Driving Me Crazy (Ch 3)

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Shadows POV

I went to sleep thinking about him. I don't know why he's on my mind all of a sudden. My heart was beating so fast when he was looking at me, when I accidentally touched him while reaching for the flour, when he comforted me and listened. I searched up these symptoms and found the most atrocious thing. "Love?!" I can't be in love. He is pretty handsome.. wait, NO shut up. He has such pretty eyes.. Shut up stupid voices! His skin is so warm and soft.. oh my chaos. I never looked at him that way.

On my way to school, I saw Sonic walking with silver,blaze, and Amy. I observed while walking. Rouge then distracted my observation when the flying bat just appeared in front of me. "Hey Hon, what you looking at." She put her gaze on the direction I was looking at. "What's on your mind?" "I think I may be in love with Faker." She stopped and gasped. "I knew it!" "Wait what. W-what are you talking about." I said pretty nervously. "Oh nothing hun. Just predicticted something, and it came true." " Well, unpredict it because he's been on my mind the whole night. He's driving me crazy." "Sorry fella, these things aren't undoable." we walked to school and entered class. I sat in my seat, and immediately,my eyes went to Sonic, he..he's so perfect. Gosh, I'm gonna unalive myself. When did I become so corny, wasnt I a bitch to him 2 days ago? Ugh. I won't lie though, he is very attractive. He's cute, but he'll never like me back. He only wants to be friends with me, and he'll never see me that way. What if I hurt him. I snapped out of my thoughts when Rouge tapped me in the shoulder, "hey Shadow it's your turn to read." "Okay." I read the book I was told to read and stuttered a bit a long the way. Sonic looked me with his softened eyes and a confused look. Oh no, this is so embarrassing. Turn me back to normal, please.

After reading Sonic passed me a note. 'Hey, Shads, are you okay? You seem distracted.' I looked up at him, feeling tears in my eyes. Why do I wanna cry? Nothing happend? I never gotten like this. What's wrong with me? I asked to go to the restroom and went to the toilet. I sat down for 3 minutes..just thinking. I got out to wash my face and went back to class. I sat in my seat, and Sonic looked back at me with a concerned look. I looked at his eyes for a few seconds, then looked down. He passed me another note. 'Let's talk after school.' I looked up at him and nodded. Why am I acting so emotional today? I need to get my act together.

After class, Sonic walked me to my class while talking to me. Mr. therapist here made me cry. "Shut up, you're making me emotional." Sonic giggled. Shocked me how cute it was. "Sorry shads, haha." "Alright, hedgehog, I'm okay now." "Good, c'ya later Shads!"

The rest of the day was boring, not 7th period though. I sat next to Sonic. This was sorta a free period as long as we whispered and did our work, it's free time. We, well, he talked about his hobbies, his favorite movies, shows, basically things about him. He asked about me, and I went kinda silent, but I ended up telling him. I don't like to talk about me.im just existing. Now that I know more about him, it makes me like him more. I've got to stop he probably doesn't even like me back.

After class me and sonic were walking to our last period. "Alright, guys, I've shortened out the amount of time you have for the project. You only have the rest of this week. So get working!" Pfft atrocious beast. anyway we have ours done so we don't have to worry.

At the end of the day, I tried to seem happy so Sonic wouldn't bring up that topic. Guess I made it obvious. He brought up the topic on our way to my house. I hate talking about my emotions. they're so confusing, and it stresses me out. Me and Sonic went towards my house, we got in, and we sat on the sofa. "Soo.. how you feeling shads? What happened there in 1st period?" "Just thinking." "I won't force you to tell me, but it's bothering you, and I can tell shadow. Just don't hesitate to call me if anything okay?" He stood up and walked away from the sofa heading towards the door. "Wait. Faker. Stay..please?" "Okay" "I mean stay here with me..at least for today." "Whatever you need shads."

I went to the guest room and saw the boring white wall, I should fix this. This room has absolutely no flavor. "Hey, shads? Why is this guest room so boring?" Seems like Sonic read my mind. "Cause it's a guest room. I'm not spending money on a guest." "Not even for me?" He pouted. "Chuckle shut up, Faker." I want to kiss him.. his soft lips. Oh God. Not these thoughts again. "Your smile suits you. Again, you should smile more." "I stopped smiling and looked at him in the eyes, I hope he couldn't tell that I was flustered. "No one has ever told me that before." "Glad to be the first." "You mean it?" I said with a soft smile "yes, people are more attractive when they smile more, I blushed. I wonder if I smile more, he would look at me differently. He's the second person to understand me, Maria was the first.

"You want to watch some TV before going to sleep?" I was actually pretty tired, but I said yes anyway. "Sure, you should put horror channels or movies."
"I love horror movies, but I'm gonna have nightmares, haha, whatever, I bet it'll be worth it."

We put a movie on Netflix called The Whole Truth. After the safe part, Sonic started getting tense when the creepy music started. A Jumpscare came up and Sonic moved closer to me and hugged my arm. "Holy shit! How are you not scared shads!?" "I watch these movies all the time, hedgehog." "Oh, should I be concerned?" "Yes." I said teasing. "Oh" he Chuckled and cuddled closer into my arm, it was a few seconds before he realized. "Oh my God, I am so sorry, Shadow. I didn't mean to." "It's fine, I didn't even notice." I lied, that's, in fact, something everyone can notice. He let go for a while, which made me kinda sad, but he grabbed my arm again when the noise started. He yelped when a jumpscare came on. He turned me around by my shoulders and yelled, "Okay! Okay! Okay! I'm seriously gonna have nightmares. Can we finish it tomorrow, in the evening?" "Fine Faker." I went to my room, and he went to his. I lay down on my bed and look at the ceiling. Just thinking. Sonic is not even a bad person. Why was I such a bitch to him? I drowned in my thoughts, and went to sleep.

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