The Party

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After spending 2 hours doing our makeup and hair and then taking it all off and starting again, we finally decided what to do and were ready for Justin's party. I make sure to strap my dagger to my upper thigh before heading out. A girl's gotta have protection.

Dakota's Dress

Jocelyn's Dress

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Jocelyn's Dress

"Damnnnn we look hottt as fuckkkk" Jay said

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"Damnnnn we look hottt as fuckkkk" Jay said.

 "For sure" I confirmed grabbing my phone and snapping a pic of us in the full-length mirror.

 "Oh, I'm so posting that on snapchat" I said while adding the caption "party time!".

  I grab my keys and we get in the car after shutting and locking the front door.

 "So" she asks, "You ready?"

 "Yup" I reply as we start the car and head off to Justin's house.

We arrive and there are already hundreds of cars parked in the driveway and up the road. 

"Holy shit" I mumble while getting out of the car and locking it. It's so loud you can hear the music all the way up the road. We walk down the road since we had to park all the way at the top of it. There are already drunk couples in the front yard making out. I step over them careful not to step on one of the guy's crotch with my heels.

 We step through the threshold and are immediately smacked in the face by the overwhelming smell of alcohol. Pushing through all of the mindless idiots basically having dry sex in the middle of the living room, we make our way to the kitchen and pour ourselves a drink. Mmmm Vodka and Coke, sweet relief. 

"So, this is your idea of a fun night huh?" I basically have to yell over the music.

 "Oh c'mon D it's not that bad" she replies in a not so sure tone. 

3 vodka and coke's later and I'm still bored out of my fucking mind, Jay found some dude to dance with and now they're making out on the kitchen counter. 

 "Fuck this I have to piss" I mumble to myself and head upstairs to look for the bathroom. I look to the left and at the end of the hallway is a door with a sign that says "Restroom". "Oh, that's convenient" I say. Some guy comes stumbling out of the bedroom and bumps into me causing his drink to spill all over my dress.

 "Hey watch it asshole!" I yell. I look up to find those beautiful brown eyes boring into mine. He does a once over, looking me up and down before averting his gaze back to my face and clearing his throat. 

Adrian's POV : 

I walked out of the room I was in while charging my phone and accidentally bump into someone which causes the drink in my hand to spill all over her dress.

 "Hey watch it asshole!" 

She's a good 4 inches shorter than me, which I realized the day I kissed her for forgetting to say goodbye in class. 

I look her up and down taking in her dress and how well her figure fits into it. God, she looks so hot I just want to bend her over and-

 "Hello! Are you just going to stand there with your mouth hanging open or are you going to apologize and get out of my way so I can go piss?" she says, trying to sound intimidating but her slurred speech tells me she's drunk off her ass. 

"How much have you had to drink?" I ask.

 "What's it to ya?" she retorts.

 "You came with your friend, right?" I ask deadpanning. 

"Yeah, but she's had so much to drink she basically fucking some dude on the counter as we speak" she laughs and almost falls over.

 I grab her arm to steady her, and she just looks at me with glassy eyes and a smirk. "What are you looking at?" I ask.

 "Did you know you're really pretty?" 

"Well, yes, yes I did" I smirk, and she laughs a little.

 She stands on her Tippie toes and kisses me. I kiss back until she starts trying to pull my shirt over my head and that's when I remove her hands from me.

 "D, you're drunk" 

"Maybe just a little" she smiles.

 "C'mon, I'll drive you home." 

"Oooo sir, trying to get in my pants so soon, are we?" she laughs and then passes out into my arms. I smile down at her. 

"Dakota, what am I going to do with you?" I think to myself.

 I carry her down the stairs and out to my car, sitting her in the passenger seat and buckling her seatbelt. Then I get in on my side and start the car, putting it in reverse I pull out of the driveway and head to my house. We arrive to my house, and I cut the engine and get out, walking over to her side i open the door and undo her seatbelt. I pick her up bridal style and carry her inside and up the stairs to my room. Opening my door, I walk in and shut it with my foot. I Lay her on the bed and change her into some of my sweats and a t-shirt. 

I lay down next to her and run my hands through her hair.

 "Wow" I think to myself.

 "Is this actually happening? Am I actually lying beside the girl of my dreams?".

 It takes me a while to fall asleep, I'm worried what will happen when she wakes up in the morning. Will she be mad that I didn't take her home? Will she feel unsafe? Will this bring any problems or weirdness between us? I push all those thoughts away and focus on the girl lying beside me, the girl I love, the girl I've loved for 2 years. And with that, I drift off to sleep.

Heyyyyyy, WHOOHOOOO this is my longest chapter yet!! 1051 words!! What do y'all think?? Lmkkk, also don't forget to comment and vote! Show me some love! Love ya babes 

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