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Two days later...

"Brinaaaa" I sung over the phone as I was smiling, it's been two days since me and Kareem have gotten together and everybody and they momma knew expect for Sabrina

Like even my momma knew... Sabrina been lackin she ain't been answerin my calls

"Sorry sis this baby been kickin my ass, like the mormon sickness has been terrible this week" Sabrina sighed I immediately pouted "I understand, but I have something to tell you" I immediately smiled looking down at my legs as I played with my shorts

"You're pregnant?!"

I smacked my lips

"Sabrina" I spoke in a flat tone she busted out laughing

"It's serious hoe"

"Okay okay what" Sabrina laughing died down and she got serious

"So me and Reem went on a date two days ago"

"mhm" Sabrina hummed "Wait where is my brother?" I asked before I went any further "He's at work"

"Okay anyways" I quickly got back to what I was saying to make sure the conversation didn't redirect to him

"After me and Kareem went on a date and everything, we went back to his crib"

"Y'all had sex!" Sabrina interrupted I rolled my eyes "No Sabrina just listen" I huffed Sabrina chuckled "Okay sorry"

"Anyways we went to his crib and I was chilling downstairs while he was upstairs apparently checking on something but after some time he called me upstairs and girl" I paused


"He asked me to be his girlfriend!" I said excitedly "What!" Sabrina yelled I laughed nodding "Ya girl is officially cuffed" I smiled

I heard Sabrina shrieking but slightly far away from her phone I laughed at her as she continued to scream in pure joy

After two minutes she finally came back to the phone "Finally girl" Sabrina sighed I laughed shaking my head "Like four months of just talking with no title is crazy"

"Yeah" I nodded "Cause we don't need another Shawn situation"

"God forbid that shit" I scoffed at his name "I was so delusional like I'm embarrassed forreal" I shook my head is pure disgust

"Like I was the definition of dickmatized" I scoffed Sabrina chuckled "Anyways yeah I just wanted to tell you that and you know the routine don't tell Kingston"

Sabrina groaned "Girl you know he my bestfriend how am I gonna withhold this information from him?"

"Just don't say anything easy" I shrugged Sabrina scoffed "You are no help hoe"

I laughed "How my baby?"

"She good"

"Oh so do we officially know the gender?" I asked Sabrina laughed I rolled my eyes the laugh told me everything I needed to know

"Me and King are going to the appointment today but we are having a gender reveal party"

"ooooo when"

"This weekend" I nodded "Who's gonna be in charge of this information?"

"Your mom"

"Oop okay can I know?"

"No! you have to wait like the rest of us!" Sabrina yelled I rolled my eyes "Whatever okay so this weekend" I spoke to myself nodding "Lemme get ready to break my bank account"

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