The Sleepover

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Adrian's POV :

I look down at the gorgeous girl in my arms. God, I have no idea what I did to deserve this one, but please don't ever take her from me. 

She had so much alcohol, she's literally passed out. I can still hear the obnoxious music downstairs. 

I'm gonna kill those fuckers.

I sit up, careful to not wake her and walk over to the door, opening it and walking downstairs. I find Jay again and she stops me. 

"She took care of them already" she mumbles to me and stumbles back to her date. 

Of course, she did, why wouldn't she have kicked their asses?

I groan and run my hand through my hair and make my way back upstairs. There's no way she's staying here tonight. I walk through the door and see her sitting up on the bed with puffy eyes. 

"Y- you left me" she sobs, and I pick her up off the bed. She immediately wraps her legs around my waist, and I carry her downstairs. 

"Never baby, I'm not going anywhere" she nods, and I carry her to my car. I sit her down and cover her with my jacket. I walk to the driver seat and get in. 

I drive to my house and when we arrive, I get out and she gets out of her side. 

"Uh ma'am" I raise an eyebrow at her. 

"Hm?" she asks as if she doesn't know what she just did. 

"Why did you open your own door?" I question and she frowns. 

"What you think just because I'm a girl I can't open my own door?" she mumbles and almost sounds mad. 

I raise an eyebrow at her and pick her up, tossing her top half over my shoulder. 

"Oooh someone's feisty" I smirk, and she pinches my back. 

I laugh and walk inside with her. I carry her upstairs and into my room. I toss her onto my bed, and she laughs. 

Grabbing the remote, I jump onto the bed beside her handing her the remote. She looks at me and I nod. She turns Fast and the Furious on and I smile at her. 

I hum the lyrics to all the songs and the whole time she keeps shushing me. I start humming again and this time I don't hear anything. I look down and realize she's fallen asleep. I pause the movie and turn the tv off. 

I position myself so I'm facing her with my head propped up on my hands. 

God, she looks so peaceful and innocent. How is it that something so innocent in its sleep can be such an ass when it's awake?

She moves closer and snuggles into me. I wrap my arm and around her and push my face into the crook of her neck and finally relax. 

**The next morning***

Adrian's POV : 

I rub my eyes and open them expecting to see Dakota. 

A pillow. That's what I'm cuddling with!

I start frantically looking around the room for her and I don't see her anywhere. 

"Baby?" I yell and she comes out of the bathroom with her hair soaking wet. 

She was in the shower.

"You scared the shit out of me" I mumble, and she walks over to me. 

"I'm sorry for everything last night. I blacked out and I don't remember much of anything" she rambles, and I grab her waist and pull her to me. 

"Hey, shhh it's ok. I was there, and before I was there you took care of those assholes pretty well." she raises an eyebrow and suddenly realization flashes in her face and I almost fear for my life. 

"Those assholes! I was fucking drunk and they- oh lord Adrian I swear to God if I ever see those fuckers again, I'll fucking scalp them!!" she yells, and I grab her hand. 

"It's ok baby, you took care of yourself. I was just back up" I say and pull her into a hug.

"They're lucky I was fucking drunk off my ass" she mumbles into my shoulder and hugs me back. 

"C'mon, I'm making breakfast today" I smile, and she widens her eyes at me. 

"Ok I am not that bad!" I pout out and she laughs at me. 

I grab her hand and practically drag her down the stairs and into the kitchen. I mix all the ingredients for French Toast together in a bowl and start cooking. Once her plate is ready, I sit it in front of her and her eyes widen in amazement. 

"Damnnnn, so you can cook" she praises and accentuates the "can". She stabs her fork into it and tastes it. She moans a little when it touches her tongue and scarfs down the rest of her food. 

Damn that moan...

I take her plate and put it in the sink, and she stands up and walks to the sink to wash her hands and clean up the dishes. We clean the kitchen up together and sit down on the couch. 

After a few minutes she jumps back up and runs into the kitchen. I get worried and follow her only to see her making 2 mugs of hot chocolate. 

She hands me mine and grabs the blankets off the floor, adjusting them so that we can sit comfortably. Once she's satisfied with the way the blankets are laid, she sits her mug down on the coffee table and lays down on the couch and I lay behind her. 

She pulls the blankets over us and plays Home Alone. I lay comfortably behind her and enjoy the peace. 

Sometimes I feel bad that I'm keeping something so important from her but other times I know I'm doing what's best for her. The life I lead is no game to play with and I would never risk her life just for the sake of giving her my last name and the life she deserves. I know she'll figure it out someday, and she'll hate me for lying to her but for now I'm just going to enjoy these moments and hold on to them for as long as I can.

A/N... Hellloooooo my gorgeous and fantastic readers!! Kind of a short chapter here 1075 words. But I did wanna wish (those of you that celebrate ofc) a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I will not be available until after the first week of January so don't wait up for me. Hopefully I can become more consistent!  I also wanna say thank you for sticking with me so far! My wiriting may not have been the best but I appreciate all the feedback and thank you guys so much for staying positive about it! Love ya babes <33

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