Last Day (Ch 20) 🍋 The End

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POV Sonic

Phew.. the last day of college, these two years flew by so fast. And most importantly, Shadow, he's been here for me, for those two years I thought I would fail. Throughout those two years, I got a job, a new vehicle, and my future planned.  I still can't believe it, how did my life pass so fast. How did 20 years of my life pass so fucking fast?

Me and Shadow were at our seat. Our graduation seat, he was a row behind me though. When I get my diploma I could get a better job, and gain more money. And I'm so glad Shadow was the one by my side, I can't imagine anyone else.

Minutes later, it was my turn to walk up the stage. I heard my name and I stood up, my heart beating, I swear I felt like I was going to pass out. I was smiling, I was sweating, and my heartbeat just kept getting faster. I inhaled and exhaled, calming myself, and then.. I got off the stage, I made it. Once everyone had their diplomas and once I was next to Shadow again, everyone grabbed their graduation hats and threw them in the air, I felt so happy I could literally pass out. I graduated! I fucking graduated what the fuck!!

Shadow and I were walking to get ice cream, to celebrate. When we got to the store he ordered a chocolate ice cream, while I ordered a strawberry shortcake one. When we got our ice cream we sat on a mint green and pink table for two in the corner. "I'm so proud of you Sonic. I truly am. All the things you went through and all the thing that could've ceased you, you got back up and shoved them away. If it were me I would've gave up. Im proud of you. I'm so fucking proud if you, Sonic." He gave me a sincere look, I gave him a warm-hearted smile. "Thank you Shadow, It means so much coming from you, and I never wanted to disappoint you, so I kept trying just for you. Im glad I have you in my life, and I love you so so much." We smiled and held hands.

After our celebration we went walking back to my car, and Shadow started acting strange all of a sudden, asking me questions, questions I didn't know the answer to. "Sonic, this whole thing had me thinking, you're successful, you have a future. I don't, I'm useless, and I'll just bring you down. Are you sure you want to be with someone like me?" I looked at him in sadness, has this been on his mind the whole time? Why haven't I noticed?! I'm such a bad boyfriend. "Shadow.." I saw his ears lower, and my heart dropped, I didn't know how to respond and seeing him like this made me want to cry my eyeballs out. As I shed a tear my body decided to speak on its own and gave him a hug. Then words were working their way out of my mouth. "I don't care if you dont know what to do with your life yet, that is something you figure out throughout time, and you have plenty of time left. And even if you don't find something you like that won't stop me from loving you, I care about you,  not what you study. I will always love you Shadow. Remember that." Shadows ear lowered and he smiled. "I can't believe I was such a bitch to you." We both laughed and continued walking to my car.

When we got home me and Shadow sat down, "Sonic, I know what I want for my future, at least a little bit." He smiled. "Really what is it?" I smiled in curiosity. "I want to spend it with you." I watched his hand reach his pocket, and he pulled a small box with a ring inside. Oh my chaos, I felt a tear in my eye, I felt..I felt so happy, so in love. I watched Shadow get on his knees, "Sonic The Hedgehog, will you marry me?" I kissed him. "Fuck yeah!" I said letting go, he smirked. He stood up and sat in the couch again this time he kissed me. My hands traveled around his body, excited for what was about to happen. He took my clothes off and after he took his. I was letting him take control, letting him do whatever he wants to me. His hands outlined my waist and then went down to my crotch. "Ughh~" I let a groan escape from my mouth. He was touching me so slightly yet I felt all of it. Then he wrapped his lips around my dick, causing me to moan. I can't explain how good this feels, I already feel myself getting so damn hard for him. I don't want anyone to touch me like this but him. I want his touch to be the only touch I crave. He was teasing but I wanted him to put my whole length in his mouth so I moved my body to gain more of his soothing touch. I was in so much pleasure, and I loved every single bit of it. After he was finished sucking me and swallowing my pre-cum, it was my turn to satisfy him. My fingers traced the tip, teasing him just like he did to me. I looked at him while I was doing it, seeing him so weak for more of my touch made me more crazy for him. The look he gave me was mesmerizing, and I couldn't help myself but to tease some more. He covered half of his face, not wanting me to see him like this, then all of a sudden I put his whole length in my mouth while stroking him. "Eh-augh~" He let out a groan not expecting my sudden movements. He pushed my head further when he felt himself about to cum, and when he did, I swallowed every drop of his warm liquid, licking my lips right after. He made me suck his fingers to get them wet. To make it easier for me. "Mmph~" a muffled sound came out of me. He was stroking my dick so fast and I wanted him inside me so bad. I kept letting out muffled sound of pleasure. Once his fingers were wet he aligned one if his fingers to my whole and thrusted it in without warning or hesitation. "AAahh~" I heard him chuckle, "Didn't expect that?" As I was going to nod he added two more fingers leading me to toss my head back in pure pain and pleasure. "AGH- AAahh~" he was teasing so much, and it was driving me insane. He took his fingers out and caused me to exhale loudly. He spit in my ass and thrusted his dick in hard. "OOoh..FUckk~" He stopped for a minute or two before giving him the sign. He thrusted in harder, faster, and deeper by the second.
P-please ah ah~" My hand reached my cock so I could release faster but Shadow pushed my hand away. He continued his fast pace and leaned on to me. "Don't touch yourself. I want to be the one to make you cum." My hands gripped the side of the sides of the couch to avoid touching myself. "Sha-ah- Shadow! Please!~ I'm gonna cum!" My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I quickly felt my limit. The more he thrusted the more I moaned and reached my climax. He let out a last groan cumming in me and I let out a last moan feeling his warm cum inside me and cumming at the same time. He flopped on top of me, completely tired and we both stood up to take a shower. After we were finished, cuddling and breathing in our body warmth, we spoke our sentences before drifting off to sleep. "I love you Sonic." "I love you more Shadow."  "I love you most, Sonic."

The End.

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