My Turn (Ch 13)

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POV Sonic

I woke up checking my laptop for any emails, I really hope I got in. I was about to close my computer, as I saw nothing, I was saddened, but my screen reloaded and my eyes widened. I read the email, and.. I got accepted into the college! I read the rest of the email, payments and dorm covered!? Because of my good grades!? Oh Chaos! Im so excited to tell Shadow! I heard a call coming in from my phone. Just who I was thinking about. I answered. "Hey, Sonic, have you got your mail yet?" I smiled widely, "Yup!" Shadow giggled, "Guessing by your smile, you got in?" He smirked, "Yes! And the best thing is that everything is payed! That program and my good grades got me a dorm and the other expenses already covered!" "Wow! I'm proud of you, Love! I also have exciting news!" "What is it?" I waited for a response with suspension. "Hold on I'm on my way to your house." My ears perked up when I heard a knock on my door. I quickly ran to the door and opened it. "Hi Shadow! What was the exciting news? By the way in the email it said my dorm room is 104, whenever you want to go!" I saw his eyes widened, "That's actually perfect because with the tutoring you gave me, I got good grades, and I made it into that college you entered. But.. I also have dorm 104!" My tail wagged in excitement and joy. I was incredibly glad! "YAY!" I shouted and gave him a hug. "That means we'll be living together right?"  "Yes, the only difference is that I have to pay." I laughed. "Haha loser." I mocked him. He laughed with me. "Oh,shut up you nerd." We both laughed for a couple minutes and decided to watch a movie. In the middle of the movie we heard screams outside. Shadow and I assumed it was Eggman, but when we checked, nothing was there. We paused the movie and realized we still heard it outside. "What's going on?" Shadow said. He opened the door to take a look outside but quickly shut it when he saw a bullet across his face. "Sonic, someone's attacking, and I don't think it's Eggman." My eyes filled with worry. "Who else could it be?" He frowned and started thinking. "It could be an alliance of his. It was a red bullet and it came from a red and yellow robot." I was preparing myself to fight before I was stopped. "Sonic, this time, we're doing this together." I smiled and nodded and we both went outside to put an end to this mess.

After defeating these idiots we realized there was a drone flying right above us, Shadow chaos controlled behind the drone and destroyed it, but he got a cut with the fast, sharp, spinning propellers. He screamed in pain since the cut was deep in his stomach, I mean he can't die but he could feel pain. I quickly caught him as he was falling down due to the unexpected cut. I slid in the concrete in desperation of catching him and sprained my knees, but I didn't care, I just wanted him to be okay. I ran to the nearest hospital , I ran and didn't stop, I ran even though my knees were bleeding, begging for treatment, but I ran in order for the love of my life to not feel pain any longer. "Shit, Sonic, ugh, I'm good, I- groan- I could still walk." I sighed. "No. Love, you helped me last time, now it's my turn to help you." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my neck and I quickly arrived at the hospital.

The doctors quickly took him to a room, they told me they were going to give him stitches and he'll be out by tomorrow depending on how he feels, but I knew Shadow, he was going to say he's fine even if he's not, so I told the doctor to monitor his behavior incase he's not actually fine. They agreed and started on the procedure.

It took about an hour to be fully done. The doctor told me I could go visit him in room 108. I did as told and opened the door to his room. I saw that he was asleep so I tried to be quiet. I observed his beauty, his perfectly colored and shaped quills, his beauty was the least I could care about but.. his eyes, his fur, his body, was just too much to not admire. I took the sketch book and pencil I found in the room and decided to draw him. I got his every detail, everything. And he looked like a cartoon. I chuckled at my wonky drawing. "What are you laughing at love?" My eyes widened, I smiled and carefully ran to him and gave him a kiss. He grabbed my quills and pushed my head closer not wanting to let go, I surrendered not wanting to let go either. Eventually we let go. I giggled and showed him the drawing I sketched out. "Wow!" I saw him trying not to laugh. "You c-captured my essence!" We both laughed at the same time. "I'm kidding, love, you actually did pretty good! You just have a different art style and I actually love it!" I smiled widely. "So how are you feeling Shads?" "Good enough to leave." I crossed my arms and stared him down. "You look so fucking sexy like that Sonic." That caught me off guar real bad. I facepalmed myself. "Stop that! Anyway, answer the question honestly, please?" He laughed. "Okay! Okay! I'm feeling tired, bored, and hungry, so get me food please!" I laughed, "Shadow you can't eat yet! Until tomorrow you'll be able to eat, okay?" He groaned in annoyance. "Fine." I giggled again. "Since we're both tired, let's go to sleep, no?" Shadow nodded and pulled me into a gentle passionate kiss. His hands were rubbing up and down my waist and he made a quick move to my crotch and I let out a small moan. Shit, "Shadow! We're in a damn hospital, have some decency!" He chuckled at my act. "Oh my, my, the things I would do to make you moan my name." I facepalmed myself again. "Stop it, Shadow you're horny, go to sleep." I sighed and chuckled at the same time. He chuckled as well and stared at me. I smiled at him. "Good night, darling." I said. "Good night, my love." And we both drifted off to sleep.

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