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After getting dressed and finally getting in the car we made it to school and the very first person I see when I step out is Jay. Adrian grabs my hand and we walk toward her. Once we reach her she looks at our connected hands and smirks. She then holds her arms out and I hug her. Adrian bends down slightly and whispers in my ear. 

"I'm gonna be late for class, I'll see you later babes" he mumbles and kisses my cheek then walks off heading to class. 

I smile after him and when I look back at Jay, she's got the weirdest expression.

"What?!" I ask making a funny face. 

"You totally fucked him!" she nearly screams and does a happy dance.

" I DID NOT!" I whisper-yell at her and look around to see if anyone heard. 

Once I was sure no one was looking I smack Jay in the head and walk off shaking my head laughing. 

After reaching my classes and grabbing my books from under the desk the teacher walks in and begins giving the lesson for today. I quickly finish my worksheet and walk to the front of the class to place it on the teacher's desk and ask if I can go to the restroom. After receiving a yes, I walk back to my desk for my bag but before I'm able to I hear the teacher speak up.

"Ms. Dakota, why are you taking your bag with you?" he asks while tilting his head down looking at me from his glasses. 

Right, this isn't 2023, we don't know why girls take their bags to the bathroom even though that's not why I'm taking it.

"Uhhh, well sir... " I pause hoping he'll catch on, but he obviously doesn't.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave it in the classroom" he says in the most asshole voice ever. 

"Uh sorry but no" I say and walk out of the classroom and head to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and throw my bag on the floor. I lean my back against the stall and slide down to the ground. I bring my knees up to my chest and just sit there staring at the floor wanting to cry but not having the energy. I sit there staring into nothingness until my phone rings in my bag. I let it ring for a few minutes but when it doesn't stop, I pull it out and see Adrian's name on my screen. 

I ponder for a second on whether I should answer or not but then I realize something could be wrong, so I swipe to the right and answer the call. 


Goddamn this teacher gets on my nerves. I'm in Biology and this fucking teacher talks like he's high on acid or some shit. How the fuck are we supposed to obtain any information when the fucker can barely talk straight?

Frustrated I stand up to throw my gum wrapper in the trash and when I approach the trash can I look out the window on the classroom door and see Dakota standing in the doorway of her classroom. She seems to be arguing with someone. 

Oh, shit who pissed her off now?

Suddenly she turns around and storms out of the classroom headed towards the bathrooms. Initially my first thought was. 

"Oh, maybe it's that time of the month again" but after a few minutes and she didn't come out I decided I'd go check on her. 

I walk out of the classroom not bothering to ask permission and down the hall to the restrooms. I hear a loud noise which I'm guessing was from Dakota throwing her bag somewhere. I sit outside and listen for a few minutes. 

She's been acting... odd lately.

Yeah, no shit sherlock.

After a few minutes of silence, I decide to call her since I can't respectfully enter the women's restroom. I hear her phone ring from inside the restroom, but she doesn't answer immediately. i hear some movement and finally she answers. 

"Hi Adrian" she mumbles into the phone. 

"Hey shortcake, where are you?" I ask.

"Uh, in the restroom, why?" she asks confused. 

"Oh, I don't know, I was wondering if you wanted to ditch this place and go somewhere else?" I ask and hear more movement inside the restroom. 

"Uh, yeah sure let me just-" the line goes quiet, and I hear something fall.

"Dakota?" I say into the phone. 

No answer

"Very funny D, come on stop playing."

Still no answer, now I'm worried what the fuck??

I call her one more time and there's still no answer, so I run into the women's restroom and see her laid on the ground in front of the stall unconscious. I run over to her and kneel beside her. 

"D? Come one please wake up baby" I cry and lift her head into my arms. 

"Come on wake up baby" I turn her head and see blood trickling into her hair. I immediately grab my phone and call the nurse. She calls the 911 and within minutes they are lifting her from the bathroom floor onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. I climb in behind her with jay on my heels. 

"Come on D you have to be ok" I cry into her neck.

YES I KNOW...SHORT CHAPTER!  I wanted to give you guys something...we had a family emergency today but I wanted to get this out to you...hope you guys like it... Love ya babes <33

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