Going Back (Ch 9)

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POV Sonic

Last day, finally. I couldn't have spent one more day in that hospital, although Shadow was here, it was still so boring when he had to leave to bring food or when the doctors came in. They just need me to check a few things before I go, and by the way, my leg is doing so much better! When it was time to go, I put my clothes back on and left with a big wide smile in my face. Shadow dropped me off at my house and took his leave. I waved goodbye and entered my sweet home. I'm so happy I'm back. I went straight to my little brother's room. "Sonic?!" I saw how his face changed to a wide smile. I smiled. "I missed you so much! You're all okay now, right?" "Yes, buddy. I also have something to tell you." "What is it?" "The doctor told me there was some venom injected in my leg to paralyze it. They said it was snake venom, but I want to know more about it. Well, I don't, I want to see if there's more to it." "Hmm? You got a sample of it?" I pulled out a sample that Shadow forced the doctor's to give to me and gave it to Tails. "I'll be right back." "Okay."

He came back with a smile. "Don't worry about it, it was just venom." I sighed in relief. Eggman may be stupid, but he's smart when he takes time on things.

"You hungry?" Tails asked me. "Uh yeha actually I am." "I have some leftover ch
ili dogs fi you want some." "Hell yeah!" I love chili dogs! "You really love chili dogs, don't you?" "Yes yes!" I finished my chili dogs and sat down next to tails on the couch. I texted Shadow that I'll be staying with Tails. I have to go to school after tomorrow either way. "How are you and shadow?" I blushed at the sudden question. "O-oh! We're doing good, actually. I guess he just wanted to be loved, someone to be independent with. I hope one day he understands that what happened to Maria was not his fault. I hope I can make him as happy as Maria made him." I smiled softly, and so did Tails. "So.. when did you figure out you liked him?" I was wondering why he was suddenly asking so many questions about love, but I didn't question it. I couldn't really tell him the whole details.. because well..it was a little heated..Atleast for me. "Oh, well, I just liked his looks, and he was just staring at me and stuff. Then I got to know him and I fell for him some more." "Do you think one day I'll find someone who loves me? I know I'm 'too young', but.. I just.. wanna know. You know?" I softened my eyes. "Yeah, I get that, but your 'true love' comes by its own time, and sometimes, you figure out what you like more. At the end it doesn't really matter, because it's your life and you decide what you want to do with it." He smiled. "I just gotta be patient, right?" "Yeah, buddy."

I changed my mind and decided to stay with Shadow because Tails wanted to be alone, not for a bad reason, just wanted to be. I texted Shadow to unlock the Door and went inside his house. "Hi! I'm back. Did you miss me?" He chuckled and kissed me. "You're actually funny sometimes. "What do you mean by 'actually?!" I laughed offended. He laughed some more. "Alright, you wanna take a nap together? Cuddle? Watch movies while cuddling." "Youre so clingy. And I like it. Haha." We lay down on the bed and turned on the Tv. "Love, you said you have already liked me before. Since when?" My face heated up, not wanting to tell him that him dominating me did something to me. "Uhh" "Tell. Me." He said, smirking. His intimidating stare was melting me. "U-uhm the eye contact, when we were with our friends. At rouges last party." "I know that's not all it, but I'll take it." I turned around flustered. "Whatever, Shads, let's just watch the stupid movie." I said, flustered with my hands in front of my face. Shadow scooted me closer to him by my waist. "Do you mind if I touch your thigh?" He asked so sweetly. I nodded no. He rested his hand in my thigh. And then started rubbing it up and down. I couldn't even focus on the movie. I then relaxed and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on mine. I am so happy.  I stared at Shadow, and he was already looking at me. "I love you so much, love." I heard his hot breath whispered in my ear. "I love you so much more, darling."

I felt someone carry me. I opened my eyes slightly. It was still kind of early. Shadow then whispered to me. "Shh, my love, im just taking you to our bed." Our? I mentally blushed since I was still half asleep. I then felt  my body in a soft bug bouncy pillow, which was Shadows bed. I felt his body get on the bed and his crotch slowly rubbing my bottom. He was so warm. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I love him so much.

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