space

Bryson pulled Shawn off of Rya punching him in his face hard I crawled over to Rya her breathing was very shallow and quick she was trying to regain her regular breathing pattern but her eyes were still closed she was definitely unconscious "O my God I'm so sorry Rya I'm so sorry" my hands shaking scared to touch her

"Babe" Bryson called to Rya as I sat there helpless and crying I looked over to Shawn seeing him hunched over holding his stomach

Bryson picked her up "I'm taking her to the hospital Bk" I nodded "Call yo mom and Kingston" he said at once jogging out the apartment with Rya in his arms

I looked over to Shawn again seeing he was clearly in pain I may love him but what he was trying to do right now kill my best friend hurt my best friend

Yeah now he was dead to me.

I stood up wiping my tears walking over to him kicking him as hard as a I could he groaned I bent down to his level "I loved you Shawn I really did but whatever comes to you, you deserve it" I stood up seeing my brother run in I didn't even get to call him yet it was probably Rya before everything went down

He looked at Shawn then to me for approval I nodded he picked him up dragging him out of the apartment I quickly went into my room to throw some clothes on so I could get to my best friend

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