First Day Back (Ch 1)

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Shadow POV

First day back to this hell-hole ,sigh, I'm not ready for this. Rouge and Fakers friends invited me for picnics,party's, clubs, and all that fun stuff, I didn't go, I wanted to spend my summer alone. Faker though..he specifically asked me before Rouge, kinda like he wanted me to go. Very sappy of him but he could go fuck off.

I was entering the school and noticed a 'Welcome Back!' Sign. Not feeling very welcomed at the moment, everybody was staring at me because of how late I was. This year we had a seating chart. I sat behind sonic next to knuckles. Sonic sat next to Tails and Rouge sat next to Amy, there's more but I don't have time for that. I don't even know why tails is here. He's smart, but I never thought he'd be so smart to skip grades. I was so thankful that this semester they didn't have me sitting next to that cocky hedgehog.

We were in art class, my favorite, art is very peaceful, But never peaceful when it's loud, especially when the voices making the loud is your rival. I despise everything about his voice. I usually put on earbuds but I forgot them today.
"Shut up." I yelled to the hedgehog. "C'mon Shads! Start making some friends, you're always alone!" He said. "Don't call me that! And leave me alone faker!" Ugh that nickname. I hate it. Why can't this hedgehog understand that I don't want to talk, in fact, why is he so cheery, there's no way you're that happy.

Much later on throughout the day, was just those fun stuff teachers do to convince you that they're fun and not atrocious beasts. We watched a movie, then did a little bit of work. Last period, science, we had to do a "fun project" for the first day back. The teacher gave us two weeks, she said she didn't expect much. 'I just want to prove something' I mocked her in my head. This is so stupid. The project had to be worked on by partners, as soon as I was about to call Rouges boyfriend, knuckles, since Rouge wasn't in this class, the teacher said she paired us with significant people,oh.

I bet you guessed who I paired with, Yup, Sonic. He drives me crazy. The rest of the period this guy was bugging me about the project, where should we do it, what are we gonna do, stuff like that. "Fine Faker we'll do it at my house, just keep your mouth shut and don't talk to me." I was so annoyed by him. "Fine! Just let me tell you my ideas and we'll work together silently, just like you want!" Heh I didn't think that would've worked, thought he would keep on babbling his cocky mouth.

The bell rang and me and faker walked to my house, to start on our project. He was silent..surprisingly. He actually looks so much more.. peaceful. We arrives at my house and I walked him towards my bedroom and walked away to get the supplies we need. I came back to my room and he was sitting in the floor laying on his belly. "So.. what do we start with?" "Just start with writing the title and information out in pencil. I'll do the colors, I'm better at that anyways, and you do the pictures." I was actually looking forward to this. "okok! Sounds good!" I watched as he put his headphones on and peacefully, and silently work on his part. I looked back to my project, I didn't want it to seem like I was staring to long. He's more interesting when he's quiet.

After A few Long Hours, it was 11:00.
"Phew finally done!" He stood up and checked the time on his phone. "Oh fuck. It's 11:00, Shads.." "What do you want." "Do you mind if u stay here for today?" "Yes." "Shadsss!.Its too cold outside!" "I don't care. Get the fuck out." "Shadow Please?" "... Fine. Sleep on the guest room Hedgehog, it's over there." I pointed at the room infront of mine. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!"
"Shut up."

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