Moving In (Ch 15)

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Sonic POV

Shadow and I decided to move into our dorm now, along with Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, Silver, Espio, Jet, and Vector. The rest said they don't want to go to college.

We arrived at the college and Shadow, me, and my friends signed in and headed to our dorm rooms. Tails is roommates with Amy, Silver with Espio, Jet with Vector, and Rouge with Knuckles. I was relieved that Tails was able to go to college and he was just across the hall. Not that far to check on him from time to time. Shadow and me were setting our stuff down so we could explore the place. It was massive. There was a food court downstairs and the classes upstairs, there was a library, it was just like a school! But it was college.

After our self-tour thingy we headed back, the place was nice, it had a nice scent, nice colors, and nice temperature. I hope the food is good too! Ooh! And I hope they sell chili dogs! I love Chili dogs!

The room was a nice beige colored room and it was quite spacious too. It was split like in half, well, sort of, it was symmetrical. 1 white bed in the left side, another in the right. Drawer in between the beds to place clothes. A bathroom with a shower in the corner. And a desk with tall bean bags on each side. It was nice and neat. I liked it!

Shadow claimed his bed and started placing his clothes on the drawers. I did the same. I was getting hungry, "Shads, after this, you want to get some food?" He looked at me and smiled. "Sure, love." I smiled, flustered.

We both finished setting everything up in our room, and Shadow and I agreed to buy decorations to make it feel like home later. After college, we'll both get a good paying job as well! The future is fascinating to think about and I want to grow up to see all of it right now, but I also want to savor the present because then, I'll miss it.

We were heading downstairs, since the dorms are at the same floor as the classes, we reached the food court along with Tails and Amy. "So what do you guys want to eat?" Amy said, "I'll eat whatever! I just know that I'm starving." I dramatically said. Shadow giggled at my act. I froze, flustered, he then put his arm around my neck and place his hand on my shoulder. "We should go to that buffet, it says they sell anything." Tails added. We all agreed and decided to eat there.

After we finished eating, we bumped into these people who seemed nice.

I'm so sorry!

No! No! It's okay! We should've watched where we were going.

Okay! Let's forget this and introduce ourselves, no?

Sounds good.

My names Jewel! As you can see I'm here with my friends Tangle and Whisper!

Amy looks at Jewel confused. Jewel turns around.

Oh, they probably went to go check out the building. I didn't catch your name?

Oh! I'm sorry! My name's Amy, I've heard of Tangle, and Whisper. Never met them though!

If we bump into each other again, with them by my side, maybe you'll finally have a chance to meet them!

Amy smiled and then Jewel walked away heading up the stairs. "Did you just forget to introduce us." Shadow said. Amy in disbelief apologized. "Hey, pinkie I was kidding, it's okay." Shadow still holding his emotionless glare like he used to have.

We walked up back to each of our dorms and Shadow and I entered ours. As I was laying down on my bed I remembered I haven't told my parents about the news, I moved out at 16 because I wanted freedom, and they were totally supportive of that as long as I kept in touch.

After I called them I saw Shadow set up a picture of Maria he drew and set it up on top of the drawer. I smiled, knowing he was able to still smile even though someone so important to him was lost in a void that we cannot reach.

It was currently 8:45 P.M and it was getting late. Shadow and I decided to take a night car ride. He said it's peaceful. When we got to the car we started driving by places, pointing out small details, and beautiful sights. We stopped at the park and watched the stars through the panoramic window on the car. I felt his hand on my thigh and I knew where this was heading. I quickly kissed him and whispered in his ear. "Not here, Shadow." He chuckled then pouted. I chuckled at his act. "Why are you so horny all the time?" I laughed making the silence go away. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

We headed back to the dorms so we could sleep.

"Thank you." I heard. "Shadow..protect!" The voice of a girl spoke. "Smile!...faded..brought." Then the image of a blue dress appeared. "Beloved...Smile." Her words were blurry, everything was. The image disappeared and replaced the old. It was all blurry all I saw was blonde hair. And then.. my dream ended. Was it trying to tell me something? I was awakened by a big whoosh sound. I turned over to Shadow who was right beside me and my eyes gazed off to the picture of Maria. Maria was the one in my dream. Was it just a dream, or was it a warning? Was she trying to let me know something? I dazed off back to sleep again, not thinking much of it.

Stuck In The Janitors Closet (Sonadow/Shadonic) (Gay/BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now