The Frat House Party

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Dakota's POV : 

It took us 45 fucking minutes to get from the door of Jay's house to the door of the party house. We had to pull over like 3 times because 2 corner stores didn't have the vodka that she wanted. 

We finally pull up and park beside the driveway. Of course, the music is blaring through the speakers and there are red Solo cups everywhere. We get out and make our way to the door. Once we're in, I lose Jay and am left alone. I make my way to the kitchen with a bottle of vodka that we bought in my hand and pour a shot glass full. 

I grab a lime slice from the bowl on the counter and bite it and down the shot. It burns the back of my throat and warms my whole body. I smile at the feeling and pour another. I grab my shot glass and head up the stairs to find an empty room. I knock before I open the door to the far right of the staircase and when I don't get a response, I open the door. I walk in and close the door behind me and make my way to the bed. Suddenly the door bursts open and 3 football player looking dudes walk in. I sit up on the bed and look at them. 

"Uh excuse you, this room is occupied" I snap at them, and they look between each other before shutting the door and walking towards me. 

"Oh, is it now?" The tallest one asks me and steps closer. He's got to be around 19 years old. He's about 5'9 with black hair. 

"Nah I'm a fucking spirit" I spat at him and next thing I know he's got my wrists pinned against the bed and he's on top of me. 

"Get the fuck off of me!" I scream at him and thrash around trying to get away. His friends stand behind him and laugh at my thrashing. 

"Shut the fuck up! This is my house gorgeous, and since my guest wanted to be rude, she has to make it up to me." He smirks and leans down kissing my neck. 

I take my opportunity and knee him in the crotch. He groans and falls over on the floor. I stand up and his friends look between me and him and their eyes widen. 

"Take your asshole friend and get the fuck out!" I yell at them and to my surprise they run over to him and help him up and run out. I slam the door behind them and sit on the bed. I hold my face in my hands as the flashbacks start flooding through my brain. 

I grab my phone and call the only person I can think of. My body shakes and I grab my still full shot glass from the dresser and down it at all at one time. He answers on the second ring. 

Adrian : "Hey babyyyy"

I sniff and try to control my breathing. 

Adrian : "What's wrong, what happened?" he panics and asks me those questions repeatedly. 

Me: "T-they tried to-" I start crying again as the flashbacks return. 

Adrian: "Text me the address of where you are right now."

Me: Ok. 

I hang up and shakily text him the address. 

Adrian's POV: 

My phone pings with the address. I slow down and pick it up and looks at the address. Fuck. What is she doing there? If those fuckers hurt her, I swear I'll end them. 

I speed up and within about 5 minutes I pull up outside the house. I jump out of my car and run inside. Immediately everyone recognizes me. Holy fuck this has got to be the most crowded party I've ever seen. I spot Jay across the room sitting on some guy's lap. I run over to her. 

"Jay, where's D?" I ask and she looks at me and giggles. She's so drunk she probably doesn't know her own name right now. I leave her to her friends and run upstairs. I open the first door I see, and she jumps and throws her phone at the door. 

"Oh god baby what happened?" I run to her and see she's been crying. Her wrists are red, and I see empty shot glasses around her. 

Fuck she's been drinking. 

I pick her up and sit on the bed, placing her on my lap. She lays her head on my shoulder, and I stroke her hair. We sit like this for a good 15 minutes and when she feels ok, she looks up at me and kisses my cheek. 

"Hi" she mumbles in her cute little baby voice. 

"Hi gorgeous" I smile at her, and she starts kissing all over my face. 

Dakota's POV: 

God he looks so hot. Maybe it's the vodka but damn. 

I lean down and kiss his neck and he groans a little. I giggle and keep kissing him. He grabs my waist and pushes me back. 

"Baby you're drunk" he whispers but I can see the lust pooling in his eyes. 

"Maybe but you're my boyfriend so it's ok" I smirk and kiss him again. 

"It doesn't feel right though" he frowns and looks away from me. 

I move my waist on him, and he groans. 

"It sounds like it feels pretty good if you ask me" I smirk, and he glares over at me. I untie the little strings on his sweatpants and slowly pull them down as he watches my every move. I pull them down and his dick springs out. I rub my thumb over the tip and watch as his whole-body shakes at my touch.  Just as I'm about to take him in my mouth he reaches down and grabs me by my throat. 

"Nuh uh darling. It's my turn" he stands up and pushes me back on the bed. He pushes my dress up and pulls my panties down. He attacks my clit, swirling his tongue and rubbing my thighs with his hands. 

"God this is addicting" he mumbles and pushes his tongue into me. I gasp and grab the sheets. I rock myself against him and he groans. I feel that all too familiar knot forming in my stomach. 

"Fuck I-i'm close" I stutter, and he nods in understanding. He removed his tongue and pushes 2 fingers inside of me causing me to moan and bite my lip. 

My thoughts become blurry, and my thighs shake as I find my release. He replaces his fingers with his mouth and catches all of it. He stands up and kisses me making me taste myself. 

"Still feel drunk?" he asks and smirks at me. 

"Surprisingly, no" I pant out and kiss him. 

A/N : Hiyaaa babesss!! I'm back at it againnnn! 1146 words! Thought y'all deserved it after the crappy chapter I gave last time. What do y'all thinkkk? Don't forget to vote and comment! Love ya babes <33

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