You Forgot To Say Goodbye.

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I sat there fiddling with my fingers even though I knew the answer, not able to get a single word out. Then I heard a voice coming from across the room...It was him; I'd know his voice anywhere. "I think we would all change the way people on insurance get different vaccines than say rich people who pay for their appointments" he said. 

I looked up and he was smiling slightly at me, and he nodded his head. I looked away quickly, avoiding eye contact.

*2 Weeks Later**

It's been a few weeks since the event in class and we haven't spoken. I want to talk to him so bad, but it would be too awkward. I pass him in the halls every day, but he never pays much attention. I can't seem to get him off my mind.

I walk into class and immediately I'm looking for the brown-haired boy. He wasn't there yet, I sighed and set my bag on the floor taking my seat and getting my books ready for class to start. Once I had gotten everything settled, I took out my phone and began scrolling through Pinterest. 

I'm snapped out of my concentration by a chair squealing across the floor. I look up and my eyes meet his. He smiled a small smile at me, and I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, I looked away quickly before he could see it. 

"You're cute when you're nervous, do I make you nervous darling?" He questioned with a devilish smirk on his face causing me to cover my face with my hands trying to hide my red cheeks.

God he is so hot

The teacher came in and proceeded to talk about the act of physically killing someone standing 3 feet in front of you and the difference between that and sending a drone to drop a bomb on their house, the emotional difference. But all the while I felt his intense gaze on me. Suddenly the bell rang, and I was snapped out of my daze, thankful that class was over I quickly packed up my things and walked out of the classroom not sparing him another glance. 

I walked down the hallway to my locker and grabbed my books for next class, swapping them with the ones i already had and shutting my locker. I started walking down the hall until I felt a hand grab my waist and pull me into a dark room. I struggled trying to get free until the person turned the light on and I was frozen looking into his brown eyes. He returned the gaze and then leaned in to kiss me. I had to stand up on my tippie toes to reach him and his lips met mine. 

The kiss was so deep I forgot whose air I was breathing. I pulled away looking at him like I'd seen a ghost.

 "You forgot to say goodbye my love".

 I was a mess, confused that HE had kissed me, still lost in that kiss that I could have continued forever.

 "I-i'm sorry" was all I managed to say.

 Then he placed one hand on each side of my waist and pulled me closer to him whispering "Don't let it happen again" I simply nodded trying to hide my red face from him

God that was hot~...

I know, I knowww, fairly cliche and cheesy. It gets better I promise lol. 582 words. Anywhooo don't forget to comment and vote :) Love ya babes <3

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