The Strip Club Nightmare

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**3 days after their sleepover***

Dakota's POV : 

I grab my mascara and apply some on my eyes. Today I'm hanging out with Jay. We're going to go see a movie and then get some food. Just have a girl's day!

I finish up my makeup and check my outfit in the mirror. It's nothing too fancy, just some black jeans with my Cannibal Corpse t-shirt, leather jacket and black boots. 

I grab my phone, keys and wallet off the dresser and make sure my knife is securely tucked behind my shirt on my waist as I hear her obnoxious honking from my driveway. 

"Okay! I'm coming God dammit!!" I scream knowing damn good and well she can't hear me.

I run down the stairs and out my front door, slamming it behind me. Jay jumps out of the drivers seat and runs to me and bear hugs me. 

"Ready to go have some fun?" she asks and throws her hands in the air.

I shrug. 

"Yeah, anything to get out of this house" I look back at my door and roll my eyes. 

Jay grabs my hand and drags me to the passenger door. I open the door and get in at the same time that she gets in the driver's seat. 

"Let's go!" she screams and pulls out of my driveway. 

**15 minutes later****

"JAY WHAT IS THIS?!" I scream at her. 

We finally pulled up to our destination and it's a ... Strip club?!?!

CLUB FAUX is in bright neon pink letters in the very front of the building. 

I facepalm and look over at Jay to see her smiling from ear to ear. 

"You do realize I have a boyfriend, right?" I ask her and she nods. 

"And you realize that if he sees me here, I'm dead right?" I question and she giggles and gets out of the car. She comes over to my side and opens my door, grabbing my arm and pulling me out. 

"C'mon you big crybaby. Loosen up. Have some fun. Honestly, if he sees you here then you need to confront him about that because what the fuck is he doing at a strip club. At least you have an excuse. Say I dragged you here." She tells me and drags me inside. 

She shows the bouncer her V.I.P passes, and we take our seats. 

I sit beside Jay as a skimpily dressed dancer approaches her and starts giving her a lap dance. I remove my gaze from their dry sex and look across the room and stare into space. 

I stand up and walk towards the bar. Hell, if we can get in here then I better be able to get a decent drink. 

I reach the bar and order my round of shots. The bartender passes me my glasses and I throw one back. I sit the glass on the counter and sit on one of the stools when suddenly I feel a hand on my lower back. I jump and instinctively swing at the unknown person, but they catch my hand and hold them at my sides. 

The person finally comes into my view, and everything starts to go dark. 

Adrian's POV: 

"I don't care what you have to do, kill them!!" I yell into his face. 

Damn I miss my baby right now. These people are getting on my fucking nerves. Our men are disappearing by handfuls, and we have no idea where they're going or who is taking them. So here I am, in the middle of a fucking strip club trying to figure out what's going on. 

I run my hands through my now extremely messy hair as something catches my attention. I look over to the bar to see a girl. She looks exactly like D, and there's some guy standing behind her. She tried to swing at him, but he caught it. She turns around facing my direction and I see her. It's Dakota. I watch as she faints into his arms. 

He drugged her! My blood starts to boil, and all logical thinking is gone. I jump out of my seat and in seconds I'm behind him with my gun pressed into his lower back. 

"If you're smart and want to live to see the light of day again you'll follow my every fucking direction." I spat at him, and he freezes. He turns around to face me and now the gun is pointed at his stomach. 

"Nice to see you again Adrian. Boss wants you to take this as a warning. He is coming for you, and he will get his revenge." he mumbles out almost like a robot. 

I snatch Dakota from his grasp and smash him in the head with my gun causing him to pass out. I pick her up bridal style and carry her out the back of the club where my car is parked. 

I lay her in the backseat and climb in the driver's seat and drive back to my house. 

Once we arrive, I take D out of the car and carry her inside. Shutting the doors with my feet as I go. I carry her upstairs and lay her on my bed. I take her shoes off and sit on the edge of the bed at her feet. 

I exhale and hold my head in my hands. I don't really know what she was doing there, and I don't really care. I just want her to be ok. I always knew I'd cause problems for her. She's going to have so many questions when she wakes up and I'm going to answer every single one of them. She might hate me for lying to her but what was I really trying to do? 

I was trying to keep her safe. And I failed at that!


Hellooooo my loveliesss!!! I have returned!! Things are starting to get very dark very fast! So much to take in from such a short chapter. Only 990 words! Once again, I am trying to become more consistent but being a junior in high school is fucking exhausting! I really do love you guys and appreciate all your support so far. Don't forget to vote and comment! Love ya babes <333

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