As He Used To Be (Ch 4)

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Sonic POV

I woke up, obviously, and grabbed my laptop from my backpack. I opened it up to check my emails. I recently joined a program so I could get into a good college early. I opened the email, and the biggest smile came across my face. I got in. "I GOT IN!!" I yelled without realizing I was not at my house. Shadow came into the room. "Why are you screaming so early in the morning Faker, ugh." "Sorry Shads,but I have great news! I-I Entered Chao University!" "Wow hedgehog, congrats."
"Thank you, Shads. Imma go tell the rest!" "Mhm." I left Shadows house and went towards tails first. Rouge saw me, and she asked where I was going tmso early. "I'm going to my house. , did Shadow tell you anything?" "uh, no? Why. Either way, tell knuckles and the rest to come to my house. I have something very important to say.

Shadow POV

Although I wanted to sleep some more, I think I would rather see Sonics wide smile again. I grabbed my shoes and gloves and went towards Fakers' house. I saw Rouge calling knuckles, silver, blaze, Amy, and more to Sonics house. I followed Rouge and spooked her a bit. "Oh chaos, you scared me!" "What's going on?" "Oh sonic told me to call our friends to tell them something." "I know what it is. He told me." "Gasp, what is it!?" "Guess you'll have to wait."

We arrived at Sonics house, and Sonic was standing in the center of hs living room. Some of us sat down at the couch while the other stood up. "So I have some good, actually, great news!" He spoke "I got into the program I told you guys about!" Everyone gasped. They went and hugged Sonic, and I saw his big wide smile again. I then saw Amy kiss him. I watched in a mixture between shock and sadness. I went to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror, and shed a tear. I never thought I would've liked him. His cocky attitude, his confidence, Him. How could've I thought someone like him liked me? Whatever. Whatever, it's fine, I never needed him anyway. He was attractive, that's all.

I got out of the bathroom, and since no one ever notices me, emotionlessly, I went home. I got ready and went for a walk before entering school. Why was I such a fool?

An hour later, I went to school and walked to my class. I sat down in my seat completely emotionless once again. I read a book and waited and waited for the whole day to end.

Sonic POV

I was walking with my friends at school. When we entered, the rest took their way, and Rouge and Knuckles went to first period together. It was just me and Amy. "Look, Amy, we need to talk." "About what Sonic?" "Look I really appreciate your 'support', but I didn't t like how you showed it to me. You kissed my cheek, yeah, but, just to make it clear, I don't like you like that. A simple hug would be great." "Oh. I am so sorry Sonic, I.. I guess I just liked you so much that I thought you'd like me too. I am so sorry again." "it's okay Amy! And you know what? You're now officially my sister, by choice!" "Yay!" We went to our first period and sat down. I turned around to talk to Shadow, but he seemed different today, in a bad mood, so I just waved hi.

A few minutes later,I kept hearing whispers from Rouge whispering to Shadow behind me. "Shadow, Shadow! Please, Hon, are you okay? Shadow answer me please!" I paid more attention to the conversation than my work, and I'm glad I did. Shadows not feeling well. I wonder what happened.

This day felt like it was going by so fast. Shadow was miserable as he used to be again, and well, it's just not the same. I'll ask him about this after school. He seems to be ignoring me.

I won't talk about the rest of my periods, just 7th and 8th. They include Shadow in it. In 7th, we sat next to each other, but he wouldn't even budge to listen to me. "Shadow? Shadow, why are you ignoring me?" He put his earbuds on and continued to ignore me. I texted him, hoping he would answer, but he looked at my message and put his phone back down. I left him alone, so he thinks about stuff in peace. I finished my work, took a picture, and sent it to Shads, although he ignored me, I.. I still wanted to be nice to him. He got the message again, purposely saw the message, and ignored it. But this time, he opened it and copied the answers. At least that.

The bell rang, and it was time to go to 8th. I tried to talk to Shadow again. "Shadow, please! Why are you ignoring me? At least give me a reason!"

"You want a reason Hedgehog!? I'll give you a reason." He grabbed my neck and pinned me down very hard. It hurt me. Last thing I know, I was on the floor. He slammed me so hard the door to the Janitors closet opened. And since these stupid doors automatically shut, and lock. We're stuck in here. "Shadow, get off! I think we're locked up in here!" Shadow didn't get up. He looked at my eyes, then my lips. He kissed me. I pulled him away, in shock, and then I kissed back. He grabbed my quills and pushed my head closer to his than it already was. He then pushed his tongue inside, it was a minute or 2 after we broke the kiss, and we each made room for us to stand up. I was speechless, I didn't even look at him. I finally spoke up. "Why..why were you ignoring me?" He stood silently. "Sigh, I like you, Sonic, yesterday, I saw Amy kiss you. I.. I don't know why I reacted like that. I thought you were just a crush, but you clearly were not. I..I'm sorry, Faker. I took some time to acknowledge everything he said. He likes me? I felt my heart beating and my cheeks getting hot. "I like you too, Shads." "Wait, what? But what about Amy?"  "She kissed my cheek maybe you saw it differently because of a different point of view. Either way, she showed it off, with joy, I made it clear that I don't like her as a girlfriend but more like a sister."  I saw Shadow smiling. "Does that mean you like me?"  "Yes." We were holding eye contact until the bell rang, and we realized we were still stuck in a closet, squished, and alone. We watched as everyone went by, not bothering to scream because of how loud the bell and the students yelling were. "So.. we're just stuck here? The janitor is out sick he can't even come here to open the door." I said. I did want to sleep well tonight, on my confy bed. "Let's do something to pass the time.." uh oh, I don't like that undertone.

Stuck In The Janitors Closet (Sonadow/Shadonic) (Gay/BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now