My Love (Ch 5) 🍋

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This Chapter will have 13+ parts. If you are uncomfortable, please just skip this chapter. Enjoy.

Shadow POV

He likes me.. HE LIKES ME, and I like him. I just want to kiss him and escape my thoughts. "Can I kiss you?" I asked politely, I still want to respect him. "Yes, shadow, you ca-" I slammed my lips onto his and held his head closer to mine. I pushed my tongue in, and I tasted every single bit of his mouth. I let him catch a break. "Woah Shads, I thought we said a small kiss? Whatever, I enjoyed it." I smirked and continued kissing him. He kissed back, he touched my chest fur, and we were just getting in the moment. We let go once again, "You're driving me crazy hedgehog." "Oh really?" I could tell Sonic was debating whether he wanted it or not. I hope he agrees. I'm so lovesick. I looked at his emerald green eyes, waiting for a response. He is so beautiful, and I never noticed. "It's hard to control myself when you're right in front of me, pinning me down. But I don't think I want to do it here.. I hope that's okay." "I don't care, hedgehog. I just want you to be with me. To be mine, and mine only." "I am yours, Shadow." I smirked and kissed him again. We made out for a few five minutes until we heard the door unlocking. We stopped and stared at the door and saw the principle. She opened the door and spoke, "Take yalls horny asses aways from my building, I don't want the poor janitor to clean your mess up." Sonic blushed immensely, I guess his cocky confidence doesn't last much. I smirked. We took our leave and went towards my house. Sonics phone rang. "Who is it, Sonic?" "Oh its knuckles." He answered, and I heard their conversation. "Hey man, what do you need?" "Why weren't you here last period? Did you leave early?" I saw him blush immensely again. "Uh.. I was skipping because.. I wasn't feeling well." "Well was Shadow with you? He didn't come to class either." "Uh, yeah, he was." "Alright, alright, just checking if you guys were okay, C'ya Sonic!" "C'ya!!" He hung up and took a breath. "So My Love, when will we tell them about us?" I saw him blush so hard. Hah, I knew this would've got him. "U-uhm does.. t-tomorrow morning sound good?" "Perfect." We entered my house, and he went to the kitchen and made something for us to eat. After we finished eating, we went to the living room, sat down on the couch, and put on a movie. "Chaos, I'm stuffed." "Next time, you'll be stuffed with something else." I said jokingly, watching him quickly, his face turning red. "W-what?" I slowly moved closer to him, looking at his eyes and then his lips, I kept on leaning until I was fully on top of him. Yet again, not breaking eye contact. "If you wanted to kiss me, you could've just said so." He slammed his lips onto mine and pushed my lips closer to his. I spread his legs so I could get closer to him. I gained dominance when I pushed my tongue in and made him moan. I let go and smirked, I love seeing him flustered. He covered his mouth out of embarrassment. "I liked that, music to my ears." "Shadow, stop!" "What? Am I making you nervous?... Horny?" "I-...Fuck." He kissed me once again, and we didn't let go this time. "Shadow, please." "What's that hedgehog? I couldn't hear you?" I smirked again. "Bedroom." To be honest, now that he wanted it, that it's happening, I'm feeling nervous. What if I hurt him, or if I don't do it right. But I knew deep down inside me, I wanted it too. I was ready. I put his legs around my waist, his arms around my neck. I then went upstairs to my bedroom. I locked the door and set him on the bed. He started undressing himself. "Woah hedgehog, you really do want it, huh?" He nodded quickly. Wow, he was horny. I started to undress myself as well. I climbed into the bed and crawled my way on top of Sonic. I wanted him to moan my name. And I'll make sure he does. I started kissing his neck, giving him love bites everywhere. He was still embarrassed about the sounds coming from his mouth, so I tried helping him out. "My Love, don't be embarrassed, I love it when you moan." I continued giving him hickey around his body, I went lower and lower. I reached his V line and started kissing it. Another moan escaped from his mouth. "Oh, Chaos, Shadow! I'm sensitive down there.. I've never been touched like this before." "And I'll make sure you enjoy it, Sonic." He smiled. I love his smile. I stood up a bit. "Suck it, hedgehog." I wanted to see him look up at me with those pretty eyes. He started sucking and then took me out of his mouth. "Am I doing it right?" "Your doing great, darling." I Chuckled a bit. He continued sucking and then bobbed his head. Chaos, this feels so good. I grabbed his quills, pushing him further down, making him gag. I was so close. "Swallow." I came inside his mouth, and he did as he was told. I told him to lay back down and spread his legs. I needed to stretch him out to prepare him. He sucked my fingers to get them wet. After 2 minutes, I took my fingers out of his mouth with strings of saliva following along. "You ready?" He immediately nodded. I pushed one finger in and slowly thruster it. "A-ahh~" Sonic moaned. He was getting me more horny. I pushed my second finger in and slowly started stretching him out. As he got used to it, I started going faster, I took my fingers out of his hole and aligned my dick instead. I trusted in hard and stayed still for a minute or two to let him adjust to my size. He nodded to let me know that he's ready. I started moving slowly, and each of the moans that escaped from his mouth made me go faster. "F-fuck faker, y-you're so tight." I said in a pleasuring voice. "Shadow! A-ugh~ " I found his spot and continued thrusting  faster and faster until we both almost came. "Shadow, I need you." "F-fuck I'm Cumming." "M-me too!" As we were both about past our limits, I let one more groan from me and came deep inside him. Me and Sonic were messy. "I love you, Shadow." "I love you too, Sonic." We stood up to take a shower. "I'll wash the sheets, and you take a shower. Alright, my love? I'll go next."

Authors note:

I'm so done with life omg. I am so sorry. First time writing a s3x scene. And I cringed so many times at myself. I hope I did good. 👩

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