He's Back (Ch 7)

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POV Shadow

I woke up, and it was still snowing and freezing outside, I could tell. The windows were cold and had cracks from the ice. I don't feel like going to school anyway. I went to the kitchen to heat up some pizza Sonic made yesterday. I went to my couch with a plate with my pizza in it and sat down. I turned on the TV and put it on low volume so I wouldn't wake Sonic up. After a few minutes of watching TV, Sonic finally woke up. "Hey, my love." "HeEey" Sonic said, very tired. "Why did you wake up so early if you're still tired?" "I rather spend more time with you, yawn." I blushed and then smiled softly and tapped the couch, signaling him to sit down. After he sat down, I leaned over to kiss his forehead. He then grabbed my head and pushed his lips onto mine. It took me by surprise, but I kissed back. It feels nice. It..it feels nice being loved. After we let go, we held hands on the couch, but that didn't matter. "I heated up some pizza. Do you want some?" "Yeah, sure!" I stood up and grabbed him a slice. Yeah, we're having pizza for breakfast, but im not cooking. I'm not burning my kitchen again. I headed back to the couch and put on a movie on the TV. Not even half of the movie, and we heard screams, and they weren't from the TV for sure. Sonic and I quickly looked at each other confusingly. He stood up and ran towards the window. He cleared up the fog, and then I stood up to see. Eggman. After a month of being gone, why would he come back now? Before I knew it, Sonic was already outside. He's going to get himself hurt. If Eggman was gone for so long, he must've had something big planned. I went outside with Sonic, and we both started fighting Eggman. I was keeping a lookout for anything that the bald man had in plan. I chaos controlled behind Eggman and noticed that something was behind Sonic. It was transparent but very noticeable. I quickly ran to destroy the ghostly-bot figure, but then Sonic collapsed to the floor. I got closer, and he had a scratch in his head, and his leg was bleeding. I ran towards him, grabbed his body, I dont know what the robot did. It was all a blur, but I will destroy it, along with Eggman. I chaos controlled to the nearest hospital. Was this my fault? Will.. Will he die like.. Maria? No. NO, shut up. It's just a leg injury. He won't die. But he could loose a lot of blood. No, he'll be okay.

I stayed with Sonic and went outside when I was told, but I stayed with him. They told me he had a concussion, and his leg was numb. He couldn't move it, basically paralyzed, but not forever, thankfully. The doctor said he would be like this for 3-4 weeks. No one knows yet, I'm waiting for him to wake up so I can tell our friends. It was about 2 hours before he woke up. He was half conscious, so he was still confused. He gained back his conscious and spoke to me. "W-what happend Shadow? I.. I can't remember what happened. "Eggman made a transparent Bot, you ddint see it it was behind you I think. A piece of glass, from a window that Eggman broke, flew and scratched your head. For the leg part, I couldn't see much. So much was happening. I think the Bot tripped you with its pointy shoe and stabbed the back of your leg." I saw the Bot up close he had a lot of spikes. "Oh. H-How long will I be like this?" "3-4 weeks." "Oh..Okay." I could tell Sonic was saddened by this. He couldn't run. The only peace he had and now he couldn't do. I always used to observe Sonic when I thought we were gonna fight. He finds peace and freedom when he runs. I never thought about it, I guess it's therapeutic to him. "I'll call our friends." "Okay.. thank you, Shadow, for staying with me. He held my hand and kissed it. I've never been treated like this. My heart is beating so fast. It's all so new to me. I froze and smiled at him flustered. Anyway, I went outside the room and called the group chat. They were pretty worried when I told them. I wonder how tails will react. He's wise and mature, but he's still a kid. It's nothing serious, but.. I don't know, I just feel bad.

They later arrived in about 6-8 minutes, Rouge let tails go inside first, while the others waited.

3rd POV

"Sonic! Sonic.. are you okay!? I-I saw you collapse, a-and I-I thought y-you.. sigh, are you okay now, Sonic?" The yellow fox said with his voice cracked and tears forming in his eyes."Heya buddy, Its okay! I'm okay! my leg is gonna be numb for about 3-4 weeks, The doctor gave me some medicine for the pain, and don't worry, I'll be okay, bro." Sonic was putting a face to show his little brother that he was not in pain. "I'm sorry, Sonic, I know how much you love to run." "Yeah..but it's just 3 or 4 weeks, so I'll be fine." Tails gave Sonic a hug and waved goodbye while leaving for the next person to go in.

Sonic POV

Rouge came in this time, "Hey,Blue, how you doing honey?" "Hi Rouge, I'm doing okay, sad that I won't be able to run, but it's no big deal, I guess." She looked at me, with her gaze softened but saddened at the same time. "Oh, I'm sorry, Blue. Are you still in any pain?" "A little sting, but it's slowly taking away. "Alright Hun, I'll be heading out so more people can talk to you. It's about to get dark soon." "Okay, thank you, Rouge." She nodded and got out of my room. Some more people came to visit me and then the visiting hours were over. I'm going to miss home. I'm going to miss Shadow. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes and got startled when shadow came in. "I thought visiting hours were over?" "They are, but I convinced them to let me stay." "How?" "I threatened them." "Oh. I dont..oh" Shadow laughed and went to the couch they had and prepared a bed. "Sleep well, My Love." "Night Shadow!" I went to sleep slightly in less pain, maybe because he was here with me. I never fell this hard for someone.

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