Oh Shit. (Ch 11)

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POV Shadow

I was scrolling on my phone this morning and remembered we have school tomorrow, I went to my gallery because I wanted to see if I had old photos of Sonic. Oh shit, I saw more than I expected. I scrolled all the way up and..it was a picture of sonic with some red booty shorts. Fuck, when the fuck did I take this? I checked the date and it was freshman year, the day of Rouges party. I observed the picture, he looks good in red, he also looks good with booty shorts on, he looks good in everything. I forgot that Sonic was awake next to me in the bed and he looked at me with confusion. "Watcha looking at?" He turned my phone over to where I could see it and his jaw dropped. "Where di- How did yo- Delete that right now!" I smirked. "I don't think I want too." I glared him down. "You look very cute in this. I think i might keep this." I saw him blush and get nervous. I crawled on top of him and pinned him down.  I put my finger in his chin and made him look at me. He kissed me and was tracing his fingers up and down my waist. I broke the kiss and kissed his neck slowly, sucking it, and trying to find his soft spot. I gave him one last kiss and stood up to make breakfast.

I am very sorry for this short chapter!!! This story was made up 'along the way', literally at the middle of the night when I was half asleep, so I have no plot😭. I would like to hear some ideas, for now I will be skipping to the last day of school for them. (Next Chapter)

Stuck In The Janitors Closet (Sonadow/Shadonic) (Gay/BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now