Strange (Ch 16)

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Sonic POV

"Please!....Shadow!" I heard her voice again. "Again! Fade!" The point she was trying to make was unclear. "Sonic...P—— Shadow!" I heard my name. I heard Shadow, but it was a blur, all a big blur. I then heard a scream of agony and I..I woke up. It was that dream again, of Maria. I was debating if I should tell Shadow about this, I knew it could somehow bother me, but it could somehow bother him as well. Ugh, I don't know, let's see where this goes.

When Shadow and I woke up we went to McDonalds to get breakfast. I'm guessing I was obvious since he asked if I was okay. "Yep, I'm good Shadow, you?" He raised an eyebrow, not quite convinced at my response. "I'm perfectly happy, Sonic, but you, you don't seem like yourself, we'll talk about it after we eat. Plus, you know what they say, communication is key." I giggled, he was right, it's always better to talk it out. I nodded and we continued eating.

After we ate we went for a walk outside the campus. "Sonic, what's bothering you?" I fiddled with my fingers, pondering if I should tell him or not." I sighed, letting the talkative side of me win. "Shadow, I had a dream, some kind of warning or message, but it doesn't give off bad vibes like at all, actually quite the opposite." He raised a brow, "What kind of message?" I struggled trying to remember what it said. "I don't know! It said something like 'smile' and 'faded' or maybe 'brought' and protect' she even said both of our names! But it was all so unclear." Shadow crossed his arms and thought. "She?" I softened my face and lowered my head. "Maria, she was the girl in my dream." I saw his process of what I just told him. He hesitated to give me a response but gave me one. "Why..why would she appear in your dream? She is trying to say something, try your best to figure it out." He softened his face and smiled.

Later on throughout the day, this dream kept on bugging me. I was our dorm and I grabbed a notebook to write down the things Maria said that I remember. Maybe I can figure out what she's trying to say.

Okay, so she said, from what I remember, smile, faded, brought, Shadow, Sonic, and Protect? Wait, also, beloved smile. Hmm? I looked at my journal making sense of it, wait. Beloved smile faded, was brought..back? Shadows smile? Maybe, but I don't understand why she said my name. Protect smile? Protect Shadows smile? Sigh.. where's my name in this? Wait! Sonic, me, brought his smile back? No, wait, Sonic, protect Shadow...and his smile? Wait, Protect Shadow? Is he in danger or something? Ugh, I'm tired of all this thinking! It's going to drive me insane!! This is what I get for being curious!

"You found out anything?" Shadow asked me with curiosity as well. I passed him my journal and he grabbed it as he was analyzing my writing. Hmm. He hummed out. "So it's a good message? Great so nothing to worry about, but your curiosity and your sanity." I laughed. "You know me so well!" I said still laughing. He chuckled and gave me my journal back. "You wanna go for a walk? Just talk." He smiled. "Sure I love spending time with you." I blushed, those words meaning a lot to me. We both stood up and walked to a park near by. "Oh! I just remembered this embarrassing but funny story that happened. It was very painful but I laugh at it now." I said as I laughed thinking about it. Shadow smirked and raised a brow signaling me to continue. "Okay! So, when I was heading to 6th period, I was walking up the stairs and I fell down. Then this random guy looked up straight in the eyes and asked me, "Are you okay?" And I remember thinking to myself, "Oh wow! I'm actually perfectly fine!" I said in sarcasm. "What do you think you dumbass." And it turns out I said it out loud and he continued staring for a good minute and made his way out of my sight. He avoided me ever since! Oh and also I folded my toe on the way so I couldn't walk properly." Shadow laughed and I did too. "Anything you got to share, Shads?" He sighed, looked down, thinking. "Hmm, I don't get embarrassed much, uhm, hmm, oh wait, I don't know if this counts but sometimes I forget I can teleport, I have free will and I can never die." I chuckled. "Not embarrassing but pretty funny." He said. "Wanna race?" I asked Shadow. "Fuck yeah, but on one condition." He smirked, "Sure, what is it?" He chuckled, "The loser gets to do whatever the winner wants." My eyes widened knowing where this was going, but also knowing I would win. I smirked, "Deal."

Shadow and I were getting in our running positions, we will be going from Labyrinth to Green Hill.




We took off both of us saving some energy for when we need it. Shadow ran quite faster than me this time, I was actually worried for myself here. He was faster than usual, I ran faster wasting my energy to get ahead of him. When we were near he used all energy he could and actually won. "Hey! I want a rematch!" Shadow smirked, "nah-uh, no rematches. So you'll be doing whatever I want for a day." I pouted, "Wait! You never said anything about how long!" He sighed and smirked yet again, "Would you have rather me expanding it to a week?" Ugh!! "A day it is. What do you even have in plan?" I acted dumb, knowing exactly what he wanted. "Sonic you already know, I've been asking for it recently." I blushed, knowing what he wanted but still getting flustered over it. Flashbacks of my first time came. It felt so good. "I want you Sonic." My mind and my body was going crazy after Shadow said that. "I need you Shadow." I said looking up at him, dirty thoughts filling my mind. Shadow pulled me in by my waist and chaos controlled me to his room. He locked the door and placed me on the bed gently. "You're mine, Sonic."

I'm trying to finish this story quickly so I can focus on a new one and so on, there will be a lot of time skips due to that reason,so be aware that this story will end soon!! (Maybe I'll make a little sequel if y'all want)

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