Gaining Your Friendship (Ch 2)

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Sonic POV

I woke up the next morning, forgetting where I was, then quickly, my memory came back. I looked at the clock in my phone and noticed I still had 2 hours tik school. I stood up from the bed and tried to find the kitchen. I wanted to make breakfast for shads to return the favor, I know he likes distancing himself after the loss of Maria. I feel so bad for him.

I made Shadow the classic, Bacon and eggs, with some orange juice. I hope he likes it. A few minutes later I heard Shadows door open. He went to the kitchen and saw me with a surprised face,well, I think it was a shocked face. He doesn't really show that much emotion. "Heh I never thought you would be type to cook." He said, his voice as deep as ever, very intimidating. "I just wanted to return the favor Shadow, I know you don't like guests." "Hmm,ok. Thank you hedgehog." "Youre Welcome" I looked through my phone while he ate. "Aren't you gonna eat anything?" "Uh, no." "Why not?" "Beeecausee..uhm, my stomach hurts after I eat early in the morning." "Lies. Why won't you eat?" "I don't know I'm just never hungry." "When do you get hungry?" "Night." "Well eat something or else you will die." "Aww is Shads worried about me?" "Shut up or I'll kill you myself." "Fine I'll eat something, where do you keep your snacks?" "Top cabinet. Your short ass probably can't reach it" "Shut up yeah I can!" Shadow smirked. I hate to admit it but I couldn't reach I was a few inches shorter than him but Shadow still teases me. As I was trying to reach,Shadow freaked me out when he appeared behind me,then kinda rubbing my bottom while reaching up to get some pop tarts, woah, well that did something to me.

I asked Shadow if he had spare clothes and, yet again, he told me to shut up, I beeged for some since my clothes were dirty, and gave me some clothes finally. They were a little bit big it looked nice. "Come by at night, I want you to teach me how to cook, "I also know how to bake if you want me to teach you!" "Sure." "Okay!" We were on our phones until it was time to go. "Alright let's go."
"Okok! Should we take our project?" "Nah, maybe we may want to add more details later." "Okay."

While walking down the street Rouge and Knuckles were behind us, and they caught up to us. "So boys, what we're yall doing?" "We were working on our project!" "I'm surprised Shadow let you spend the night, he never does that with me." "Thats because you're annoying, and he actually shut up when I asked him too." Shadow responded in his mad tone as always. "No need to get mad Hon. I was just asking"

We walked together to school and our class, since we have the same 1st period. Me and Tails were talking about another invention he was planning to make,I felt eyes on me. I looked around the room and in the corner of my eye, I saw shadow look at me. Maybe..maybe he just zoned out. That drove me out of my reality and tails brought it back when he asked me what I think about the idea. "Sorry buddy can you tell me again? I kinda zoned out." "It's fine sonic! I was saying maybe I should make a realistic illusion of me in the tornado so I could distract Eggman when he's attacking!" "Sounds great buddy!" I still felt eyes on me. Maybe I'm just..I don't know, I think I'm just stupid.

Class ended and I went on to my second period I went with Rouge since I have her this period. "So Blue.. how do you feel about shadow?" What? "What do you mean?" "'s not up to me to tell you." Wait what. "What do you mean by that? What did he say? I'm so confused."
"Youll find out soon blue." " No, you left me with curiosity, and now you're telling me!" "Fine, and don't worry honey, he said nothing, it was me making up the theory." "Oh. Then don't tell me you're theorys are crazy." "Well guess what, you wanted me to tell you, so now I will tell you." I sighed in annoyance. "Okay go ahead." "So tell me every single detail that happened yesterday." "Okay??"

Me and Rouge sat on our seats in the back of the classroom. I told her every detail just like she asked me to, wrote it on a paper and passed it to her. She may ask for a lot but she is smart when it comes to these things, and I think she'll give me an answer. I watched he expression while she was reading. She went from normal to schoked to normal-ish, to shocked again. She wrote me a note back and wrote, "Let's walk together after school to my house so we could talk about this, don't worry knuckies won't be there he's having game night with tails and a few of our other friends." I nodded okay, and started writing my notes.

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