My Boyfriend (Ch 6)

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Sonic POV

I woke up next to Shadow, my thought quickly going into what happened yesterday. I turned so red, but.. I was happy. I love him, I've always had. He was hugging my waist and breathing on my ear. He's so cute when he's calm. I stayed with him until he woke up. As I was about to close my eyes again, my gaze went to the window. It was snowing. Huh, weird. It usually doesn't snow. I was going to go back to sleep until an amber alert sounded on my phone. "⚠️Amber Alert! No school for anybody in the area of Mobius!⚠️" there was some more stuff, but the only thing that got my attention was the no school thing. Fucking finally, it has felt like forever this week. I remembered that today we will be telling them about us. Heh.. I blushed immensely once again. I then heard a groan from Shadow. He was probably waking up now. "Good morning Shads" "groans good morning, My Love." I love it when he calls me that. "Guess what Shads!" "Hm?" "There's no school today! It's snowing!" "Really? He looked at the window and smiled." "Finally, some time for ourselves." "When do we call our friends to tell them, you know.. about us?" "We'll host a little thing tonight and tell them, that sound good?" "Sounds perfect, darling." I made eye contact as I watched him stay silent and blush a little until I saw him smirked. He grabbed me from my waist and pulled me into a soft kiss on my forehead. "Shads? Ill be back I need to check up on tails." He can take care of himself, but I want to make sure he's okay. He's my little bro after all. "Alright I'll lend you some clothes. Bye, Sonic." I waved goodbye and went towards my house. It was very slippery, the road was icey.

I made it to Tails and knocked on his bedroom. "Oh, Hi Sonic! Whare have you been?" "Oh I spent the night with Shads. I actually have something to tell you, but you can't tell anybody yet! And since you're my little brother, I feel like you should know first. I'll tell everybody tonight at shads house. "Okay, Sonic, what is it?" "Me and Shadow are dating."
"Oh ok. I kinda expected it anyway, the first time you spent the night." Oh. "So you support me?" "Of course, Sonic what kinda fox do you think I am?" He smiled and hugged me. "Do you think everyone knows now? Well, besides Rouge. She also expected it, just like you." "Nah you're good!" "Are you okay, by the way?" "Sonic! I told you I could take care of myself!" "Right! Sorry, buddy!" I Chuckled. "Well, Shads told me to meet him back at his house, so I'll be going now!" "Okay! Bye Sonic!" Bye Tails!" I headed out and went back to the icey sidewalk. I got to Shads house and entered. "Hi hi!" "Hey, Sonic. I called Rouge, turns out she already knew." "Yep! At the beginning of the semester, she basically told me we were going to be.. closer. She's like a fortune teller!" "Yeah, she's very smart when it comes to love." "So what do you want to do today Shads?" "Hmm, I don't know. You wanna just go outside?" "Sounds great!" We headed out to the backyard where most of the snow was, and I wanted him to be comfortable being himself, not being scared if I'll judge, I won't, but of course things like that have to he taken step by step. "You want to make snow angels?" He stared at me blankly, kinda confused. Guess he never experienced these types of things. "Look, all you have to do is lay down like this, and kinda shove the snow away with your arms." I stood up and let him make a snow angel right beside mine. He laid down and did his first snow angel! It was pretty wonky, but it was okay. I took my phone out and took a picture of him and his snow angel. He looked at me. "Why are you taking pictures?" "I have a bad memory. Sometimes, pictures are the only things that keep my memory alive. You don't mind, do you?" "No no, it's fine." "Do you mind if I post them? You know, after we tell our friends about us?" "No, I don't mind. I want them to know that you're mine." He smirked. He watches as I got a snowball and threw it at his face. "Hey!" He tried to make a snowball, but it collapsed. I laughed, and then he missed, and I laughed harder. "How the fuck do you do this shit?" I calmed my laughed and Chuckled while walking towards him. "Look, you have to grab a medium-sized amount of snow. Sometimes the big ones don't work, nor the small. Then you round it like this. He watched my hands and followed. "Look! You did i-" I got cut off when he shoved his first snowball up my face. "Haha dumbass." He laughed, "Your laugh is so attractive." He shut up immediately, I found that sort of funny. We stood there like idiots just looking at each other, and then I threw my perfect snowball right at his face again.

We spent a few hours just outside, playing, talking, maybe even kissing a bit. As it was getting colder, and darker outside, me and Shadow went back inside. Shadow made a group chat with everyone that needed to hear about us and messaged them. "Alright they should be here at 7:00 PM" "okay!" Shadow has been watching some tutorials on baking, so he baked dessert while I cooked the food.


Shadow changed the group name to Disappointments

Come over at my house at 7:00 PM I'm having a little food thingy.

Why are you calling us disappointments

I'll be there.


I'll go if Silver goes.

I'm going

I'm taking tails with me.

POV Shadow

It was 6:00 PM. Now we only had 1 hour. I didn't bother to get ready. I always look the same anyway.Sonic went for a green with hot pink sweater. It had a nice design, and the colors were nice too. The art was a glitch design. It looked cool. An hour later, people started to arrive. Rouge was first. She came to me with an 'I know what this is about' look. "So, you and blue? Are y'all a thing now?" "How did you know?" "I was already suspecting it, honey." She walked away towards knuckles and tails. Silver and Blaze came next, I heard silver say to Blaze, "I wonder why he called us disappointments." "Youre so naive." Blaze answered. I Chuckled to myself.

After everyone ate, it was now time to say it. I wasn't nervous at all, but sonic was, I guess he was scared if they'll support him. Sonic yelled to get peoples attention. Once it was silent and he was the main focus, he backed up a bit. Guess I'll help him out. "We're gay and we're dating." A lot of people were shocked, including him, but then he smiled. People gasped but then smiled. Some were still shocked. Either way, they were all okay with it.

Rouge came to me. "I'm glad I could see your smile, Shadow. And I'm glad you found your happiness. I hope the best for you two." I smiled. "Thank you, Rouge." After everyone left, Sonic and I were just talking about things we wanted, things we wanted to do, and what we wanted to be. That went on for about an hour or two. We were talking about different stuff and boundaries, too. I told Sonic to come sleep with me, and we both cuddled and fell asleep slowly with the warmth of our bodies.

Stuck In The Janitors Closet (Sonadow/Shadonic) (Gay/BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now