Chaos (Ch 14)

301 16 11

POV Shadow

I heard sounds of snoring and woke up in the hospital while my memory came back again. The snores were coming from Sonic, he's too beautiful and kind and sympathetic person. My face saddened, I don't deserve him. I saw the sun shine on his muzzle as he slowly woke up. "Good morning love." He widened his eyes and smiled, his tail wagging along with his ears perking up. "Good morning, Shads! How do you feel?" Honesty, I feel good. "I actually feel okay." Sonic raised a brow and crossed his legs. "I'm not lying I swear!" He smiled and stood up. "I believe you, darling." He bent down to give me a slow, gentle, passionate kiss, but I had some other ideas. I quickly reached for his neck and gave him my love bites he gasped and moaned in surprise. "S-Shaa~Shadow!" Thats what I wanted to hear. "Sha-aah! Shaadow!" He said in a shakey breath. "I love your moans Sonic." I rubbed his thighs and went up and down his curvy waist, I found his spot and sucked it causing him to moan my name again. Alright I'll stop now. I chuckled. "Shadow!" I smirked at him a licked my lips. "Let's finish this at home, no?" I saw his muzzle change from a tan to a quick red. I love getting him nervous.

The doctor came in and said he, as in me, was good to go. Sonic left the sketchbook in the counter and then he ripped the drawing of me out. We headed out the room and made our exit. "I wonder why the others didn't help us out last time."  I eyes gazed at him, "Yeah, they were probably sleeping, whatever, anyway, Rouge invited us to her party, she said we're celebrating being adults. If you go, I go." Sonic smiled, "Sure, I'll go, when, and what time?" I pulled out my phone and checked the message, forgetting when the party was. "It's today at 5:30, It's an open invite again. There will probably be a lot of people again, you sure you want to go?" Sonic nodded, and held my hand while walking to the car that Tails dropped off. His skin was so soft and warm, I smiled and stared at his beautiful emerald green eyes. He then let go of my hand, as we arrived at the car, I paused, not wanting to let go of his hand so soon. "Shads? You feel okay?" Sonic stopped and looked at me concerned. I snapped out if my thoughts, "Oh, yeah, I'm good.. just wanted to hold your hand a little longer." I heard him chuckle, "C'mon Shads, get in the car I'll hold your hand while I'm driving." I felt myself turning red, I smiled as I got in the car. Sonic turned the car on and grabbed my hand to place it on his thigh, he held my hand the whole way home.

When we arrived, I remembered what I said at the hospital and I wanted to tease Sonic. I grabbed his hand again pinned him to the wall, I turned him around, let go of his hands, and made my hands down his waist. I bent down to whisper in his ear. "Shall we continue?" I heard him chuckle a bit, "Shadow, not right now! We have to get ready for Rouge's party!" I smiled, I turned him back around, we connected lips and I gave him a small gentle kiss. Sonic chuckled, "Stop teasing you emo." I smirked, "Would you want me to Continue?" He smiled at me, "I don't know but right now we need to get ready for Rouge's party." Later? I smirked.

After getting ready we chilled out at the living room until it was time to go.

We were on our way to Rouge's house as we held hands and saw other people on their way. "Hey Shads, is it just me that has a bad feeling about this party." I looked at him in confusion. "Just you, but let's be cautious and stay together." He smiled at me and nodded. When we got in, we sat at the couch in the corner that nobody really sits at. We observed the people as Sonic and I talked, we saw this one guy walking near this girl with her boyfriend and caused a scene. The man was clearly drunk.

Hey whay you steel my giirl?

Your girl? You look twice her age!

I've never seen you in my life!

You're comiing wit mei!

I'm not going anywhere with you!

The strange man grabbed the girls rist. Her boyfriend acted quickly to punch him, but the man dodged and held her in a headlock with a gun to her head. Everyone gasped, including Sonic. He was scared for her. I thought quickly and chaos controlled near the man to kick the gun and grab it. I punched him and the girl was set loose, I held the gun to his head and yelled at him. "GET OUT!" Since the man was drunk he tried to fight back. Rouge came by with a napkin with alcohol and held it to his nose so he could breathe it in. He passed out and I chaos controlled him to G.U.N to take care of him. I chaos controlled back to the party and ignoring that everyone was looking at me I went back to Sonic. "Thank you for saving me!" I heard the girl say. I simply nodded. "Hey! I thought we were in this together!" Sonic pouted at me. "We are, but you were clearly surprised and your mind was processing things." He sighed. "You're right."

The party still yet continued which was surprising, although besides all that, I have to talk to Rouge. A whole ass man came to her house with a gun, and almost shot a girl! Why? For having a fucking open house. She let anyone in without seeing if they were possibly armed?! I know I sound like a big brother right now but everyone and most importantly her, could've gotten hurt. I told Rouge and she said she'll stop doing open houses and since Sonic and I were still feeling unsettled we left to get ice cream.

This day was shocking, but fun at the end, but I don't care, as long as I got to spend time with my blue boy.

Stuck In The Janitors Closet (Sonadow/Shadonic) (Gay/BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now