Did He Undress Me?

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Dakota's POV : 

Bright sunlight bleeds through my eyelids causing me to stir a bit and open my eyes. Immediately all the events of last night flood my memory causing me to finally acknowledge the mind splitting headache that is now at the forefront of my mind. 

I quickly realize I'm not in my room and begin to panic a bit, the last thing i remember was talking with...oh my god...him. I look to my side and there he is, sleeping peacefully with his arm draped over my abdomen. How did I not notice this before?

Because you're a dumbass with a massive shitty hangover

Oh great thanks a lot. 

I look under the covers at my outfit. This sure as hell isn't my dress...Wait, did he undress me. We didn't?... Omg.  

I slowly start to move from under his arm which causes him to stir a bit and flutter his eyes open, shit.  

"Good morning sleepyhead"  

"Good morning?" I reply. We sit in silence for a minute until I finally break it. "Sooooo..." I say looking down at my clothes after removing the blanket from myself. 

"Nope, I swear we didn't do anything, you were drunk off your ass and passed out in my arms so I brought you here and changed you out of that dress so you would be more comfortable". He said while staring at me intensely, as if he was preparing himself for my reaction. 

"Oh...o-ok" I mumble and look away trying to hide my blush from his intense gaze. 

He can see it anyways you dumbfuck, you look like a fucking cherry.

Aren't you supposed to be on my side here?

Looking at my party dress on the dresser, I finally realize that school is starting in an hour and there is no way in hell I'm wearing THAT to school. I look over at the still half-asleep boy next to me mid panic.

"Uhhhh, would you mind driving me to my place, I literally have nothing to we- wait... WHERE'S MY CAR?!" I ask once I realize I could drive myself.

"Uh, funny thing about that" he says rubbing his neck "It might still be at Justin's house?"

"Great, so now I have no car, no way of getting home to change, and no way of getting to school, and I sure as fuck am not going to walk, guess I'll just hang here."

"Nuh uh, c'mon" he says leading me to another bedroom. 

"My cousin stays here when she comes to visit, look through her closet and see if there's anything in there you want to wear. I'll bring you one of my t-shirts since I doubt you'll be wearing any of the ones she has, the bathroom is there so you can shower and do whatever else girls do before school." He says smiling and walking back to his bedroom.

I look through all the clothes settling on some back ripped jeans and Converse. His cousin and I are the exact same size. Leaving them on the bed I head to the bathroom to shower and get all this fucking makeup off from last night. After showering, washing my face, and finally feeling clean again, I wrap the towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom back into the room.

"Holy fucking Christ!" I yell nearly dropping my towel when I see him sitting on the bed on his phone. Why is he in here? 

"What are you doing in here?" I ask, almost losing it. 

He looks up at me, mischief covering his face. "Oh, I just came in here to give you this shirt but..." he trails off looking me up and down as I realize the towel only barely covers the top of my thighs.

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