The Chivalry

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Dakota's Pov : 

After leaving Adrian's house that night I drove home and tried to get some sleep. I couldn't ignore a strange feeling in my chest. Am I really happy with him? 

Today I'm going to check on my car. It wouldn't start leaving me stranded in the Walmart parking lot, so I called Logan, one of my dad's buddies. 

I pull on my bell bottoms getting sick of all the skinny jeans and grab my cowboy boots. I pull them on and pull my jeans over them, so they're covered. Skinny jeans and boots are a big no no. 

I call and cab and wait for it to arrive. It gets to me after 5 minutes and I get in. He's with my car right now. Apparently, it needs a new fuel pump and we're going to go get one today. My dad is there with him. 

I finally get to the Walmart, and I see Logan's Ford Power stroke parked next to my car and my dad is standing to the side. I pay the driver and step out. I walk up to my car and Logan sees me. He doesn't say much except for giving me a rundown on what's wrong with my piece of crap car. 

I might've liked Logan for a while. He used to work with my dad. They're really good buddies. Which shocks me sometimes because Logan is 18. But then he got a girlfriend and he never came around. From what I've heard they broke up last weekend. She was trying to get with one of his friends and he found out. 

Stupid bitch.

We make eye contact a couple times while he's working. 

After a few minutes he and my dad leave to go get a tool from the house. I sit in my car and wait. 

After about 20 minutes of waiting, they finally get back. Something feels off. Did something happen? Or am I just crazy? Something feels different. 

They get out and get back to work. Occasionally Logan will look up and smile at me and when I look he looks away. 

"You have a code reader?" he asks my dad and he shakes his head. "We need a code reader. The wiring is fucked up" he says looking at my dad.

"We need one, I had one in my truck but I took it out" he says and my dad rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Ok go get one then puto" my dad says and we all laugh.

**Translation : Puto = Bitch***

Logan walks to his truck and I look at my dad.

"Go with him, this pendejo doesn't know anything" he says and I smile and walk over to his truck.

"You coming?" he asks, and I nod. He walks in front of me on the passenger side and at first, I think he wants me to drive but he walks right up to the door and opens it for me. I'm shocked but I climb in, and he closes the door. 

Adrian opens the door for me. What's the big deal with this guy doing it??

At first the ride is quiet but then the conversation starts, and it flows naturally. We talk about his truck and all the work he's done to it. 

"You know, you're only the second girl to ride in here." he says and looks at me. 

I look back at him and Immediately I think he's referring to his ex as the first. 

"Gee, thanks" I say and laugh. 

He looks at me with a smile. 

"I only let my sister ride in here." 

"Oh" I mumble and nod my head. Once we got to the store, I open my door and get out. He walks ahead of me and opens the door to the store, letting me in first. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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