Morning Bliss

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After watching Hocus Pocus 1 & 2, eating all the popcorn in the house AND having 2 hot and steamy make out sessions, Adrian fell asleep on my thigh and it's quite literally 7:30 AM. And God does this boy look hot in his sleep.

His normal cold and stern mask is gone and he's just... peaceful. I smile to myself and run my hands through his hair. I know we're besties, but something somewhere inside me loves him. His dorky little smile, his dark jokes, the way he understands when just say "k" and he knows something is up.  

But I mean, who am I kidding, this is Adrian. The most badass kid in the school. It's crazy to think he would ever really go for me. 

But who's thigh is his face on right now you dumbass.

"Adrian, Adrian come on we have to get ready for school" I whisper and poke his cheek, then I suddenly remember I have no clothes again. I groan and nudge him some more.

"Adrian Black if you don't wake your ass up right now and get your face away from my crotch, I swear I will- oh god" I gasp as he starts kissing up my thigh.

"You will, what?" he whispers in his husky morning voice still kissing and sucking on my thigh. 

"Adrian oh fuck" I gasp as heat rushes to my core. He slips his hand into my leggings and moves my panties aside. He drags his finger along my cunt, coating his finger in my arousal. 

He pulls his hand out of my leggings, and I whine at the sudden loss of contact. He stares into my eyes; lust filling the room and slides his finger into his mouth tasting my juices. He groans and leans down to my level on the couch. 

"God, you taste so good" he growls and grabs my throat and kisses me roughly. 

"Maybe I should taste it from the source" he whispers in my ear. I shudder at his words, and he smirks.

"Or maybe later. We'll be late remember D?" He shoots me a smirk and gets up off the couch, walking up the stairs to his room. 

I glare daggers into his back. That fucker just teased me and left me high and dry. I hate men.

I groan and get up off the couch following him to his room. Without sparing him a glance I walk straight to his closet and pull out a Cannibal Corpse t-shirt and one of his hoodies. I take the clothes and storm out of the room.

Entering his cousin's room, I throw the clothes on the bed and slide my leggings off. The fabric making contact with my inner thigh making me gasp. I throw the leggings on the floor and consider touching myself. 

It wouldn't be exactly decent since I'm in someone else's house, but I mean... He teased me on the living room couch so it's his fault. 

I reach down in between my legs and begin rubbing slow circles on the fabric over my clit. I gasp and apply more pressure with my hand. 

I rub faster circles and move down to my entrance. I move my panties to the side and drag my arousal along my folds. 

In that instant Adrian walks in the room. I quickly move my hand and look up at him. 

"What the fuck dude? Haven't you heard of knocking?!" I yell wiping my hand on my leggings. 

"What were you doing D?" He questions with a smirk that really made me want to slap him silly. 

"Nothing!" I panic and stand up my legs slightly shaking from my denied orgasm. 

"Hm, darling it seems to me you were touching yourself; do I turn you on so much that you couldn't wait a couple hours?" He smirks at me, and I roll my eyes. 

"You are so full of it you know that?" I growl at him.

Within milliseconds he grabs my throat and pulls me closer to him. 

"Ooh someone has an attitude; I might be able to fix that" he whispers and slips his hand into my panties. He rubs circles on my clit earning a low moan from me. He lightly pushes me onto the bed and kneels in front of me. I spread my legs, and he pulls my panties off. 

Throwing them on the floor he attacks my clit, sucking and biting the skin.

He pulls away for a moment and looks at me all sprawled out, nearly begging for him to fuck me.

 I moan loud as I can feel the familiar knot in my stomach. He moves down to my entrance and thrusts his tongue in earning another moan from me as my hands tangle into his hair. 

"G-god Adrian I'm s-so close" I moan out and suddenly realize I am a panting mess. 

I reach down pulling his head closer to me if that was even possible. He grabs my hands and stands up earning a loud whine from me. 

He positions himself in between my thighs and lays so our noses nearly touch. 

"Be mine" he suddenly whispers and leans down to kiss my neck. 

"I want you, all of you, I want to be the one you trust and love. I want to be the one that busts all of those assholes in the mouth for even looking at you" he says and looks into my eyes.

"Please, I know it's too soon, but I can't-" I cut him off by kissing him.

"Yes" I whisper and pull him into another kiss. 

His eyes widen and he smirks again. 

"Now, back to business" he mumbles and kneels in front of me again attacking me already overly sensitive clit with his warm tongue. 

My breath hitches in my throat and I can't think straight as I release all over his face. 

"God, oh god" I whisper still unable to form a full sentence and he lightly licks my cunt allowing me to ride out my high. 

After licking me clean of all my juices, Adrian stands up and grabs a towel from the bathroom, wiping my thighs and legs clean. 

I shudder as the fabric from the towel brushes against my sensitive clit. 

"We are so late, but I could care less. Do you want to shower before we go?" he asks me, and I nod my head. 

"Ok go ahead I'll wait out here" he says and kisses my forehead. 

I stand up and walk to the bathroom, pulling my sweater over my head and unclipping my bra while I wait for the water to warm up. Once it's warm I step in and quickly wash my body since I don't have the energy to wash my hair. I stand in the warm water for a few minutes letting it relax my muscles.

I turn the water off and step out grabbing the towel so I can dry off and get dressed. I walk out into the room in my towel and see Adrian sitting on the bed like last time. I was about to grab my clothes and go into the bathroom to get dressed but since he's already seen everything, I drop the towel and get dressed. 

As soon as the towel touches the ground, I hear Adrian groan and move around on the bed. I slip his shirt over my head and adjust it on my body. Suddenly I feel two strong hands grab my waist and spin me around. 

"God, I can't control myself around you" he whispers in my ear, and I giggle and grab the jeans out of the closet pulling them on and slipping my shoes on. I grab Adrian's hoodie that I stole and grab my phone off of the dresser. 

"You ready?" I ask him and he scans my outfit up and down. 

"Yeah, and keep the hoodie, it looks so much hotter on you than it does on me" he says with a smirk and kisses me.

"Well, I don't know about that, but I'll gladly keep it, so that all those asshats at school know you're mine" I say, referring to all the fuck me eyes he gets in the hallway. 

Hii guyss! So, I know it's kind of late, but I wanted to give you guys something before I leave for a week and a half! I won't be able to update next week unless I find some time between work. Anywhoooo, what do you think about this chapter. 1416 words I think that's my longest yet! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love ya babes!! <33

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