Back Then (Ch 10)

384 17 15

Pov: Shadow

I woke up, it was 8:00 a.m. An hour before school started. The sky was bright and the room was dim. I felt Sonics body on mine. He's warm, I don't even want to get out of bed. He looked beautiful with the light shining in his face, his calm breathing, and soft snores. I brushed his quills as I observed him. Have I always loved him? Why did i want him away from me so badly? Was I scared to get attached to him? I stopped brushing his quills as more agitating questions popped in my head. I then thought of a past moment, in freshman year.


Pov: Shadow

I hate school, and I hate to admit it, but I feel nervous. I want friends, I do, but what if they.. I stopped mid thinking. I can't let anyone close to me. I cant love anybody else. I have to isolate from everyone. I looked around for my first class and entered the room. I sat in the corner near this white bat. I wasn't going to talk to her, nor I liked her, just because it was in the back corner. "Hey there!" She spoke, I looked up and realized she was talking to me. I nodded with an emotionless glare. "You don't speak much do you? May I know you're name? I mean if you're going to be sitting next to me, lets at least try to be friends." Friends? No. No, I cant let anyone be friends with me. I will kill them. It was my fault Maria died and it will be my fault if I let people close to me die. I started to breath real fast and started seeing blurry. In a minute or two I passed out.

I woke up in the nursery sweating, and struggling to open my eyes with the light so bright. "Oh chaos! Thank goodness you're okay! See if you didn't want to be friends with me you could've just said so." I quickly got up, I don't want her to get the wrong idea, she did nothing but help me after all. "No. You're good, I.. I just have trouble trusting people." That was a lie. I have a problem with people trusting me. "I get that, Hon. But i promise you, I genuinely want to be your friend. I like friends." She smiled softly. I did too. And that's how I met Rouge. She's been my friend for four years, and shes always been there for me. I've been taking her for granted. But I appreciate her so much. Shes my best friend, and I trust her, and she trust's me. I've met her boyfriend and her boyfriend's friends. I met a fox named Tails, a cat named Blaze, three hedgehogs named, Amy, Silver, and Sonic. He was quite attractive, I won't lie. But I think he was taken by this squirrel named Sally Acorn, I think. And I don't mean to judge, but he does NOT look happy with her. I shrugged it off and introduced myself to Knuckles's, an echidna, friends. I introduced myself to everyone and lastly, Sonic. "Hey, Shads! Its nice to meet you!" .. Shads? I don't like it very much. "Nice to meet you too, Faker." I said in a deep tone looking directly at his eyes. He tilted his head in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?" I rolled my eyes and smirked. Everything was fine until Sonic started bothering me everyday. I loved how he cared about me to be honest, but I hated how he was cocky. Honestly, I mainly loved it. I acted angry and annoyed still not wanting people to trust me. But it was just too hard for Sonic to understand. One day he stopped bothering me because he was sad. I wanted to ask why, why he was sad, because I gained trust for him. And I cared. I can't let him see that though. His friends in the room asked Sonic what was wrong. "Sigh, I broke up with Sally." They gasped a bit. "I wasn't happy, and I didn't want her to be with someone who was pretending to love her. She deserves someone who will love her for her." "You're a good person sonic." Rouge replied. "I guess, I just don't know why I never fall in love for anyone."

I was walking with Sonic, well, he was walking with me. He was asking me for advice. "Faker, in a relationship you and your partner both need to be happy, if you're not, why be together anyway? You did the right thing, and she'll find someone eventually." I said emotionless and glared him down. I hope I didn't look angry I genuinely wanted to comfort him. He looked at me with his emerald green eyes and his eyes softened. Then he.. he.. hugged me? I was shocked, I haven't gotten a hug ever since Maria.. died. I slowly hugged back letting my body take control. I felt happy.

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