College (Ch 12)

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Yet again, sorry for not posting in a while, I have been very busy keeping up with school, family, friends, etc. I've had no clue what to write for a chapter, I have no plot for this story. This will probably be a shorter chapter than usual.

Any suggestions?


POV Shadow

It was the last day if school and people started panicking over getting in a college or not. I get the stress but failing and winning is apart of life, well maybe I'm just saying that because I'm not interested in college, but I just joined because Sonic did. Hey, I don't want him to be alone in this. He hasn't yet talked about if he's getting a dorm or not, but I doubt he wont get one, the place is an hour away, and with traffic and gas, he would rather stay. I wonder if we both get in and in the same dorm. How lucky would that be? Today was an interesting day we did whatever we want, since it was the last day, I am currently in 7th period sitting right next to him, admiring just him. His green eyes, the way his quills are brushed. He has me mesmerized with his beauty. I wonder.. I wonder what Maria will think of him. He brought my happiness back, the happiness Maria used to bring me. She said she wanted me to be happy, and.. I.. I finally am.

I talked to Sonic about the college thing, and what he was going to do, so I could make sure.
"Hey Sonic, did you get in to the college?" He tilted his head but then responded, "I don't know they haven't sent the email yet." His face softened in sadness. "Hey, It's going to be okay, that program seemed to help you so I doubt you wont get in. And if you do, are you planning to get a dorm?" He smiled. "I am getting a dorm, it'll save money, and time." I smiled at him. "You have such a beautiful smile, Shadow." I felt my face getting hot, I heard it from him so many times from him, yet each time he says it always makes me feel more love for him. "Stop itt!" I pouted, He giggled.

It was almost the end of class, and the school day. Me and Sonic were playing a kind of drawing game, guessing what we drew. His drawings were wonky and I didn't know what they were half of the time, mine of course, were amazing. Only a 5 minutes 'til school is over.





High school was over. It felt so surreal. It felt like yesterday Sonic and I became lovers, and not enemies. I feel like I have loved him for such a long time. Everyone was crowding, yelling, some even throwing confetti with excitement of this hell finally ending.

Him and I were holding hands calmly while walking to my house.

Sonic POV

We arrived at Shadow's house and we sat down at the couch of his house and I started thinking, still shocked that Im finished with high school. 18 years of stress, anxiety, struggles, and hard work, and I made it, I pulled it off, all my hard work came to something, and I'm finally free. All I need to do is get accepted into college! And I know I could do this! These thoughts made me smile so brightly that even Shadow was confused. He tilted his head and smirked in confusion. I giggled and told him. "I was thinking about how my hard work actually got me somewhere." I stopped talking, "Wait, let me phrase that better. "I feel proud of myself, for making it this far. If I would've had let my thoughts win, I wouldn't even be in this school right now." Shadow smiled softly, "I'm so proud of you, my love." He gave me a kiss on my cheek and caressed my back. I blushed and smiled nervously. "I love you so much, Shadow." He smirked. "I love you more, Sonic."

Stuck In The Janitors Closet (Sonadow/Shadonic) (Gay/BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now