The Parking Lot

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Dakota's POV : 

My breath hitches in my throat at the sound. I'm doing this. I'm the reason that beautiful sound escaped his lips. God he's perfect. 

"Don't do that again or I might lose all of the control that I've spent 2 years mastering" he growls in my ear. 

"Do it then" I whisper back and move my hips against the print on his jeans again. 

He groans and I look down at him smirking. Suddenly his hands are off my throat and placed on both sides of my waist pushing me down and swirling my hips in wide circles. 

A slight moan leaves his lips and I smirk at the sound. His eyes meet mine, searching for something, as if he was making sure I was ok with what we were doing. I nod my head and in a split second his hands are off of my waist and unzipping his jeans. 

He adjusts himself so he can push his jeans down slightly. His print is visibly clear in his boxers. He goes to pull the off when I stop him by grabbing both of his hands. He looks at me, something in his eyes I can't exactly place. 

"What?! What happened?! Are you okay?!" he panics. 

I place his hands on either side of him and remove his boxers for him. His cock springs out and my eyes widen at the sight.

I rub my thumb over the tip, and he jerks at my touch. I smirk and begin stroking his long shaft.

"h-holy f-f-fuck" he stutters reaching behind me to grab the steering wheel.

I go down and come back up slowly, allowing him to savor this feeling.

I lean down and take him into my mouth. He watches as I run my tongue over the tip and then begin bobbing my head up and down.  I take as much of him into my mouth as I can, nearly hitting my gag reflex and go back up. I guess he feels my reflex because he groans against me and runs his hands through my hair. 

I graze my teeth along the side of his tip, and he shutters beneath me. His breathing gets shaky, and I know he's close, so I start sucking him off faster. Bobbing my head up and down.

"Fuck D, I'm gonna cum" and with that he pushes himself into my mouth even deeper. I feel him twitch in my mouth and his whole-body jerks as his warm load shoots down my throat. 

I swallow and drag my tongue along his cock, making sure to not leave a single drop behind and kiss his tip before removing him from my mouth completely. 

He situates himself, buttoning his jeans back up before he looks up at me, still breathing shakily with adoration in his eyes. 

"T-that was incredible" he whispers.

"Thank you, my head game is strong then I take it?" I smirk and remove myself from his lap and back into my seat. 

"The strongest" he mumbles and leans into my seat, kissing me. A kiss full of lust and passion. 

I giggle against it realizing I've just given the guy I've liked for a LONG-TIME head, in the driver's seat of his car...In a parking lot.

He must have realized this too because he started laughing with me and we ended up in a fit of laughter. 

He starts the car back up and starts driving, I thought he would take me home, but he pulls into the Chik-Fil-A parking lot and takes the key out before looking at me and smiling.

"Round 2 already?!" I ask jokingly.

"What? No, well that would be fucking awesome, but no come on" he laughs getting out of the car and I do the same. Opening my door and stepping out. 

I look up to see an angry Adrian. 

"What?!" I ask, "Why are you looking at me like that?!" 

"Get back in the car" he demands.

"Uhhh no sir I will not, thanks for the offer though" I laugh and in an instant, he grabs my waist shoving me against the door of the car.

"I said, get back in" he growls. 

When I don't move, he kisses me deeply, and lightly shoves me back inside the car. Closing the door and pressing the lock button on his little remote thing.

"ADRIAN! Open this motherfucking door or I will bust out your fucking windows!" I scream. Adrian just leans against the door humming to himself. 

"Heyyy Adriann" I say in a sing Songy voice and take my knife out. "I'll slice your precious lather seats darling". He looks over at me but doesn't unlock the door.  

Then all of a sudden, he unlocks it and opens the door for me.

 "Ma' lady" he says slightly bowing. 

"Fuck you, you fucking asshole! Why the fuck would you lock me in your god damn car!!" I whisper-shout. 

"Because you opened your own door, when you're with me you never, and I mean NEVER open your own door" he says.

"Seriously dude? You locked me in your car because I opened my own door?" I ask deadpanning.

"Yep! Now c'mon I'm hungry" he grins, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me inside. 

We order our food and as we're waiting for it to come out, I notice that the indoor playgrounds are open, Adrian must have noticed too because he stood up, took my hand and drug me in the door. 

"I used to love these things, then they closed them because of fucking COVID and now you don't even see them anymore" he says.

I look at him with the biggest smile and climb up the stairs to the little slide and slide down. 

I go again and again, and he follows. We walk across the little bridge that shakes way too much and go back to the slide again. 

Once we get tired, we go back out to get our food and sit down to eat. 

I ordered chicken nuggets because Chik-Fil-A's chicken nuggets are the best! And Adrian got the chicken sandwich. 

We eat quietly until Adrian reaches over and takes one of my chicken nuggets. I gasp and throw a fry at him.

Once we're finished, we throw our trash away and get back in the car. 

Today was awesome, I got my first tattoo, gave head in a parking lot, and played like a toddler in a Chik-Fil-A playground. I loved it. 

HIIIIII 1135 words! WOOHOOO I'm so sorry... I was really putting off writing the smut scene, I'm sorry if it's no good. I've never written anything like that lol. Plus I've been soooo busy with work and school and the stress is just too much sometimes. ANYWAYSSS LMKKK what y'all think about this chapter! Thanks for continuing to read Her Dark Romance. Don't forget to vote and comment! Love ya babes <3  

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