First Day (Ch 19)

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POV Shadow

I was looking at Sonic and he had a face if worry, or anxiousness. I could tell he was nervous, I mean he's been bullied before so I can't blame him for seeing new faces and feeling nervous for it. This year will probably pass by fast. Sonic and I were heading to room 213, our first period, math. As we entered there were a few people already in there. We took our seat and watched as the room filled with more of our classmates. Some people were giving us looks, since we're gay and dating but I don't care, although Sonic might, not if that he's gay and he's dating me, but the looks. Sonic has anxiety and I know because every time we go out he saddens his face and tells me, "Do I look weird? They're staring at me because they think I'm weird, right?" So I hope these people treat him well, or else.

Today was an introduction day, meaning it was just us introducing ourselves and the professor as well. We got to know a little bit of our math professor and the students were talking to other students. Eventually a girl came to us. "You guys are the gay couple, no? Some people here are talking about y'all. Oh! And don't worry I don't criticize. Im Tikal, how about you guys?" Sonic and I looked at each other completely confused on how people know us as the 'gay couple' but we shook the thought off. "I am Shadow The Hedgehog, he, my boyfriend is Sonic The Hedgehog." Sonic smiled, "You're an echidna right?" The orange Echidna nodded and smiled. "It was nice meeting you! Some people are jerks so if they say anything to you let me know." We nodded. A few minutes passed and then the teacher did a review on what we will be learning and what we already know.

POV Sonic

My next class was writing and Shadow wasn't with me this time. I felt so nervous having absolutely no one to talk to, of course I didn't show it, but still. After taking my seat this group of boys came to me. "Hey, you're that gay dude aren't you?" I nodded carelessly knowing that these boys may call me a slur I really do not want to here. Then they started laughing at me. I tried to pull my shit together so I won't seem weak in front of them. "If you're gonna call me a f*g do it fast and do it know because you're wasting my time." I snapped and they stopped laughing. They stared me down and then left pissed. I smirked mentally. Ugh now I'm going to be a target for the next two years. Then squirrel walked up to me. "Don't let them get to you. There's always gonna be someone that hates you sadly. I'm Ray The Flying Squirrel!" Ray said very enthusiastic, I smiled. "My name is Sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog." He looked at me shocked and then he smiled. "Oh! I've heard of you! You're gay right? Sorry, you probably heard this already. Anywho I don't discriminate so you found yourself a friend!" He laughed. I laughed with him. I hope this is how it is for all my classes, besides the homophobia. Ray sat next to me and set up his stuff. Us and the rest if the class were writing 5-10 pages about our life.

Reading, ugh another class without Shadow, I walked in and realized Rouge and Knuckles were here, a smile of relief grew on my face. I sat next to them and this time was a presentation of what we will be learning and just reading those big big books. We first read this book filled with poems. They're was actually one I really liked.

The sky cries
as more water fills the clouds
The sky screams
letting out all of the pressure it mourns.
The sky thunders
In agony and madnesses, it's cold
The sky cries as the cycle continues although it's torn.

I don't know why I like it, it just sends me the vibe of pressure and stress, which I have felt a lot. The professor noticed I was staring at the poem for too long. "You seem very interested in that book, you wanna keep it for now?" I laughed nervously but nodded. "You sure like poems, huh?" Rouge asked me then gave a look to Knuckles. "Yeah, it's just so formal and mysterious, I love it." Now I know reading will probably be one of my favorite classes.

Biology was next, the class actually seemed pretty quiet and concentrated, as if nobody really cared. Hmm, maybe I don't need friends in this class. And surprisingly the professor just introduced himself and started the lesson. The professor gave us a book called 'Introduction to Biological Psychology'. He told us to immediately start reading, and that our homework would be reading the book. I mean the book seemed pretty interesting, the only thing I'm complaining about is that it's literally the first day. We just sat there and read the book for the entire period, it was getting so boring!

Phew!.. and lastly, Economics, a class with Shadow. I waited for Shadow so we could come in together. When we did, we realized that Silver was here. I waved hi and we both sat with him. Besides them, I was actually curious and excited about this class, it'll be great to know more about business management and all that other money stuff I need to know. And just like the other classes it was an introduction then a review.

When it was time to go Shadow and I walked to our dorm. We sat on his bed and talked about our day. "So how did it go Sonic? Did you find some friends?" I smiled and nodded. "I met a flying squirrel named Ray, he was nice! And very enthusiastic. Although there was this group of jerks that were laughing at me because I'm gay but they fucked off real quick once I said something. How was your day Shadow?" Then he laid down and yawned. "Eh. Nothing much, got called some slurs, a few punches were thrown but they got in trouble so I don't care, but other than that same thing, I had Rouge in one of my classes and Knuckles in some other." I was shocked for what he said at the beginning but as long as they got in trouble for what they said I'm completely happy with it. I already feel these two years passing by fast.


Like I said in one of the recent chapters, this story will have a lot of time skips, I want to finish this book to move on to next ones, and since I had no plot for this story it gives me more reason to finish it quicker. This chapter was about the first day of college classes, the next chapter will be the last day of college classes. Chapter 20 will be the last chapter uploaded and the story will be marked as complete. My plan, like I mentioned, was to finish it before I start a new story and abandon this one. I really hope you guys can understand and respect my decision!!


Stuck In The Janitors Closet (Sonadow/Shadonic) (Gay/BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now